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Teenager Thunberg angrily tells U.N. climate summit 'you have stolen my dreams'

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2 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:

that is the point. No baseline, no change. And the baseline we are now coming to realize is a fraud. Ice cores or not. Becasue the Ice core data doesnt support the model, it never did. It was a fraud from the get go.

Anyone who's been doing computer modelling involving timeframes, especially in the financial sector, knows it gets optimized for whatever input and output it's fed. Hence 'Past performance is not a guarantee of future results'. Anything you leave out, say like solar activity, geothermic changes, changes in the planetary positions, etc will then throw the output off when applied in the real world. In finance this results in you losing your shirt. In climate studies it results in a religion.

Just now, spidermike007 said:

The planet is so vast, we can pollute the ocean with an unlimited amount of plastic, oil, and waste, and it will never make a difference. We can spew an unlimited amount of pollution and toxic gases into the atmosphere, and nothing will ever change. We are not responsible for any harm, of any kind, on any level. Right? 

What does pollution have to do with CO2 claims? It's oranges and apples.

  • Sad 1
3 hours ago, Saint Nick said:

And how is that?

We already are seeing migration, away from countries and regions, that don't offer enough opportunities to the people living there!

What do you think will happen, when the last well dries up, due to even longer and more devastating droughts?

The people from those regions will not just sit there and wait for death!

The right is already screaming bloody murder about the "waves of immigrants", coming into Europe or the US!

What do you think the future holds in that regard?

why would droughts be even longer etc ?

i think technology & economic growth

will be better able to provide aid to those in need,

but i also think parts of africa is overpopulated,

it cant support growing population locally,

let nature run its course

1 minute ago, DrTuner said:

Anyone who's been doing computer modelling involving timeframes, especially in the financial sector, knows it gets optimized for whatever input and output it's fed. Hence 'Past performance is not a guarantee of future results'. Anything you  out, say like solar activity, geothermic changes, changes in the planetary positions, etc will then throw the output off when applied in the real world. In finance this results in you losing your shirt. In climate studies it results in a religion.

All argued and considered by the leading scientists of the world by both nasa and un. 


They agreed the science is settled so they dont agree with u.

3 minutes ago, Sujo said:

All argued and considered by the leading scientists of the world by both nasa and un. 


They agreed the science is settled so they dont agree with u.

There's a crucial difference: I don't get my salary from such research.


An old Finnish saying: Who's bread you eat, his songs you sing.

  • Thanks 1
1 minute ago, Nyezhov said:

and again dude, one does not follow the other. You arent being logical. What point are you trying to make? The constitution itself allows for amendment, so what? Thats part of its greatness?

You sound like one of those religious zealots that consider the bible or koran as the biggest and best ever and cannot be questioned.


If the constitution was so great it wouldnt need amending.

3 minutes ago, DrTuner said:

There's a curcial difference: I don't get my salary from such research.


An old Finnish saying: Who's bread you eat, his songs you sing.

There are scientists like me who don't get a cent in funding, and can work it out for themselves.

  • Haha 1
1 minute ago, spidermike007 said:

Just keep your head in the sand. Nothing ever changes, right? Never the fault of man. The planet is so vast, we can pollute the ocean with an unlimited amount of plastic, oil, and waste, and it will never make a difference. We can spew an unlimited amount of pollution and toxic gases into the atmosphere, and nothing will ever change. We are not responsible for any harm, of any kind, on any level. Right? 


At least that is what big industry, morally bankrupt and irresponsible leaders, and their super corrupt lobbyists say. Why not believe them? 

Dude every time certain subjects come up you start ranting with your slogans which alwys include such phrases as "morally bankupt", "irresponsible leaders", "corrupt lobbyists", etc. Like is that your response to pointing out that your chosen crisis designed to impose fascist rule on the world is based on a fraud? Just shout louder and divert attention to other alleged problems that have nothing to do with ths ubject matter at hand?


Why dont you ecofascists be honest and admit that the only way to keep the planet clean is to kill vast numbers of people. Where do you want to start? India? Lots of cow farts, open burning, rubbish dumping and outside pooping.


No wait, the best way to save the planet is to destroy the American lifestyle and transfer that excess wealth to the poor indigenes of some island somewhere....yes that will work.


I watched the Day After Tomorrow last night. Love where people freeze on the spot because global warming caused the currents to flip. I remember when we had one year to prevent that.


Ecofascism..another life hating ideology.

  • Like 1
2 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

There are scientists like me who don't get a cent in funding, and can work it out for themselves.

Then you tell us about the Michael Mann data. You are a fair guy who prides himself on scientific ethics, arent you?

2 hours ago, puck2 said:

I think you and a lot of other TV members have to go to school to learn about the climate (change).

She is educated more than all who bear a grudge against her - for whatever reason. To repeat things parrot-fashion - as learnt from LOTUS Trump - doesn't solve the problem, but says a lot about the IQ.


BTW, I trust the scientists "a little bit more" than climate changing deniers.


dude, real scientists dont buy into the global change scam,

altho they are encouraged to it and often against their will

listed as if they were.

watch at 1 hour


10 minutes ago, DrTuner said:

Anyone who's been doing computer modelling involving timeframes, especially in the financial sector, knows it gets optimized for whatever input and output it's fed. Hence 'Past performance is not a guarantee of future results'. Anything you leave out, say like solar activity, geothermic changes, changes in the planetary positions, etc will then throw the output off when applied in the real world. In finance this results in you losing your shirt. In climate studies it results in a religion.

Financial modelling is run by people with a vested interest in optimized returns. Climate modelling is run by scientists who are subject to peer review, and by nature are highly conservative in their assumptions.

If you are suggesting a global conspiracy of scientists to their own benefit, let me suggest there is more financial and political benefit to be accrued from denialism.

  • Thanks 1
8 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

If you are suggesting a global conspiracy of scientists to their own benefit, let me suggest there is more financial and political benefit to be accrued from denialism.

That depends on how you look at it. Oil Company shareholder are going to do well no matter what, because absent the return of the dark ages, folks are alwys gonna need energy and the oil companies got their fingers in many pies.


Climate scientists on the other hand? Todays Dr. Drone at Penn State is tomorrows millionaire hero, neh? Ask Al Gore how profitable it can be, along with all the alternative energy crony capitalists that feed off of scaring folks.


Tell me how much the globe has warmed since 1799, and whats the source of the data?

  • Like 1
8 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:

Then you tell us about the Michael Mann data. You are a fair guy who prides himself on scientific ethics, arent you?

Are we reading the same stuff? As far as I can make out, Michael Mann is a Professor of Atmospheric Physics whose models predict global warming. Although oceanology and thermodynamics are probably more significant. All his publications seem to be from their titles polemics against denialism. What is your point?

Just so you know, there are two major sins in the science field. The first is falsification of data. The second is plagiarism.

  • Thanks 1
7 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:

Michael Mann.

Michael Mann on Greta Thunberg:




"Greta Thunberg has, in the space of a year, shown more leadership potential than the President has in his entire life. She has united her generation and turned her lone school strike for climate first into a movement—"Fridays For Future"—and now into a global protest 4 million souls strong. While the President remains content to be reduced to a sniveling online troll, Greta has taken to the streets and organized for political action. Who exactly is the child here?"





  • Thanks 2
  • Haha 1
4 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

Are we reading the same stuff? As far as I can make out, Michael Mann is a Professor of Atmospheric Physics whose models predict global warming. Although oceanology and thermodynamics are probably more significant. All his publications seem to be from their titles polemics against denialism. What is your point?

Just so you know, there are two major sins in the science field. The first is falsification of data. The second is plagiarism.

The hockey stick guy. The fraudulent hockey stick. The Big Daddy of them All.


Hey you are a scientis, can you explain this for me?


58 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

Correct me if I am wrong, but I do believe the sarcasm was started by you.

...ahm...yeah...well...I still don't get it!

Anyways: have a good day!

3 minutes ago, DannyCarlton said:

Michael Mann on Greta Thunberg:




"Greta Thunberg has, in the space of a year, shown more leadership potential than the President has in his entire life. She has united her generation and turned her lone school strike for climate first into a movement—"Fridays For Future"—and now into a global protest 4 million souls strong. While the President remains content to be reduced to a sniveling online troll, Greta has taken to the streets and organized for political action. Who exactly is the child here?"




MichaelEMann.html 601.84 kB · 1 download

Wow. Compelling. A known fraud praising a poor disbled child used as a shill by ecofascists. Who would have thunk it. Convinced me you did.


Hey how come there are more critters in the jungle that in the Arctic?

  • Like 1
46 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

Sorry to burst your bubble of defensive ignorance, but 800,000 year old ice samples do not tell lies. Politicians do. 


Deny the science, the data and the evidence all you want. It does not change the natural world one iota. 

yes, slow down now and lets really talk about what the ice samples really say, watch at 21.50


1 minute ago, Nyezhov said:

That depends on how you look at it. Oil Company shareholder are going to do well no matter what, because absent the return of the dark ages, folks are alwys gonna need energy and the oil companies got their fingers in many pies.


Climate scientists on the other hand? Todays Dr. Drone at Penn State is tomorrows millionaire hero, neh? Ask Al Gore how profitable it can be, along with all the alternative energy crony capitalists that feed off of scaring folks.


Tell me how much the globe has warmed since 1799, and whats the source of the data?

About 1.5 degrees and accelerating. Although that's from 1990, not 1799. Source US EPA.

Oil is not the only fossil fuel. Coal and natural gas.

I agree folks will always need energy. It's how we get it that's important. Solar and wind don't add heat or carbon dioxide, fossil fuels do.

It's heat absorbed by the oceans that is going to change the world if we don't wean ourselves off fossil fuels. Hurricane Dorian will look like a tea party compared to what is coming. Bye bye Florida Keys.

  • Like 1
5 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:

Wow. Compelling. A known fraud praising a poor disbled child used as a shill by ecofascists. Who would have thunk it. Convinced me you did.


Hey how come there are more critters in the jungle that in the Arctic?

You quoted Micheal Mann's work. So, now you don't like what he say's, he's a fraud?

  • Confused 2
4 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:

Wow. Compelling. A known fraud praising a poor disbled child used as a shill by ecofascists. Who would have thunk it. Convinced me you did.


Hey how come there are more critters in the jungle that in the Arctic?

Disabled? She's probably got an IQ that exceeds yours by at least 20 points. Read her test scores.

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41 minutes ago, brokenbone said:

why would droughts be even longer etc ?

i think technology & economic growth

will be better able to provide aid to those in need,

but i also think parts of africa is overpopulated,

it cant support growing population locally,

let nature run its course

Well...if you would even spend a few minutes on the actual climate science, you might know, why droughts might get longer etc!

  • Like 1
39 minutes ago, DannyCarlton said:

The ice core samples do correlate the model. Who told you they didn't? Donny Dickwad?

no, the ice core data contradicts the 'global change'  theory

watch 21.30 onwards


39 minutes ago, Sujo said:

ALL evidence was considered. Are u suggesting that over 1000 of the worlds leading scientists requsted by UN and nasa to study all the findings of others were swayed?

those exact scientists are suggesting they are being swayed/added to the list against their will,

watch at 1 hour


  • Thanks 1
12 hours ago, DannyCarlton said:

Michael Mann on Greta Thunberg:




"Greta Thunberg has, in the space of a year, shown more leadership potential than the President has in his entire life. She has united her generation and turned her lone school strike for climate first into a movement—"Fridays For Future"—and now into a global protest 4 million souls strong. While the President remains content to be reduced to a sniveling online troll, Greta has taken to the streets and organized for political action. Who exactly is the child here?"




MichaelEMann.html 601.84 kB · 1 download

The previous generation's kids were all jumping up and down and singing and shouting about @narchy and God saving the Queen  , just a passing youth movement until they grow up .

   The Queen is still here and @narchy didnt materialise

  • Like 1
14 minutes ago, DannyCarlton said:

You quoted Micheal Mann's work. So, now you don't like what he say's, he's a fraud?

I think he is saying on the basis of a statistical sample of one, all scientists with an opinion on climate science are frauds. As opposed to Republican politicians, who always speak the truth.

  • Like 2
25 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

Disabled? She's probably got an IQ that exceeds yours by at least 20 points. Read her test scores.

Silly goose, I have no test scores, there is no chart high enough. I thought she was a disabled girl, thats why you cant critisize her. 

  • Haha 1
9 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

I think he is saying on the basis of a statistical sample of one, all scientists with an opinion on climate science are frauds. As opposed to Republican politicians, who always speak the truth.

No, he saying that the data upon which all climate models are based is fraudulent. Again, whats that temperature rise again?

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