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Who created us and why?


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on you tube, watch the sumarian stories of 3000+ years ago, the Dead Sea scrolls, and other ancient texts from India which have the same "stories" of ancient history and upon which the bible, torah and koran stories are based.  There are so many places, events, buildings and other structures that no scientist or other expert can explain.  Ancients 3000 years ago knew more about our solar system than we knew in the 21 st century!  Most religious documents/books are based upon someone's translation of another ancient text so many times they opt to fit a religious "fact" instead of what it actually says.  One perfect example is the ancient texts talk about the gods creating mankind in their image (all plural).  Some books of the Bible were dropped from current Bibles (except in Ethiopia) about 500 years ago because the history didn't fit with that the religious leaders liked.  One such book of ENOCH can be read on google search or you can watch it on you tube too.  There are other religious texts that concur with what the Sumarians wrote 3000 years ago which they said was told to them by the "watchers" or "Fallen Angels" (which in MHO sound like aliens to me.  I am not asking anyone to change any beliefs or impinge upon those beliefs in any way.  Just some very interesting possibly partially true stories.

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12 minutes ago, Presnock said:

on you tube, watch the sumarian stories of 3000+ years ago, the Dead Sea scrolls, and other ancient texts from India which have the same "stories" of ancient history and upon which the bible, torah and koran stories are based.  There are so many places, events, buildings and other structures that no scientist or other expert can explain.  Ancients 3000 years ago knew more about our solar system than we knew in the 21 st century!  Most religious documents/books are based upon someone's translation of another ancient text so many times they opt to fit a religious "fact" instead of what it actually says.  One perfect example is the ancient texts talk about the gods creating mankind in their image (all plural).  Some books of the Bible were dropped from current Bibles (except in Ethiopia) about 500 years ago because the history didn't fit with that the religious leaders liked.  One such book of ENOCH can be read on google search or you can watch it on you tube too.  There are other religious texts that concur with what the Sumarians wrote 3000 years ago which they said was told to them by the "watchers" or "Fallen Angels" (which in MHO sound like aliens to me.  I am not asking anyone to change any beliefs or impinge upon those beliefs in any way.  Just some very interesting possibly partially true stories.

Are you David Icke in disguise? 5555 Yes, very interesting ... They knew a lot but where are they now? Wormhole travelers maybe?

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11 minutes ago, Jack Mountain said:

Are you David Icke in disguise? 5555 Yes, very interesting ... They knew a lot but where are they now? Wormhole travelers maybe?

First let's understand this. People a Thousand years or 10 thousand years ago  were genetically no different than people today. So incidents of genius occured at the same rate as today, Idiot savants occurred at the same rate, and so did other mental abnormalities that give some people unusual mental ability.  They might not have had the technological advances, but they had the same mental capabilities,  and they had slaves, lot's and lot's of slaves.

So no aliens , no time travelers, , Just simple human ingenuity. 

Edited by sirineou
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On 11/4/2019 at 5:20 PM, fanof3d said:

Who created us?

Your question rests on the foregone conclusion that humans and/or other natural phenomena are artifacts or constructs like wristwatches or washing machines.


This is an obsolete idea which was dispelled by modern physics some time ago.

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40 minutes ago, Jack Mountain said:

Are you sure it's not the other way around? Many creative persons here ... with a thick thumb.

5555.  Everyone has an opinion and that's really all I was attempting to incite.  Sometimes I get tired of reading all of the typical posts about carnage on the road, over stayers, foreigner bashing, health insurance.  Just something different to talk about for those who think about stuff like this.  At the end of the day I won't live long enough for it to even matter but it's still a topic I find intriguing and even those that are adamantly sure about what they feel is the truth one way or another, no one truly knows.  It's not like I know either but I've done enough research in regards to DNA to know we didn't come from monkey's as we've always been taught.  That's a fact.  As humans, we have this innate motivation (most of us anyways) to want to know about anything and everything.  It's what separates us from all other life here on earth.  Thanks for all the messages.  If anyone ever figures it out in the next 20 years, start another thread :-).  Cheers!

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14 hours ago, RocketDog said:

It's actually only basic chemistry/physics and random chance.


It's happened countless times and will continue to do so anywhere with water.


No diety required.

Would disagree with you as there are many other conditions required...that is for life as we know it. Life as we don't know it? That's another story.

I do agree, no deity required.

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7 minutes ago, ravip said:

What would you call the opposite of a Cheap Charlie - A Rich Dick?

Just thinkin'

 are you sure you are in the right thread?

this thread is about Smart Charlies and ignorant Dicks , or the other way around , I am not sure.

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Nature, science,  take your pick.  Humans are a biological accident, the result of a number of related and also some unrelated happenings;  naturally occurring phenomena.  A Supreme Being is not a requirement, only the natural Laws of science.  

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30 minutes ago, chingmai331 said:

Darwin created us to compete with the beetles.

Makes sense to me.

In fact, we may be winning.  At least the chinese are far ahead.

 No one can compete with the beatles, they were the greatest band ever. 

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17 minutes ago, hyku1147 said:

66 million years ago, the dinosaurs were wiped out by a massive asteroid that hit the Yucatan Peninsula. Their extinction paved the way for the rise of mammals, chimpanzees in particular, from whom Homo sapiens evolved; consequently, I can speculate that God is very patient - unless he exists outside the boundaries of spacetime.image.png.009b06badcb4d4cadab2ff97c370dd4b.png


If reality was like this, the asteroid would had bounced back in space. 

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Actually, if you look at it logically, there is more chance we are living in a simulation than not.


Here's how I come to this conclusion,


There are literally zillions of stars and planets, more than all the grains of sand on this plant multiplied by a few million. Given that, there must be life elsewhere, after all, the building blocks of life are scattered across the universe, and if there is life elsewhere, some would be behind us in terms of technology, and some would be very much ahead of us.


We run simulations already, and a civilisation that was one billion years ahead of us could easily create a huge simulation.


There are no gods period! They were created by men to put fear into the masses, and to be honest, any adult that believes there's a wise old man living in the sky must be deluded.


I believe we are not far away from aliens announcing their presence, which, hopefully, will put all religions to bed (except Buddhism, as it is more of a science than a religion) once and for all.


Imagine what kind of world we could have if all the leaders in the work were really committed to making this a nice place for every living thing?


Doubt it would happen, but we can dream.

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14 hours ago, sirineou said:

If reality was like this, the asteroid would had bounced back in space. 


This is a 2D of curved space-time related to Einstein's General Relativity which considers gravity a consequence of the curved geometry. For Reality you need to think that this curvature is all around so no matter what direction you view, the curvature is there.

Ha, don't see what this has to do with the OP though.????

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19 hours ago, hyku1147 said:

66 million years ago, the dinosaurs were wiped out by a massive asteroid that hit the Yucatan Peninsula. Their extinction paved the way for the rise of mammals, chimpanzees in particular, from whom Homo sapiens evolved; consequently, I can speculate that God is very patient - unless he exists outside the boundaries of spacetime.image.png.009b06badcb4d4cadab2ff97c370dd4b.png



Humans did not evolve FROM chimpanzees, we evolved alongside them, from a common ancestor! 

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7 hours ago, TKDfella said:
22 hours ago, sirineou said:

If reality was like this, the asteroid would had bounced back in space. 


This is a 2D of curved space-time related to Einstein's General Relativity which considers gravity a consequence of the curved geometry. For Reality you need to think that this curvature is all around so no matter what direction you view, the curvature is there.

Ha, don't see what this has to do with the OP though.

I was joking,everyone.knows that if it bounced back into space it will hit the moon and bounce back to the Earth , repeat the process like a pinball game, and eventually TILT the universe.

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On 11/10/2019 at 7:52 PM, geronimo said:

There are literally zillions of stars and planets, more than all the grains of sand on this plant multiplied by a few million. Given that, there must be life elsewhere, after all, the building blocks of life are scattered across the universe, and if there is life elsewhere, some would be behind us in terms of technology, and some would be very much ahead of us.

That "there must be life elsewhere" is possible but not necessarily "must be" so.



There are billions of stars in the galaxy that are similar to the Sun, and many of these stars are billions of years older than the Solar system.


With high probability, some of these stars have Earth-like planets, and if the Earth is typical, some may have already developed intelligent life.





...new theoretical work suggests that present-day life is actually premature from a cosmic perspective.


...we find that the chance of life grows much higher in the distant future...


...In fact, chances of life are 1000 times higher in the distant future than now....


Study here:



"Spectroscopic searches for biosignatures in the atmospheres of transiting Earth-mass planets around low mass stars will determine whether present-day life is indeed premature or typical from a cosmic perspective."


So it could just be that National Lampoon was right afterall: that we are a fluke of the universe.



Edited by thaicurious
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