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Cross Generational Back Talk -- Is 'OK Boomer' OK with you?


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I understand the term "baby boomer", but I have never heard anyone quote  "OK boomer"...
Sounds a bit Aussy to me though...????


I would be interested to know where the OP has been presented with the phrase to get upset about it...????

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On 11/18/2019 at 6:26 AM, Thainesss said:


Its not anecdotal - the term was literally coined by and used by and made into a 'thing' by millennial liberal crybabies. The whole point of the thread is the phrase "OK Boomer".



Now here is where you change the statement and intent of my post into something you just made up that has nothing to do with what I said. 


Liberal millennials[sic] coined and use the phrase "OK Boomer" yet are the overbearingly loud proponents of Tolerance™ Inclusion™ and Diversity™ unless it's of course anyone who's older, makes more money, or disagrees with them. Then its name calling and disrespect. Be the same as saying "Ok Jew" or "Ok Asian". 


The hypocrisy is the point, bud. I can make the statement "OK Boomer" (Which I would never do because its dumb) and not be a hypocrite because I'm an American right-wingnut who is free to dislike people/opinions/attitudes as I see fit. 


The question of who coined the phrase is irrelevant.


You argued earlier that ageism, specifically ageist attitudes toward boomers, was the exclusive province of liberals. In other words, you made a blanket statement which was not confined to the discussion of the phrase ("OK boomer") in question.


Your "supporting evidence" for this claim is, by necessity, purely anecdotal...unless you've interviewed every man, woman and child in America who holds negative attitudes toward baby boomers and have ascertained his or her political affiliations...?



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Who cares? Whether there's truth to the sentiment about the boomer generation "ruining the world" or not I just want this dumb meme to end. It's not clever or funny, it's just annoying seeing it everywhere. I'm not a defensive boomer either, I'm in my 20s.


How I imagine people must feel when they comment "OK boomer" online:


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5 minutes ago, fusion58 said:

You argued earlier that ageism, specifically ageist attitudes toward boomers, was the exclusive province of liberals. In other words, you made a blanket statement which was not confined to the discussion of the phrase ("OK boomer") in question.


I literally never, not once, ever said that. You're making stuff up.


My posts are in direct reference to the thread title and phrase mentioned in it, and the people who coined it, and use it. 


YOU have removed the context of my posts in that little noggin of yours in a boring attempt to argue with me. 



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On 11/18/2019 at 6:26 AM, Thainesss said:




The hypocrisy is the point, bud. I can make the statement "OK Boomer" (Which I would never do because its dumb) and not be a hypocrite because I'm an American right-wingnut who is free to dislike people/opinions/attitudes as I see fit. 

Oh, there's ample hypocrisy on the right as well, Bubba.


For example:


Conservatives: "The baby boom generation is to blame for everything that's wrong with America today."


Also conservatives: "How dare you disrespect our Vietnam vets?"




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My only complaint about the phrase is that it's a bit wet, a bit soft.......not nearly as savage, insensitive and cruel as the sort of people who are my age (and act/speak in the way that prompts its use) deserve.


I wouldn't feel the slightest bit "hurt" by it, even if anyone did use it against me.


"**** off and die grandad, you're in the way you useless old ****"


That's more like it.


Good enough for me, in "my day".





Edited by Enoon
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On 11/18/2019 at 3:56 AM, Credo said:

They face a lot more difficulty achieving what my generation could obtain rather easily. 

Wasn't so easy for me .   How was it easy for you ?  



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13 minutes ago, fusion58 said:

If you still can't see where and how you crapped the bed, then I don't know how to better explain without breaking out the crayons and hand puppets.


I have no idea how your brain works. One minute your shifting the goalposts to what conservatives do, next minute your flailing the other way like your having a panic attack because someone had the audacity point out liberal hypocrisy in a statement made by liberals. 


And now the nexus of your last post is that some liberals don't say it, therefore it negates the ones that do? 


You are really very sensitive about this whole thing aren't you. 

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On 11/18/2019 at 6:35 AM, sunnyboy2018 said:

Correct..and then some. They dont know how lucky they are. They have never had it so good.

Don't worry.   They will face the realities of life just the same.   Even most successful , or i prefer to say content and self assured people,  will say that they appreciate life much more for having to work hard for what they got.   


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On 11/18/2019 at 6:38 AM, DannyCarlton said:

Must be an American thing. I've never been called an "OK boomer" or any other kind of boomer. I didn't even know I was a "boomer" until I read the OP. So sad to pigeonhole people. Put people in your little boxes and you will never understand them. Certainly not me.


Refering to me as a "boomer" says absolutely nothing about me.



First time I've heard of it too.

Six white boomers I understand.

Ozzies will know what I mean.

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I have the same philosophy for this as anything anyone want s to say to my face ... be ready for the come back ... and don't cry if your feelings get hurt.  Don't like the comeback and want to do something about it? ... I won't be hard to find b***h!

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On 11/17/2019 at 8:56 PM, Credo said:

I get some flak from the kids and grandkids, but it's mostly just meme's on FB.   I have a list of causes I will leave my money to, instead of them.   They are all causes they HATE!!

I think it's normal for the younger generation to do some blaming of the older generation.   I am kind and gentle to them, because I did grow up at a time when life was pretty fun, reasonably easy and goals were achievable.   


They face a lot more difficulty achieving what my generation could obtain rather easily.   They seem to have slightly different values, ideas, and dreams.   



"They face a lot more difficulty achieving what my generation could obtain rather easily."

"I have a list of causes I will leave my money to, instead of them. They are all causes they HATE!!"

"I am kind and gentle to them"


Hmmm... ????





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Inspite of common believe, the millennials are capable of doing some basic Math.
Due to Demographics, they know that any "Social-Security transfer-model" will not work anymore, once they reach their pension-age. (1 active worker supporting 2 pensioneers in the future????)
Those Millennials also know that a good part of the "voters" will consist of "Boomers" that will not vote against their interests.

- No wonder that the handy-wielding Millennials are starting to feel like another "lost-generation", no matter what they do. Therefore I am not surprised to encounter some mild forms of hostility by millennials in Europe already. Not in Thailand (yet).

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I don't think any generation has cornered the market on stupidity, just yet. In my lifetime I have met some really great people and some complete morons and they were of all different ages. The problem I see today is that the media appears to be trying to pit generation against generation. It wasn't the same in the past. In the past it was more a joking kind of thing between generations but today it has taken a serious turn. A lot of people need to stop walking around with a chip on their shoulders and get on with their lives. 


Stop letting the media ruin your day. I have never heard anyone disrespect a boomer by saying "OK Boomer" and the only reason I know it's out there is because I read it in an article. Most people aren't crybaby, panty-waists, so focus on them and ignore the morons who are given an outsize voice in the media.

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I'm too young to be considered a 'boomer'..., but I say let the hipsters and millennials spend their time and money on endless selfies and more tattoos..., I laugh in their general (in)direction and at their dummy spitting, self-entitled attitudes.

Edited by Sandy Freckle
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On 11/19/2019 at 7:35 PM, Hanuman2547 said:

Pretty much an American thing.

Yeah like Coke and rap music...never heard of them. ...because they are American!  Baby boomer is a very common term as is Yuppie and a whole host of words that are international though originating in America. One has too be a border line political illiterate and out of contact with world affairs for the last two decades not to be familiar with the term baby boomer. But what is more interesting is people who feel proud to announce their ignorance as if they have achieved something by NOT knowing something!

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16 minutes ago, Sandy Freckle said:

I'm too young to be considered a 'boomer'..., but I say let the hipsters and millennials spend their time and money on endless selfies and more tattoos..., I laugh in their general (in)direction and at their dummy spitting, self-entitled attitudes.

Yeah. Its pathetic. They are mard.

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On 11/19/2019 at 5:19 PM, Thainesss said:


I have no idea how your brain works. One minute your[sic] shifting the goalposts to what conservatives do, next minute your[sic] flailing the other way like your[sic] having a panic attack because someone had the audacity point out liberal hypocrisy in a statement made by liberals.


And now the nexus of your last post is that some liberals don't say it, therefore it negates the ones that do? 


You are really very sensitive about this whole thing aren't you. 

The bold part is where you jumped the shark.


That is, you’re trying to make the case that there’s something specifically “liberal” about ageist attitudes toward boomers when, in reality, the fact that some millennials who express such attitudes happen to be politically liberal is incidental (otherwise, we wouldn’t be able to cite examples of conservatives who hold the same attitudes.)


As for “sensitive,” that’s how I would describe your response to being called on your broad brush tactics and faulty logic. So, add projection to the list of your infractions. 

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On 11/20/2019 at 12:25 AM, swissie said:

Inspite of common believe, the millennials are capable of doing some basic Math.
Due to Demographics, they know that any "Social-Security transfer-model" will not work anymore, once they reach their pension-age. (1 active worker supporting 2 pensioneers in the future????)

That's an American Conservative Shibboleth*  with no basis in reality.  


*  Shibboleth (Schibboleth)


A shibboleth is any custom or tradition, usually a choice of phrasing or even a single word, that distinguishes one group of people from another.
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