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2 hours ago, sakoo said:

The Gecko is a thinker, but unfortunately you got your details wrong. I am not British, I find the British too be really unpleasant to be around. I'd rather have the company of Americans because at least you know where you stand with them form the get go. With the other Westies, it's a bit of song and dance before you realize what they actually think and feel, and often only after they're drunk. So I resent the British implication you placed on me. I am also not any of the ethnicities you mentioned. Nor am I a mixed race. And there is no white gene in my family. In fact the more interesting question is WHY can't you resist knowing my racial background, you called it demographic to hide the white racism that exists but I know the real reason, so you can then categorize me based on race. It is how white people and people in general around the world organize new individuals, by their race, religion, gender, etc.. It is really typical BS. And my avatar name is just something I made up, it has no meaning. And my writing style is based on your writing style and more importantly the points you make about me. But you are right I am a fast talker but that is more a case of personality not race, it is typical White remark to assume personality traits are race based. As if white people don't speak quickly? Or are not fast talkers? I have met some slow witted Indians and Arabs in my life, there is nothing quicker about their debating style. They are usually less drunk than white people so maybe that's why they appear quicker? Because you guys are slow witted? Anyways, trying to figure out my race is more evidence of the racism of white people. And my parents are not Christian, I discovered the Lord on my own and He saved me. It had nothing to do with my parents. And I know about denominations because I am a Bible scholar, not because of my mother and her church. Every church I have been to I found the devil in the pastor's voice, for this is discernment He gave me, it has nothing to do with family or race. Because you don't understand how the Lord operates, you look for physical reasons, like racial background to explain concepts you don't understand well stop that ask your maker in prayer who is this SAKOO person and why is he talking to me like that? Is he for real? Should I really be racializing him? Or is this a moment for something deeper and more profound to happen? But you are right I am socially marginalized but more so because I reject the world not because they rejected me first. They would very much like that I conform and become like them it brushes their egos to see new and different people imitating them and when I refuse then they reject me because of pride. As if we all should be like the mainstream. And just because I spell English words in the British way doesn't mean I am associated with the former British colonies. I find the American spelling and measurement system out of date that's all. Colour vs Color for example. Celsius vs F. These don't mean I am British educated. So there is some information for you. But I appreciate that you said I am not alone out there. But remember, it is not people that really comfort each other. It is the Lord that comforts people directly. You need HIM first and then each other. 

Dear Sakoo:


Part of the reason I said that I thought you had lived in Britain is because your negative views of British people are quite strong and I imagined that such opinions could only have been formed after sustained daily interaction. I did not mean to impugn your character or reputation by suggesting you might be British. Please accept my sincerest apologies. :smile:


My reason for speculating about your demographic background was not to put you in a racial box. I knew in advance that you would not confirm any of my speculation, and would resist any efforts to do so. Please believe me that I am not trying to put you in a racial box. Please note that I made an effort to remove any pressure for you to confirm or deny my speculation, by saying that I did not expect any response from you. This thread has become sort of a wit matching contest between you and other forum members, and I presented my analysis mainly for you to appreciate the analytical skills of some forum members, whose intelligence you have at times disparaged.


Of course I know that fast talking or any given debate style can't be used to pin down someone's ethnic or racial background. As you have said to other posters, 'that would be crazy.' You do have what I would describe as a clever and nimble debate style which I found reminiscent of lawyers portrayed in movies like Gandhi, Passage to India, maybe Lawrence of Arabia. Anyway, it was meant as a compliment.


You are obviously a native English speaker. Based on your writing and debate skills, I would be surprised if you are not college-educated. I do not believe you are Thai, but if your earlier denials of Iranian, Indian, Pakistani heritage, not being bi-racial, and not having any Caucasian blood are to be believed, I am now shifting my thinking to Asian heritage (possibly Japanese or Korean). I am basing this on the Sakoo name ( which has Japanese origin), your interest in Asian travel and language study, and your intelligence. I have also observed religious fervor similar to yours in Asian converts to Christianity.


By the way, are you being totally honest about 'Sakoo' just being a name you made up? The baby name website I checked says that Sakoo is a derivative of the Japanese name 'Saku' and means 'remembrance of the Lord.' Given your religious beliefs, it is hard to believe that this avatar name was just selected out of thin air.


1 hour ago, Gecko123 said:

Dear Sakoo:


Part of the reason I said that I thought you had lived in Britain is because your negative views of British people are quite strong and I imagined that such opinions could only have been formed after sustained daily interaction. I did not mean to impugn your character or reputation by suggesting you might be British. Please accept my sincerest apologies. :smile:


My reason for speculating about your demographic background was not to put you in a racial box. I knew in advance that you would not confirm any of my speculation, and would resist any efforts to do so. Please believe me that I am not trying to put you in a racial box. Please note that I made an effort to remove any pressure for you to confirm or deny my speculation, by saying that I did not expect any response from you. This thread has become sort of a wit matching contest between you and other forum members, and I presented my analysis mainly for you to appreciate the analytical skills of some forum members, whose intelligence you have at times disparaged.


Of course I know that fast talking or any given debate style can't be used to pin down someone's ethnic or racial background. As you have said to other posters, 'that would be crazy.' You do have what I would describe as a clever and nimble debate style which I found reminiscent of lawyers portrayed in movies like Gandhi, Passage to India, maybe Lawrence of Arabia. Anyway, it was meant as a compliment.


You are obviously a native English speaker. Based on your writing and debate skills, I would be surprised if you are not college-educated. I do not believe you are Thai, but if your earlier denials of Iranian, Indian, Pakistani heritage, not being bi-racial, and not having any Caucasian blood are to be believed, I am now shifting my thinking to Asian heritage (possibly Japanese or Korean). I am basing this on the Sakoo name ( which has Japanese origin), your interest in Asian travel and language study, and your intelligence. I have also observed religious fervor similar to yours in Asian converts to Christianity.


By the way, are you being totally honest about 'Sakoo' just being a name you made up? The baby name website I checked says that Sakoo is a derivative of the Japanese name 'Saku' and means 'remembrance of the Lord.' Given your religious beliefs, it is hard to believe that this avatar name was just selected out of thin air.


The detective Gecko ????


I don't know if "Westies" as a word is used much anywhere, but is frequently used in Sydney. A "Westie" is typically a blue collar person, resident of Western Sydney, uneducated white trash. Term used quite a bit at Sydney's North Shore to label people living in the western parts.


If Sakoo is from Sydney he could be from any background, all countries and ethnicities are represented there.

  • Like 1
15 minutes ago, gearbox said:

The detective Gecko ????


I don't know if "Westies" as a word is used much anywhere, but is frequently used in Sydney. A "Westie" is typically a blue collar person, resident of Western Sydney, uneducated white trash. Term used quite a bit at Sydney's North Shore to label people living in the western parts.


If Sakoo is from Sydney he could be from any background, all countries and ethnicities are represented there.

Wherever sakoo is from, it's of no real consequence; except to satisfy our growing curiosity. I think Tasmania.


He has found the lord, and will soon find contentment when he starts his adventuring through Asia.  A relatively young person who will gain in confidence and understanding as he treks across Asia on the cheap.


I'm sure we all wish 'him' well.


Peace and love to all. Respect.



8 minutes ago, Gecko123 said:


Thank you. The use of that word intrigued me as well, and I did not know about its usage in Australia.

Well, we know he,s not fair dinkum or true blue!

On 11/18/2019 at 6:15 PM, EVENKEEL said:

Hey, you guys remember the member named CANARY SUN, he lived in Pattaya on less than 10,000bht/mo. I thought he was a sandwich shy of a picnic basket but was fun reading, never took offense at anyone who thought him nutty.


Wish this OP guy would just get on with his cheap Thailand holiday, and then report in. 

I was thinking of him too!!!


.... I discovered the Lord on my own and He saved me

good for you and i could care less where you come from, what passport you hold.

I discovered the lord doesn't give a S#@T about most of the worlds population...



Bottom line

You cant live or travel in Thailand unless ur staying at a local Wat, for less than 300 baht/day



  • Like 1
  • Haha 1

Oh and by the way, I like Indians, and like Malaysians.  I also love to call a spade a spade, that is what I just did.

9 minutes ago, sakoo said:

I am just someone who calls a spade a spade, and white people don't like it.


Well, white people aren't spades are they.

2 hours ago, Gecko123 said:

I forgive you Gecko, let me ask you why are you more polite toward me than the others? How come you don't revel in the common musings of hate that others show toward me? And I don't need to be interacting with Brits daily to see and know what they're like, I can observe how they treat each other, also their behaviour on social media, etc..How they fight with immigrants, and their hooligan behaviour, drunkenness, sarcasm. I have seen them come and go all throughout my life. They are gross, even their woman are unattractive, and why are do slaggish? And sleep with everyone? They're not even that attractive. Anyways.  If you want me to believe you are not racializing me, then why inquire about my race at all? Answer me that. And I don't feel pressure to confirm or deny, the pressure I feel from you is that you are racializing me while all the wile being really polite about and assuring me you mean no offense, the real way of not showing offense Gecko is by not asking the racial questions at all, you see that filthy Amy, with the remarks about Malaysians and Indians, that is just a more brazen way of racializing someone, you do it with niceness and she did it less nicely, both are unwelcome. It's not your approach it's the content of your words that is the pressure. And so far only you and Owl have displayed intelligent remarks toward me. How can Amy or Sunnyboy or company be considered individuals with analytic intelligent statement. It is just more sarcastic dribble from offended white people. Can you imagine being in a bar with these guys. They are the type to curse whenever they feel intimidated. They are best left to their drinks, card games and sports programming. And thank you for calling me nimble, you are right about that, I am very quick in everything I do. So you see I will admit things about myself when you get it right. And those movies you mentioned are all movies I have seen and keep in my collection. I like them because they are more intellectual than you usual Spiderman genre which is many here probably like (because they are dumb). Aren't they dumb, Gecko? Just admit that so we can move on. So yes I accept your compliments just keep in mind never to ask race based or leading questions to someone when you first interact with them, you can ask after you have been screened. And I speak almost a dozen languages by now Gecko, English is just one of them. And I am college educated but I reject colleges as a way of indoctrinating young people to prepare them for the corporate rat race. So I do self study. I don't recommend universities either. It's just a business. And I am not Japanese or Korean or Chinese, although I speak Chinese, and I can see you are still focused on race. And that is a let down, Gecko. Is it really that interesting to pin point my race? What will it achieve? So you can say then OH SO THAT"S WHAT THOSE PEOPLE ARE LIKE? Or oh that makes sense because he is from there, so that is why he is like that. That is the stupidest way of thinking for white people. It is why I don't like them. Because they always aks me SO WHERE ARE YOU FROM MATE? I tell them from the world mate. And they see that as arrogant. But they are the arrogant ones for asking. As for the name Sakoo it does not Japanese, although some idiot first thought it was Indian. It is actually a made up name created in mind mind in the moment of registration, it is only a coincidence that it is also a Japanese name. And those Asian converts to Christianity are usually obsessed with a particular church. I on the other hand reject the 20,000 denominations out there as 100% sedition. This is usually not a trait among new believers. No, you can't profile me Gecko, i won't allow it, and will use each attempt to show how fruitless such an attempt is. It's very Western. You need to move on and ask others questions like, why don't you like the West? What did we do to you to hurt you? Those are better questions and areas to focus on. And yes Sakoo is 100% made up. I am an honest person. I am a Christian so I have to tell the truth even to people who hate the Lord and mock and scoff at Him given every opportunity. He will have His day with them. In the meantime, I am here to remind them it's the wrong direction. And to COME BACK. And it is the Lord's way of working in mysterious ways that Sakoo is a derivative of the Japanese name 'Saku' and means 'remembrance of the Lord.' That was not my design or intention it was Him always inside me speaking for me like he does now, sometimes I let the devil in and whisper to me like how I talked to Amy was less godly but with you I can sense a closet believer who needs a reminder. And remember I did not choose Sakoo consciously but I am not surprised the Lord picked that name for me because maybe I am here to work for Him on some of you. After all, I am a preacher at heart, The kind the church would shun because I spoke the trut about them. The kind that would get booted off television or radio because he was too different. And from my point of view the avatar name was selected out of thin air, but remember my viewpoint is small and worthless compared to the how the Lord operates, and if you want something to believe in, nevermind my name, and focus on your shaky faith. Your redemption is nigh, humble servant.  



6 minutes ago, sakoo said:

Tasmania is just another state in Australia, they have a whole bunch of islands, I think maybe Christmas Island may have a bit more autonomy but certainly not Australia, that place is full of people with really bad skin due to the ozone. And I appreciate your age. I am obligated to respect he elderly. I will ask you one question. How come some people say that you are only pretending to be nice to me. Is it because they are upset about something? Jealous perhaps?

It could be they are jealous of you personally sakoo! Or what you are attempting to do.


Some of the guys on here have a wicked sense of humour too. Must take a lot of comments with a pinch of salt.


Peace and respect.

2 minutes ago, sakoo said:

They are jealous because of physical or non-physical reasons? For example, because I am young and handsome or because I am quick in thought? Or is it because of my talk of the Lord? 


Do they think I am doing something bad? What is it I am doing here? 


And by wicked do you mean immoral and diabolical? 

Many a poster here has done the deed and walked the walk. Now they are content to rest up in their later years. 


Maybe your post is uncovering long forgotten memories and springing an emotion; envy!. Others might just be wishing that they had half of your adventuring spirit.


And by 'wicked' I mean in a humorous sense.


When are you starting out sakoo?


Peace and respect.


Good job Sakoo

These people who attack you live in a cocoon where information is

 dosed and served in a way that they can digest, as in matrix.


They are more brainwashed than North Koreans and they don't even know it .

5 hours ago, bkk6060 said:


Maybe lower Sukhumvit.

95  percent of the shops have been at 200 for quite sometime.

Many shops in Pattaya for 100.


it's just impossible to have an OIL massage for 100 in Pattaya

the cheaper are 200\250 and most of them are 300.

In few shop you can have a classic thai massage for 100

(Not oil) but it's actualy more 150\200 the norm.


  • Like 2
1 hour ago, sakoo said:

For example, because I am young and handsome or because I am quick in thought?

I admire your humility and your humble rantings! Don't be shy, get that $#!t off your liver!

  • Haha 1
2 hours ago, sakoo said:


Dear Sakoo:


I fully understand your resentment about forum members trying to pigeon-hole you in terms of race, nationality, age, gender, etc. Almost everything you said about what motivates people to do this is true. I suppose on a certain level that is what I was doing as well, and as you have made clear your distaste for this exercise, I won't pursue this any further.


You asked why I was polite to you. The reason is because I recognize your intelligence and I can identify with many of the social resentments you have voiced. I know what it is like to have one's intelligence and social value discounted because of what you look like, and how much resentment this can engender in a person. I also appreciate that for people who feel their physical appearance unfairly influences others perception of their intelligence or social value, that internet forums provide an opportunity for them to be appreciated without having to worry that superficial perceptions will unfairly influence consideration of what they have to say.  Sort of like The Voice, where the judges have their backs turned to contestants. So again, I fully appreciate your desire to remain demographically anonymous.


You asked why, if I wasn't trying to racialize you, I was so interested in your racial and nationality background. Would you believe me if I told you that I have an interest in linguistic forensics, and saw trying to figure out your background as a mental exercise? Out of respect I won't continue down this road any further, but you have to admit that through a combination of provocative opinions, unexpected religious views, an expressed appreciation for asceticism and minimalism, and a certain cadginess about providing details about yourself coupled with a coy gradual elimination of erroneous guesses that you helped contributed to the parlor game atmosphere of 'guess where Sakoo is from' as well, wouldn't you agree?


OK, OK, I admit it; I think everyone on this forum except me and Owl are blooming idiots. Sorry guys, Sakoo really twisted my arm. I'll make it up to you later, I promise. I'm just kidding. But while I sometimes think you are being overly harsh and generalizing too much, I happen to think that quite a number of people on this forum would benefit from hearing more of your cultural perspectives, if for no other reason than to provide more balance, and I, for one, welcome your participation on this forum.


I believe you when you say that your screen name Sakoo just coincidentally has religious significance. I think the reason someone thought you might be Indian is because the word Saddhu also means a religious ascetic or monk or holy person in Hinduism, and Sadoo also just sounds like an Indian name. That, coupled with the Japanese meaning of Sakoo 'Remembrance of the Lord', makes your choice of Sakoo  as an avatar name a doubly cosmic coincidence.


I consider myself to be a fairly spiritual person. I am conscious of a common life force in living things. When I was a young man, I stood still watching the sun set for several hours and I had the sense that I had become a tree.


  • Like 2
8 hours ago, sakoo said:

You you see it is your constant repeating of YOU NEED TO SPEND AS MUCH AS I SPEND, that is actually not helpful at all. It also says something about your personality.

Ok, cheers. Forget about it then ... just go and travel and spend 20b per dish. You won't get any further answers or details from me about the prices here.


Just let me tell you this, you will be in for a shocker and true reality check if you don't adjust your expectations.


It will be a pity, you came to Thailand and you couldn't even buy a simple noodle soup on the street, because you didn't want to listen to people who seeing the prices around here and tell you, and no Thai will sell you one for 20b.


Good luck, when are you going? Please do share a bit of a trip report as update in this thread.

I would be very interesting to read how you get on.

3 hours ago, owl sees all said:

Many a poster here has done the deed and walked the walk. Now they are content to rest up in their later years. 


Maybe your post is uncovering long forgotten memories and springing an emotion; envy!. Others might just be wishing that they had half of your adventuring spirit.


And by 'wicked' I mean in a humorous sense.


When are you starting out sakoo?


Peace and respect.

I see so they are feeling nostalgic, in that case why the confrontational approach? Why the anger toward the economics? Why do they feel like they have to defend the Thais from me? And why do they call me a bum, etc.. if they are feeling reminiscent? Is it a kind of pety behaviour? I always thought they react that way because of built up resentment throughout a lifetime and it is not personal. So do they react this way to other younger traveler who frequent this forum? Are there any such persons? Or am i the youngest regular on this forum? And I will be in Thailand in the next low season, which is European summer, i will visit more than once, possibly June and/or September. I will focus one of those months in the North (in Chiang Mai and Pai) and the other month (on a Thai island). I assume Koh Pha Ngan is the only island choice for me given my budget. I have found some 100b/night options on that island, probably to nobody's belief. They are out there. I am also consideing Ko Jum. I will either fly into Krabi (for Ko Jum) or Ko Samui (for Koh Pha Ngan). I am too old for long bus trips. 

  • Like 1
3 hours ago, marqus12 said:

Good job Sakoo

These people who attack you live in a cocoon where information is

 dosed and served in a way that they can digest, as in matrix.


They are more brainwashed than North Koreans and they don't even know it .

Excellent Marcus, you understand their situation well. That is why I preach the name of the Lord, so as to snap them out of it. The matrix is the devil's grasp on them. What can be done for them? 

4 minutes ago, sakoo said:

I see so they are feeling nostalgic, in that case why the confrontational approach? Why the anger toward the economics? Why do they feel like they have to defend the Thais from me? And why do they call me a bum, etc.. if they are feeling reminiscent? Is it a kind of pety behaviour? I always thought they react that way because of built up resentment throughout a lifetime and it is not personal. So do they react this way to other younger traveler who frequent this forum? Are there any such persons? Or am i the youngest regular on this forum? And I will be in Thailand in the next low season, which is European summer, i will visit more than once, possibly June and/or September. I will focus one of those months in the North (in Chiang Mai and Pai) and the other month (on a Thai island). I assume Koh Pha Ngan is the only island choice for me given my budget. I have found some 100b/night options on that island, probably to nobody's belief. They are out there. I am also consideing Ko Jum. I will either fly into Krabi (for Ko Jum) or Ko Samui (for Koh Pha Ngan). I am too old for long bus trips. 

Great stuff. Don't forget to send us all on TVForum an e-postcard; and indeed an update.


Good luck to you.


Peace and respect


This is mental derailment on an epic scale.

Sakoo, I think you'll find it's "tenets", the "tenants" you write about are the weird voices that have taken up residence in your head. 

  • Like 1
2 hours ago, Gecko123 said:

Dear Gecko, Thank you for your understanding in these argumentative times (2019). When I hear you type I can see there are still a few left who are the right mindset. Diplomatic. You said almost everything I said about what motivates people to do this is true. What did I say that is not true regarding their racial motivation? And yes you did so as well. Good that you notice that about yourself. The question is will you do it to someone else next time you meet someone who is different, talks different or looks different? Will you immediately racialize them with questions? And yes I use this forum to express my socio-political concerns. And you noticed me for that. Excellent. And yes I do believe you are also an intellectual and that is why you are nice to me, since you miss being around your own kind. Sunnyboy and company just didn't do it for you, I take it? And Amy as well. It just wasn't enough smarts there to keep you tuned in. Now that I know you have intellectual reasons for figuring me out, you have my direct permission to continue doing so. Communication matters to me. And I have screened you as non-threatening. You can guess again, but first let me know why the Indian remark keeps coming up. Why do I say that reminds people here of Indians? Is it because the UK is full of Asians (Indians) so they think I am one of them because I am rebellious toward English hegemony? What was my most provocative opinion? To me they are quite normal things to say about our world. I have thought like that since I was in high school. And is my talk about the Lord really that unexpected? Doesn't anyone believe anymore? And my coyness is actually a form of protection. Because I am really sensitive, I have to protect myself from those who would abuse me. That abuse can be mental, emotional or physical. And I have learned to be cautious until I first check someone out. Usually only intellectuals pass the test, and then I begin an emotional exchange. Most people expect the emotional stuff first, and are disappointed and ultimately rejected. Not because I wanted that but because they had the wrong approach. But I believe the guess where I am from actually started with my remarks about Westies. You see once they find out someone doesn't like them, THEY MUST know where that person is from, so they can say, oh that's why, because that country hates us anyways, so it makes sense. I wanted to show them that anyone and everyone can be critical of the West while being Western themselves. There you go, I gave you a hint. I suppose I resented the fact that some of you thought I must be some kind of foreigner in order to think like that. As if only someone who didn't live in the West thinks like that. And thank you admitting the truth about those trapped in the matrix. Have you ever rebuked them? They need a good talking to. Especially Sunnyboy and his kinsmen, Amy, and also one other, who has since disappeared in shame, I think. Or possible to visit the library for some long overdue study and research assignments. I didn't know about Saddhu, but anyways that is the wrong religion. I am not a fan of Eastern religions, because of the idolatry. I have to be careful in Thailand, because I actually dont' agree with Wats, and Buddha statues, images. I am also hurt by elephant tourism, I really feel sad about that. When I look at he animals in the zoos, I really feel sad. I can't be in a room where animals are being paraded for tourists. Especially baby elephants who are separated from their mothers and starved, dehydrated, beaten to break their spirit from a young age so they will be docile adults. Their rationale for this is because otherwise they may kill someone in rage when they become older elephants. My answer is to just release them and stop the elephant tourism. Backpackers are so stupid for riding them. It's not a domestic animal like a horse or camel. They need to be in large spaces, not decorated with paint like in India. So when I first heard about being connected with India, my first thought was the elephants. That common life force in living things is called a spirit, you do not need to be coy with the terminology. That's a form of spiritual deception for example people who say I don't believe in our Father in Heaven, rather I believe in the Universe. That is more deception. Or others say I believe in Mother Nature, notice how they capitalize these terms, but when talking about God, they use the word "god". This is a clear deception especially of the dumb, young people. Full moon crowd, will have to steer clear of them. And while watching the sunset is nice, thinking the sun is holy is itself a form of paganism, so you have to watch out for that new age <deleted>, and the tantric yoga nonsense, even meditation. The only answer is prayer. Pray for what the Lord wants in secret, and he will reward you openly. 




40 minutes ago, sakoo said:

I see so they are feeling nostalgic, in that case why the confrontational approach? Why the anger toward the economics? Why do they feel like they have to defend the Thais from me? And why do they call me a bum, etc.. if they are feeling reminiscent? Is it a kind of pety behaviour? I always thought they react that way because of built up resentment throughout a lifetime and it is not personal. So do they react this way to other younger traveler who frequent this forum? Are there any such persons? Or am i the youngest regular on this forum? And I will be in Thailand in the next low season, which is European summer, i will visit more than once, possibly June and/or September. I will focus one of those months in the North (in Chiang Mai and Pai) and the other month (on a Thai island). I assume Koh Pha Ngan is the only island choice for me given my budget. I have found some 100b/night options on that island, probably to nobody's belief. They are out there. I am also consideing Ko Jum. I will either fly into Krabi (for Ko Jum) or Ko Samui (for Koh Pha Ngan). I am too old for long bus trips. 

Younger but too old for long bus trips...? How old do you think we are?

29 minutes ago, gearbox said:

If you fly into Samui, the airfare will swallow more or less your monthly budget. There is no return ticket to Samui cheaper than 5k baht. What kind of minimalist flies into Samui?

Hold your horses there partner, it's not a plan yet, I have months yet to fine tune the specifics, i will fly into Samui from KL with Air Asia, or Surat Thani, and the take the boat to Thong Sala. Are you an expert on Thong Sala? 

3 minutes ago, androokery said:

Younger but too old for long bus trips...? How old do you think we are?

Dear Andrew Kerry (a very white name by the way)

You are in your elder years and I am in the beginning of mid life. But I skipped a grade when I was young so that makes a huge difference. Also the Lord advanced my mind to be ahead of my peers in high school. That is why I am different. Because He made me so. So He can send me on this trip to school ignorant backpackers on the ways of the Lord. For now, He has brought me to some of you. To teach you repentance. 

40 minutes ago, androokery said:

This is mental derailment on an epic scale.

Sakoo, I think you'll find it's "tenets", the "tenants" you write about are the weird voices that have taken up residence in your head. 

There are no voices Andy, it is a spiritual connection. And I don't recall writing about tenants. You have it mixed up again, bud. Time for a nap, I think. Maybe a massage for 100b/hour. 

4 minutes ago, sakoo said:

Dear Andrew Kerry (a very white name by the way)

You are in your elder years and I am in the beginning of mid life. But I skipped a grade when I was young so that makes a huge difference. Also the Lord advanced my mind to be ahead of my peers in high school. That is why I am different. Because He made me so. So He can send me on this trip to school ignorant backpackers on the ways of the Lord. For now, He has brought me to some of you. To teach you repentance. 

Andrew Kerry? I assume you've never heard of a rookery before.

If these are individual values, you're saying I'm near my death while you have half your life in front of you. That means nothing. It could mean I'm 32. And you could be 16. 

7 minutes ago, sakoo said:

There are no voices Andy, it is a spiritual connection. And I don't recall writing about tenants. You have it mixed up again, bud. Time for a nap, I think. Maybe a massage for 100b/hour. 

I'm not your bud or your partner. 

Your words to me (emphasis is mine):


It is more likely you are so disturbed by the idea that I Indeed know and have found ways to get stuff for free, and without hurting anyone, that it irks you so much since you were raised to think you have to pay for everything to be yours. And that is the deception of capitalism, consumerism and commercialism. All disgusting Western belief system (and pushy ones too) and you would like everyone in the world to follow these tenants simply by the fact that you have to follow them. Well forget it. Some of us realize paying income taxes is a scam by the government to squeeze us and others pay happily /.../

This level of disrespect to those of us who actually buy and pay for the things that you use for "free" is really disturbing. Your actions are those of a low parasite. 

1 hour ago, sakoo said:

Excellent work Stocky, I accept your explanation. However, I don't think there is any other country that uses Great in their name. Why don't some British people say UK, others say England, and even still, many say Great Britain. Is there an identity crises among them?

The problem of having a long and complex history.

In brief:

  • Great Britain comprises the original Kingdoms of England and Scotland plus the Principality of Wales
  • The United Kingdom comprises Great Britain and Northern Ireland 

Consequently someone can say they're English, but also be British, come from Great Britain and carry a UK passport.

History is complicated.


1 hour ago, sakoo said:

As we all know wealthy people, or atheistic farang will just scoff at the Word. But, simpler people may wake up to it. There is no need to look at my economic approach physically. There maybe a spiritual reason for everything that happens. 

Ah, so you seek to prey on the gullible and poorly educated. Personally, I think cannibals had the right idea when it came to Missionaries.



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