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Jomtien Immigration still asking for the 3 months proof of the 800K?


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I still have to do my 3 months report that the 800K hasn't been touched in 3 months, but wondering if Immigration is still insisting on this for 12 month extensions of stay, or has it gone south alongside some of their other innovations?

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I agree, if you have been given a form to sign you should comply and do it. But you have prodded my interest, that I haven't heard of anyone being asked in Jomtien to do so lately. I have Ext renewal next month, so will find out.... or will the big fuss over insurance cause a rush on the place and procedures be forgotten in the crowds, just like last year! It is kinda what I hope for wrt TM30 compliance!????

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When i did my 3 month report a guy took the forms who sat outside the main desk. He didn't make any entries onto a computer or give any receipt of my documents. Are they acted on later? or is it just a paper exercise? I guess you can't take the risk so do the report.

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38 minutes ago, HHTel said:

Has Jomtien, for instance, looked around the rest of the country, realising they're the only ones doing this madcap exercise and wonder that maybe they have it wrong.

They are simply confirming you are following the orders as specified. Better after 3 months or to get a rejection on your subsequent application in a years time? They are not doing it wrong, like those offices requiring 3 months pre-seasoning are.

Maybe you simply wish them to stop doing some things they do, I wish all of them would stop doing TM30 checks, when all I want is a 90 day report or C.O.R. Isn't Chaeng Wattana going above and beyond on that matter? 


Ours is not to reason why......

Edited by jacko45k
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9 minutes ago, jacko45k said:

They are simply confirming you are following the orders as specified. Better after 3 months or to get a rejection on your subsequent application in a years time? They are not doing it wrong, like those offices requiring 3 months pre-seasoning are.

Maybe you simply wish them to stop doing some things they do, I wish all of them would stop doing TM30 checks, when all I want is a 90 day report or C.O.R. Isn't Chaeng Wattana going above and beyond on that matter? 


Ours is not to reason why......

What's the point if Jomtien is the only office in the country doing it? If that is really the case as HHTel stated.

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Sorry, this is referring to marriage visa, not retirement, but thought it might be useful to some people. When I went to Jomtien immigration last week to have my visa confirmed after the 1 month wait for it to be returned by Bangkok, they didn't ask to see my bank book. I assume this means that if I'd wanted, I could've spent the 400k the day after the interview. There was also no mention of it during the interview.

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11 minutes ago, giddyup said:

What's the point if Jomtien is the only office in the country doing it? If that is really the case as HHTel stated.

 I have heard Chiangrai were doing it, but hey, does there have to be a point? Or is an unchecked requirement a waste of time? One has to stop looking for reason here!

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1 minute ago, jacko45k said:

 I have heard Chiangrai were doing it, but hey, does there have to be a point? Or is an unchecked requirement a waste of time? One has to stop looking for reason here!

Yes, an unchecked requirement would be a waste of time, but then, Immigration is famous for this.

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2 hours ago, HHTel said:

When will there be some uniformity among immigration offices?  Do they ever look outside their own little box?


Has Jomtien, for instance, looked around the rest of the country, realising they're the only ones doing this madcap exercise and wonder that maybe they have it wrong.


The stupidity is unbelievable. 

If you are so smart you would know how to sync your 90 days check with the 90 days report you have to do anyway. Don't ask how to do it. 

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The requirements are designed to be adhered and checked when you next apply for an extension.  Most offices that have a couple of brain cells understand this.  If you don't follow the rules then your next application will be turned down.

If this was in any way an official check, there would be official forms/notifications etc etc that you are following the rules 'so far' and 'to date'.  Of course there is no such thing!!

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3 minutes ago, HHTel said:

The requirements are designed to be adhered and checked when you next apply for an extension.  Most offices that have a couple of brain cells understand this.  If you don't follow the rules then your next application will be turned down.

If this was in any way an official check, there would be official forms/notifications etc etc that you are following the rules 'so far' and 'to date'.  Of course there is no such thing!!

You're just another whiner. Why not move to BKK? Then you'll suddenly realize how easy Jomtien Immigration is. 

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3 minutes ago, Max69xl said:

Learn how to sync the 90 days check with the 90 days report. Then it's not a total waste of time.

I always assumed that a 90 day report was done automatically when you apply for an extension.  It's certainly been the case in all the years I've been here.  Sync'ing in that case is already done.

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Just now, Max69xl said:

You're just another whiner. Why not move to BKK? Then you'll suddenly realize how easy Jomtien Immigration is. 

Hey, I've nothing to whine about.  I was empathising with guys who have to follow unnecessary regulations enforced by the minority.


Hua Hin immigration have always been recognised as being at 'the top of the tree' when it comes to politeness, service and efficiency.  My extensions have never been more than 10 - 15 mins or thereabouts.  My 90 day reports are done in a minute or two.  Residency letters are 15 minutes while you wait.  (I've heard some have to go back days later).  They follow the law as opposed to making it up!


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28 minutes ago, HHTel said:

I always assumed that a 90 day report was done automatically when you apply for an extension.  It's certainly been the case in all the years I've been here.  Sync'ing in that case is already done.

90 days is completely independent of the extension. You have to report every 90 days. It is only reset if you enter the country again. 

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28 minutes ago, HHTel said:

I always assumed that a 90 day report was done automatically when you apply for an extension.  It's certainly been the case in all the years I've been here.  Sync'ing in that case is already done.

You assumed wrong! :sad:

Jomtien doesn't automatically update your 90Days when you make a yearly extension. (except the 1st one)

Surprising that you never got fined for that …??

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19 minutes ago, Pattaya46 said:

You assumed wrong! :sad:

Jomtien doesn't automatically update your 90Days when you make a yearly extension. (except the 1st one)

Surprising that you never got fined for that …??

It should be a 2000 baht fine. When you hand over the passport to the IO,with the old 90 days slip inside, he's supposed to look at the due date and do the math. And they don't update the 90 days report when doing the first 1 year extension. You always start counting from the last entry stamp. 

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51 minutes ago, HHTel said:

Hey, I've nothing to whine about.  I was empathising with guys who have to follow unnecessary regulations enforced by the minority.


Hua Hin immigration have always been recognised as being at 'the top of the tree' when it comes to politeness, service and efficiency.  My extensions have never been more than 10 - 15 mins or thereabouts.  My 90 day reports are done in a minute or two.  Residency letters are 15 minutes while you wait.  (I've heard some have to go back days later).  They follow the law as opposed to making it up!


My last 1 year extension in May at Jomtien took 4min. I had the first number when they opened 1pm on a Friday. They opened maybe 45sec late. I gave the woman my 14 documents, she went through them real fast, everything was in order. I sign something twice,gave her 1900 baht and got the number tag for the passport pickup. I stood up and checked my phone, 1:04pm.

Next Monday I got my passport and then did my 90 days report at the same time. Another total of maybe 5 min. I am not complaining over Jomtien Immigration. 

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1 hour ago, HHTel said:

I always assumed that a 90 day report was done automatically when you apply for an extension.  It's certainly been the case in all the years I've been here.  Sync'ing in that case is already done.

You assumed wrong. Have you never checked the due date on the 90 days slip in your passport? I'm starting to believe you're not doing any 90 days reports at all. Otherwise you would know this. Another thing about the man sitting behind desk 4 at Jomtien Immigration. He's been there a long time, and he checks the old slip, and he always says next due date out loud when handing over the passport with the new slip stapled inside.

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3 hours ago, giddyup said:

What's the point if Jomtien is the only office in the country doing it? If that is really the case as HHTel stated.

I thought you were willy waving on another similar topic about how this ruling wouldn't affect you because you have so much money in the bank?

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