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Expats' relationships: 50% say it's true love but only one in 7 gets anywhere near to daily sex!


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    50 % experience true love? Is paying all bills and supporting the extended family considered true love, or a "convenient relationship"?


Who in their right mind would sincerely talk about his, or her sex life?


   You can't generalize all foreigners from 20 to 80, of course does a 20 year old have more often sex than a 78 year old. 


   With other words, you can do a research and come up with any numbers you want. None of these numbers show the truth, or reality. 


   My wife told me that "she loves me " a little bit", but that for a long time." Is that considered "true love?" 


   Where are the 50 % of people who experience "true love"? I don't know relationships where love plays a huge role. And I'm being honest. 



Edited by Isaanbiker
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19 hours ago, webfact said:

A quarter of people claimed that having a mistress was about companionship not sex. 

? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Companionship outside of the missus and marriage is a ride out on motorcycles with the boys - your mates.

Who the hell wants a mistress for companionship?

Some weird people about... call me old fashioned, but....

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18 hours ago, leeneeds said:

In 11 years my wife has never said no , 

when she was pregnant with or daughter at the very late stage she was told by a thai doctor not to have sex, so her words to me were " you can go have sex with bar girl but you can not have a girlfriend"

I declined the offer and waited, for the right time to resume sex with her, still the sex is good.

Had coffee with an acquaintance recently. He is still shaking his head after my Love said if I wanted to go to another girl for sex it would be OK because she is not jealous and wants me to be happy! 555 Of course, she has reason to think she takes good care of me, I am older and 2-3 times a week with her is quite sufficient.

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Meaningless survey indeed, just to spice the day when nothing else happens in the Ban.

What I’d like to see is a survey about how many foreign husbands (farangs?) get fleeced by their Thai wife and then thrown out, usually for another ATM. 

It could give us a good insight about Thai women honesty in Love (with an L ????)

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"In the under thirties only 8% thought a Mia Noi was acceptable."


Frightening numbers, to say the least. Hard to imagine people treating their spouses like this. And no, they're not ok with it, no matter what you're trying to convince yourself of.

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19 hours ago, Isaanbiker said:

1. I don't know one foreigner/Thai couple who are happily married after some years. But I know a lot who constantly fight over things that aren't worth it. 

You need to get out more.

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1 hour ago, wwest5829 said:

Had coffee with an acquaintance recently. He is still shaking his head after my Love said if I wanted to go to another girl for sex it would be OK because she is not jealous and wants me to be happy! 555 Of course, she has reason to think she takes good care of me, I am older and 2-3 times a week with her is quite sufficient.

Had the same conversation with my wife. She set ground rules for my dalliances.


1. Always be in your own bed (with her) at night. No problem with that.


2. No cunnilingus. Err...yes dear.


3. Always use a condom. Yikes! Err....yes dear.


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3 hours ago, Thingamabob said:

What has sex got to do with it ? Many couples, particularly as they reach old age, don't have sex but are very happy together. A rather immature question I have to say.

I've always thought it was the old women (40+) that don't want sex any more, and the men reluctantly go along with it because they can see no way out without losing their home, pension, children and savings.

I guess their are a few old men with medical problems who don't want to do it any more, but any man still fit and healthy wants sex now and again, no matter what his age.

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3 hours ago, car720 said:

It is sad.  What is sadder is that you don't realize that in one way or another all men pay for sex. Prostitution is the oldest profession in the world and it was not started by men.

I pay for sex in no way. Haven't since I got married.

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1 hour ago, DannyCarlton said:

Had the same conversation with my wife. She set ground rules for my dalliances.


1. Always be in your own bed (with her) at night. No problem with that.


2. No cunnilingus. Err...yes dear.


3. Always use a condom. Yikes! Err....yes dear.


Interesting. She is totally fine with you doing this?

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22 hours ago, worgeordie said:

When I first arrived I was having sex 3-4 times a day   , that must have

eaten into your budget ,spending more on sex ,than food.

regards worgeordie

Might have been so-called "long time" agreements, which often works like a buffet-meal: eat as much as you can...????

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