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Australia's Uluru closes to climbers for good after decades-long fight


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1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Agreed. If they want to own it because of culture, be cultural in everything. Live off the land like their ancestors did.

If they want to use "culture" as the reason, don't take taxpayers money.

Then give back the Aboriginal people all the land, so they can do so. 

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1 hour ago, Saint Nick said:

...ahm...it happened to be THEIR CONTINENT, before the white man took it away from them!

Just a thought!

Under thinking, this land is my land, so realistically no land belongs to anyone as wasn't it once just one connected piece of dirt? So crank up the oldest monkey man DNA, bring them back to life, then we can let them have it all back. Same principal with China, no it is not your sea or land that you think is. 

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22 hours ago, rhyddid said:

White Aussie has created so much damage to Australia that the majority shall be deported back to UK and EU country where they are from, give back Australia to the real Australians the Aborigines !

Dont  blame  them blame the "Out  of Africans"  they started it  all by leaving Africa.....

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We can't really tar them all with the same brush.

Nobody wants to live out there so they should be welcome to it,other places to see.

What was disturbing to me was where i came from they were given a 4000 acre farm,started with 50 people working it and within 5 years nobody was left so the elder and his family sold and took the money to buy a caravan park up north. 

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On 10/26/2019 at 8:30 PM, Orton Rd said:

Not taken from them as they never recognized land owner ship until the white man turned up. They will do nothing with it of course like they did nothing with anything for 20,000 years. Apart from fire and stick throwing they progressed only to child like painting and story telling, not a culture to bow down to or accommodate IMO. There was never a glorious aboriginal culture, and never will be.

And what's your glorious culture? Winnie Blues and VB and banging cheap hookers in Asia?

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3 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

The pyramids are actually a real cultural heritage, but the Egyptians have no problem with tourists walking on them.

I disagree. It's clearly forbidden to climb on Cairo's pyramids !

You can only walk on lowest levels giving access to the inside-visit entrance.

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1 hour ago, holy cow cm said:

Under thinking, this land is my land, so realistically no land belongs to anyone as wasn't it once just one connected piece of dirt? So crank up the oldest monkey man DNA, bring them back to life, then we can let them have it all back. Same principal with China, no it is not your sea or land that you think is. 

Yeah of course you are absolutely right!

Except...these people still exist!

So: try harder!

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4 minutes ago, Pattaya46 said:

I disagree. It's clearly forbidden to climb on Cairo's pyramids !

You can only walk on lowest levels giving access to the inside-visit entrance.

OK, to be specific, its permitted to walk inside their cultural heritage. 

BTW, I never saw any signs saying we couldn't walk/ climb on the outside. As people are mainly on tours, they tend to go where the guides take them, so it wasn't an issue anyway.

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43 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Feel free to go and buy a lot of land and give it to them. I doubt many Australians would do that if it involved giving their bit of dirt away.

...and what I do or not do is relevant to this story...how?

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47 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Honestly, to read that it's like Australia is the only country in the world that was conquered. EVERY country in the world was conquered by some other country at sometime, except perhaps if there weren't any people in Iceland when the Vikings arrived. Many countries were conquered several times.

It's what people used to do, and it's still going on.

That is irrelevant!

We are not in the age of the Conquistadores anymore!

There are indigenous people in South America, Afroca, Australia, North America, who were all robbed of their land!

Is it really asked too much, to give a little bit of that land back?

...wait...don't answer!


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4 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

OK, to be specific, its permitted to walk inside their cultural heritage. 

BTW, I never saw any signs saying we couldn't walk/ climb on the outside. As people are mainly on tours, they tend to go where the guides take them, so it wasn't an issue anyway.

But of course, the point "the Egyptians have no problem blah blah" was used here specifically!

It is also permitted to walk near or at the foot of Ayrs Rock...so what was your point again?

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41 minutes ago, TheEnforcer said:

And what's your glorious culture? Winnie Blues and VB and banging cheap hookers in Asia?

Beethoven, Mozart, Leonardo, Tolstoy, Botticelli, Shakespeare etc, almost all modern inventions of any note- you know glorious western culture never to be surpassed. As it happens the one that invented the computer, electricity, the internet and the www.

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1 hour ago, Saint Nick said:

That is irrelevant!

We are not in the age of the Conquistadores anymore!

There are indigenous people in South America, Afroca, Australia, North America, who were all robbed of their land!

Is it really asked too much, to give a little bit of that land back?

...wait...don't answer!


Yes,well said.

We have known (and discussed) for decades that the trek over Uluru was going to be closed and I am surprised it lasted as long as it did.There is no controversy about it here.


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On 10/26/2019 at 4:22 PM, Sujo said:

Well its there land so they van decide what to do with it.


Personnally I would never fly for hours then drive for hours to see a rock.

You can see the rock from the local airport at Uluru- not Alice Springs. It pretty impressive to see, a true stand out monster in an otherwise flat landscape. Commercial airlines make a point of flying over it and pointing it out to passengers.

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10 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

Then give back the Aboriginal people all the land, so they can do so. 

Where are you from?

Give your land back to the original owners as I can guarantee wherever you claim to come from has been taken/colonised at some time in the past by a different cultural group.

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7 hours ago, holy cow cm said:

Sorry Nick. So do the Chinese but I disagree with their land grab as this is ours because once upon a time was ours. Honestly the Ayers rock is insignificant and if I could not climb it then I would rather spend other time in other parts of Australia again. I'm ok with them saying this is our mound of red dirt and they can have it. Just they need to be aware that tourism will drop and their red dirt god is not going to give them welfare stamps like the good ole government. 

Bluespunk you and I will never agree. But I consider you a friend, 

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Politics aside, this place is overrated and grossly overpriced. In Australia when you get to places like this one in a typical nanny state way you are told what you are allowed to do and what not all the time. For the price of going a few days there you can climb real mountains in Nepal for a month without being lectured on safety every half an hour. There are many excellent places for solitude and adventure inland, this one is a tourist trap.

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59 minutes ago, emptypockets said:

Where are you from?

Give your land back to the original owners as I can guarantee wherever you claim to come from has been taken/colonised at some time in the past by a different cultural group.

My post can only be read in the context of the prejudice ridden one it was written in response to. 

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10 hours ago, Orton Rd said:

Beethoven, Mozart, Leonardo, Tolstoy, Botticelli, Shakespeare etc, almost all modern inventions of any note- you know glorious western culture never to be surpassed. As it happens the one that invented the computer, electricity, the internet and the www.

Oh yeah, I bet you also feel you're responsible for said achievements because you were popped out of a vagina in the right country by pure chance...how skillfull of you. Or maybe because you share the same skin tone as these people who you have nothing to do with; another amazing achievement, my friend. Being born certainly takes skill! Please don't apologise for single handedly creating the modern world.


But seriously, where do you think western culture would be without Chinese inventions such navigation, gun powder, the compass, agriculture and printing? Probably still rubbing sticks together in a cave - colonization would certainly be harder without these inventions.

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