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Gulf War veteran, 55, was killed by a single punch from a bouncer in Thailand who claimed he tried to leave go-go bar without paying his bill


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8 hours ago, CharlieH said:


technicalities, had he not been punched in the head he would not be dead.

I disagree Charlie, the guy threw a punch too. We dont know what happend and 1 punch is not excessive violence by a bouncer. It just bad luck I have seen cases of it in The Netherlands too its never called murder and sometimes people get led for for it. Especially if its just one punch with aggressive behaviour of the other guy before.

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24 minutes ago, JamJar said:


Yes. certainly shows it in a different light. There was no attempt to get him to pay a bill. It was just an attack with menace.

It wasn't just a running punch by one of them, it was the simultaneous attack by the other.

I dont see much difference i see one guy taking a swing at Thai guys and then getting hit. I don't see much else. Its just one swing after him trying to hit the other party and missing. I don't see the Thais punch first. Then there is one punch and its done.. just bad luck. 

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2 minutes ago, LomSak27 said:


I would expect a deflection & blame the victim. Good to see you are on the ball first thing in the morning. :thumbsup:


On the other hand these things get written up in the foreign press these days. It's not just ignored like it was for decades. Can't be good for Thai tourism .Do you want to go on a vacation and get beat down or dead?! Probably not

Yes and I would expect people like you and other farangs totally siding with the foreigner as expected on this message board filled with angry old men.


The fact remains the Brit hit first an then the Thai hit. So in my book certainly self defense. Also it was not a sustained beating but just one blow directly after an attack (you can see it in the vid) of the Brit that di not connect. 


I think most people on this boar would have punched back if they were attacked first even if the attack did not connect. (have you watched the vid that was an attack not some air boxing).


We don't know what happened before it could well be the guy did not pay his bill and they were trying to get the money when he decided to attack. 


I can see however this is not not good for Thai tourism. But i doubt it will have much of an impact. So far nothing has.

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3 hours ago, JamJar said:


None of my doormen ever threw a punch in anger.  Gentle persuasion or restraint was as far they needed to go.

But then our clubs didn't specialise in ripping the customers.

Low class establishment, low class security. 


BS but whatever rocks your boat

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4 hours ago, englishoak said:




Looking at the vid to me he seemed well in retreat and moving away then turned back too late to engage the bouncers who were clearly pursuing him with intent to attack. 


I dont hold much stock in any OP or newspaper report and not saying the guy wasnt aggravating the incident just the bouncers went way over the line by perusing him onto the street. There must have been more cctv as its clipped to a few secs but TIT so it will remain as just one more tourist death. 

Where did you view the video?

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1 minute ago, LomSak27 said:

H e 

Lengthy deflection. Working hard this morning. I would expect you to blame the victim, I would be shocked if you did not. It's your MO


II have had the wait person steal my money while paying a tab for a small group long time back. This was in an open air bar area. Found out later,  it was common knowledge that bar steals from customers if they can. Lucky I did not get crazy when getting ripped off or who knows if I would be here today.

And you would be saying it was my fault for expecting them not to steal. and getting beat to death .... pleasant thoughts here on the 2nd day of the cool season  :thumbsup:

You dont even get into the fact that the guy threw the first attack as is clearly visible on the video. I guess your bias... your a Brit and a frequent Thai Basher. I would not have expected anything else from you deflecting is all you can.


There is no proof the bar stole his money. They guy could not have paid it happens too. But of course in the court of farang Thais are always guilty even when a foreigner attacks first.

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2 minutes ago, Kenchamp said:

There seems to be this policy in Thailand where if there is even the slightest provocation toward you then it is okay to attack the farang. The Thai police have almost encouraged this for many years by their reluctance to come down hard on the offenders if they are Thai and their victim is farang. You will also find that many of these security types are serving or ex police, military personel who may have connections...


On the other hand, if any violence is commited by a farang then they can expect to be extorted to the maximum. It is seen as a money making opportunity.

I am not sure if you seen the vid but that was not a slight provocation that was full attack and he got punched on the counter attack. No over the top violence.. a response to an attack.

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3 hours ago, JamJar said:


What is this 50 kg story you have created? There are many security personnel on Walking Street who are considerably over 50 kgs. Not seldom have I seen them fighting/attacking potential customers, who are smaller and outnumbered.

That's not to say that they weren't provoked. But clearly the opponents were no match for them in the first place.

The previous time on Walking Street was a young, extremely drunk Chinese male. Now he was perhaps 50 to 60 kg. The security personnel weighed considerably more. 


He got a few kicks and slaps and punches until someone stepped in to stop it. He certainly had no capacity to fight, but the alcohol blocked his fear. Properly trained security would not need to beat him.


The fact that the Brit called the police a few minutes earlier leans to towards the conclusion that he was not necessarily the aggressor.


He doesn't sound like a trained fighter, but more of a logistics man.


I've never thrown a punch in the air. If I want to hit someone, I will hit them.  It sounds as if he was trying to discourage them from getting too close, rather than trying to do any damage.


I saw the video of the Chinese guy. The bouncers repeatedly tried to persuade him to go home, so did his friend. Kame back several times and tried to attack the bouncers. Eventually walked home with his friend, relatively uninjured.


Are you a reporter for the Daily Mail? 555


"I've never thrown a punch in the air. If I want to hit someone, I will hit them."

Of course you will Malcom 555

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4 minutes ago, LomSak27 said:


I'm not a Brit nor am I a frequent Thai basher. Going by the usual script can work against you, sorry.  :thumbsup:

That your not a Brit surprises me, the other part i disagree seen your negative attitudes a lot before so I would not call you not a Thaisbasher. 


But again why dont you acknowledge that the farang attacked first, and got punched directly AFTER his attack ? 

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10 hours ago, mauGR1 said:

No need to deflect, this happened in Thailand. One man died, and the "bouncer" has been acquitted.

Did the get the right guy?  It looked from the video as though the guy who threw the punch was wearing a small knapsack.  I have never seen a bouncer with a bag!

Also, it looks as thought the "bouncer" tried to throw a straight left at the Brit which the Brit tried tocounter with a poor roundhouse right, just before the brave bouncer threw the killer punch as his mate stormed in, giving the poor guy two assailants to track and try to defend against.

Notice how all the onlookers (Thai and tourists) rushed to the man's aid?  NOT.

Thai cowardice at its best.

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1 minute ago, DannyCarlton said:

I saw the video of the Chinese guy. The bouncers repeatedly tried to persuade him to go home, so did his friend. Kame back several times and tried to attack the bouncers. Eventually walked home with his friend, relatively uninjured.


Are you a reporter for the Daily Mail? 555


"I've never thrown a punch in the air. If I want to hit someone, I will hit them."

Of course you will Malcom 555

Dont worry that is how some foreigners see it, thais are always wrong and everyone else is always in the right. 

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