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China denounces Thai politicians for show of support to Hong Kong activists


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Unfortunately the protesters are playing right it the Chinese governments hands. Think about what happened here in Thailand 6 years ago with the violence between the red shirts and the yellow shirts, well, it is the same thing in Hong Kong with the violence and it does not matter what anybody says Hong Kong is part of China. China have the army just across the river ready to go into Hong Kong and if this violence keeps going and these protesters keep ignoring the Hong Kong police directions then I think that there will be no choice but for China to send in the army to stop the violence the same as what happened here with the military coup which as far as I am concerned is still in force now. These violent protests are destroying Hong Kong as a financial hub and China cannot allow this violence to continue but the protesters cannot see this because they are being led by these activists that really do not care. Sorry, but I believe that China will have to go in and do whatever they need to do to stop this stupid violence. You can protest without violence.

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One couldn't give a toss what the communist Party of China say's, just because it doesn't suit them, big fuss on down in Oz with The Chinese also, one thing for sure if their people ever get a taste of freedom they'll all hang from the nearest light poles, that's why they are so repressive.


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Actually, Wong has clearly stated many times that he is not working for HK`s independence from China, only for true democracy in HK. The ref to independence is just propaganda on the part of Chinese politicians and their Thai acolytes.

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16 minutes ago, Russell17au said:

Unfortunately the protesters are playing right it the Chinese governments hands. Think about what happened here in Thailand 6 years ago with the violence between the red shirts and the yellow shirts, well, it is the same thing in Hong Kong with the violence and it does not matter what anybody says Hong Kong is part of China. China have the army just across the river ready to go into Hong Kong and if this violence keeps going and these protesters keep ignoring the Hong Kong police directions then I think that there will be no choice but for China to send in the army to stop the violence the same as what happened here with the military coup which as far as I am concerned is still in force now. These violent protests are destroying Hong Kong as a financial hub and China cannot allow this violence to continue but the protesters cannot see this because they are being led by these activists that really do not care. Sorry, but I believe that China will have to go in and do whatever they need to do to stop this stupid violence. You can protest without violence.

The violence stems from frustration that the police and mafia violence on oeaceful protests and the HK authorite's completely lack of concern for the will of the people. How else are the democracy movement really going to get noticed?

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8 hours ago, bluesofa said:

Slightly OT:

China is building a nuclear power station in the UK.

There was a cartoon in a UK newspaper, two women talking. One says to the other: We get our electricity from a Chinese company. If we mention the Dalai Lama, our lights go out.

Long live humorist cartoonists.


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Let's face it. The election in Thailand was a total farce. Before the election, Thailand had an unelected military government. Nothing has changed. The Military changed to constitution to it could remain in power. Further,  

the  "Military" clowns who runs Thailand would love to emulate their Chinese commie buddies and squelch freedom of expression. Thailand is on a downward spiral and, even though I have spent many pleasurable years here, I won't be hanging around to see the final fall.  

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To those comments who say China should respect other opinions, are right of course but...have got it round the wrong way. I won't repeat what I said on other 'about China' threads and moreover I can't tell the whole tale of what happened to me when I was I there because, frankly I don't think anyone here would believe me. I find it hard to believe myself now. The Chinese regime thinks that everyone else SHOULD think like them. I will say this, sitting in front of a Chinese panel of hard line communists is not a pleasant experience. One of them, educated in England and spoke good English made it clear what they thought of 'dead democracy'. If the time comes when it seems China will have Chinese politicians in the Thai government, I will leave. Maybe the only reason that hasn't happened yet is because Thais love to boast that they are the only country in the region that has never been colonised. 

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China is paranoid and that is the long beginning of an end to single part rule. They are scared sh....less that the HK movement jumps so called border and spreads within the mainland.... But no worries for now mainlanders are sheep and willl follow until.... their economy goes bad.... bye bye commies to jail you all go...

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12 hours ago, Hayduke said:


The Chinese feel they have bought and paid for Thailand…and the overlords do not tolerate incorrect thought, incorrect speech, or incorrect actions from their subjects.



So how is the upcoming law banning foreigners from owning property via a company going to go down with the Chinese?


I reckon the Thais and the Chinese deserve each other.

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China controls Thailand, not in the least of which is through tourism. China can shut the tourist spigot off anytime they want and just deny any from visiting there. What would Thailand do then. China wants to control the world and are doing their best to accomplish that through Belt and Roads.


I feel sorry for the people of HK. The ending is inevitable. How long be Joshua Wong disappears?

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On 10/12/2019 at 7:36 AM, rooster59 said:

"This is wrong and irresponsible. China hopes that relevant people will understand the truth about problems in Hong Kong, act carefully and do useful things for the friendship between China and Thailand."

Dictators in arms... veiled threats.

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18 hours ago, wisperone said:

China controls Thailand, not in the least of which is through tourism. China can shut the tourist spigot off anytime they want and just deny any from visiting there. What would Thailand do then. China wants to control the world and are doing their best to accomplish that through Belt and Roads.


I feel sorry for the people of HK. The ending is inevitable. How long be Joshua Wong disappears?

Silk Road for them , Pot holes debacle for the rest

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23 hours ago, DaRoadrunner said:

So how is the upcoming law banning foreigners from owning property via a company going to go down with the Chinese?


I reckon the Thais and the Chinese deserve each other.

NZ already banned ALL foreigners from buying houses due to the Chinese buying up so much. Unless you have residency you can no longer even sell the property you have to buy another, thanks to the Chinese. 

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On 10/12/2019 at 10:12 PM, Pluto56 said:

China better get ready for a heck of a lot more dennouncing because there aren't too many people on the planet in their corner. God bless the Hong Kong protesters. 

China is the top trading partner of many, many countries. Anyone can make stupid comments about their top customer but don't be upset later on if the top customer stops doing business with you. Tell me, farangs, what's the point of Thailand interfering in the internal affairs of China? Own internal problems too few to bother?

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3 minutes ago, Selatan said:

China is the top trading partner of many, many countries. Anyone can make stupid comments about their top customer but don't be upset later on if the top customer stops doing business with you. Tell me, farangs, what's the point of Thailand interfering in the internal affairs of China? Own internal problems too few to bother?


Turn off all the trading partners and watch China implode. Their over reliance on trade has been a sore spot for a long time.


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1 hour ago, rabas said:


Turn off all the trading partners and watch China implode. Their over reliance on trade has been a sore spot for a long time.


China's reliance on exports is quite low, just below 20%. Thailand's exports to GDP figure is 65%. Malaysia's is 70%. Singapore's is 175%.

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On 10/12/2019 at 9:29 AM, ExpatOilWorker said:

China is really stirring up a lot of anti-china sentiment with their blocking/forcing of NBA, Apple, US airlines. different fashion brands, detaining the 2 Canadians, the Interpol president and now criticize Thailand. What is next Winnie the Pooh?


Even little Prague is being a target:



Time for Thailand to roll out all those Tanks and Infantry, frighten the <deleted> out of China.   ????????

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