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Prince Harry demands end to 'greed and selfishness', for nature's sake


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1 hour ago, TopDeadSenter said:

I will ignore your personal attack. Not the first one you have made btw.


 Let me clarify why I say Harry and Meg have "quite possibly the highest carbon footprint of any couple on this planet".

 Frequent flying on private jets is just about the worst thing an eco-conscious couple can do. It is hugely wasteful. They live in mansions requiring large amounts of energy to heat and maintain. They have untold numbers of servants catering for their every whim. In the UK they travel by helicopter, or by convoy of large engined gas guzzling vehicles. These activities all cause the release of CO2, which is what the liberals allege is causing global warming or climate change. I think you will be getting the point I am trying to make here....

 Now what I would say, is it is very possible that in the 3rd world somewhere there are people burning vast amounts of trash on a daily basis. Doubtful but possible. This person might cause the release of more carbon dioxide from their activities than Harry, but then this person is not jetting around the world ordering others how to live their lives. I have no problem with anybody jetting around or driving Hummers, yet if they tell normal people that cause one thousandth of their harmful emissions release how to behave, well then yes I do have a problem with their hypocrisy. 

I think Harry would be better served by living by example,such as living in the forest(primitive life) aka Robin Hood

Edited by riclag
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41 minutes ago, JamesBlond said:

I might agree if they were all <deleted> and wastrels and sat around doing nothing but sip champagne out of top hats - but they work, providing important diplomatic, ceremonial, and charitable functions. 


edit: can't even say "*rses" now? How sensitive the world is getting.

Well i would not mind a "job" like his ,being flown around the world ,having heads of state fawn over me and live in a castle with as much money as i need . if thats "work" wish i had his "job"

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It is not that easy. Yes it is true, he, like his whole class, disproportionately pollutes the ecosystem. But that is no reason to ignore his opinion or to ask him to renounce his wealth. The problem that he addresses would be unchanged.  The destruction of the environment by poverty or any other cause should not be tolerated. 

However, his position makes him outstanding and therefore it is useful that he points to the problem. It has more effect than John Do would have. 
it is a chain of causes. Fight against environmental degradation starts with the fight against poverty (among others). Fight against poverty causes growth of the world population (see Malawi). Growth of the world population causes increased environmental destruction. So what to do?

Edited by sweatalot
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11 minutes ago, sweatalot said:

It is mot that easy. Yes it is true, he, like his whole class, disproportionately pollutes the ecosystem. But that is no reason to ignore his opinion or to ask him to renounce his wealth. The problem that he addresses would would be unchanged.  And this is no reason to tolerate the destruction of the environment by poverty or any other cause. 

However, his position makes him outstanding and therefore it is important that he points to the problem. It has more effect than John Do would have.
it is a chain of causes. Fight against environmental degradation starts in the fight against poverty (among others). Fight against poverty causes growth of the world population (see Malawi). Growth of the world population causes increased environmental destruction. So what to do?

He could lead by example, but that would mean giving up the good life.

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47 minutes ago, JamesBlond said:

I'm not above changing my opinion in the face of evidence so I have to withdraw my comment that Harry is a decent chap. Hunting with a firearm for sport is an act of cowardice, not prowess. I tolerate the royals but they'd better not push it.

now this is what i call a fantastic comment. cheers to you. ????



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8 hours ago, soalbundy said:

get a real job Harry and live in a poky little flat with exorbitant rent and see how much you care about the world going downhill. For many in your country they have hit the foot of the hill while you refurbish your 'cottage' for millions that you don't really want.

Are the Tax Payer funding the cottage ?

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7 hours ago, JamesBlond said:

The message is sound. He's a decent chap. If he jets around the world with this message, that's not frivolous, that's fine.

Whether the royals should enjoy the level of privilege they do is a completely different question. Personally I don't subscribe to the politics of envy. They are figureheads and we put them in that position because we want our figureheads to be privileged, but make no mistake, the royals are tools of the people. It's a good system, leave it be.

"We" did not put them in their positions, they came by it through an accident of birth

Yes they create employment, security, farms, maintenance , clothing, media, but also they feed off the public purse. money spent on them could go to community housing, education, NHS, pensions.

They are "tools" of the people, they are skillful at selling the "family" product


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5 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

He's qualified officer in the army. He can go do that.

Well qualified officer, he could live off his private income, remain and active officer and he and wife live in officer quarters, since he will never ascend the throne.

The excess housing held by the "family"  could be turned into community housing, education centres or hospitals.


Although then those providing services to all the snouts in the trough will become unemployed, and a cost on the taxpayers



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13 hours ago, pegman said:

His jet-setting on private planes kind of undercuts that message.

you mate can book a private , they are much cheaper than booking a commercial jet-liner passenger aircraft, and they are cheaper than a commercial airline. most people who say live in Hawaii take these everyday to avoid the tourists. but, yes he has his own because his fellow people pays for it.

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6 hours ago, Syduan said:

The hypocrisy never ceases to amaze me. 



While the optics are certainly bad, and like many others posters I do not approve of hunting, there this -


Water buffaloes aren't a protected or endangered species., said hunting trip wasn't illegal and the "wildlife" (not an indigenous species) was raised in a game ranch/park/whatever.


Similarly, the clip makes mention of boar hunting in Europe. Well, boars, in some parts of Europe and elsewhere are a nuisance and treated like pests.

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End greed and selfishness under the greenhouse gas global trend ? ...lovely....in that case, your royal highness, please make governments start with dropping their so-called greenhouse taxes on fuel, air travel and stop being greedy with the consumers wallet.....start rather to make strict laws calling cargo or supertanker shipowners to update their highly polluting engines....one single cargo ship on a single long haul crossing,  generates as much pollution as tens of millions of indiviual cars in 1 year....

Edited by observer90210
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Harry should talk to Justin, another rich kid who grew up without worry about

money, food on their plate, or a bed to sleep in. They can discuss how many times they fly around the world to do speeches. How many houses and cars they own, and how much

of their personal money they spend on reducing their carbon footprints.


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