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Family-Owned Thai Restaurant in Texas Gets Racist ‘Speak English’ Note From Customer


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3 hours ago, Happy Grumpy said:

They wrote the correct 'you're', as opposed to the incorrect 'your', so yes, I doubt an American wrote it. 

Correct spelling an anathema in Texas, now there is broad statement ????


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3 hours ago, ThomasThBKK said:

For me too, as german, easier to understand an italian or russian than an american. Native speakers are often mumbling. 


But i can tell you a secret, if you go to Ireland not even Brits can understand the rubbish accent they use there.

Have you ever been to Newcastle in the North of England?

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The staff in many ethnic restaurants in the US speak their native tongue among themselves. And I've not been to one where those attending guests couldn't communicate in English, maybe accented and not fluent, but perfectly adequate.


What I'm guessing happened in this place is that a couple of Thais were happily chatting away in Thai within earshot of this fellow who took offense thinking they were talking about him/her.


Anyway that's one point of view. Might just have been a generic jerk. 

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3 hours ago, Genericnic said:

Texas is a land of immigrants. 



But it seems a lot of the white rednecks there conveniently forget that fact....


I'm guessing, the author would have written a similar note if he/she was visiting a local Mexican restaurant... 


Instead, they should just feel lucky that they actually have someplace to eat Thai food in Lubbock!


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At least, unlike what happened to me recently. I don't speak Thai, not well anyway, and when a guy almost ran me off the road on my motorbike, he stopped, came at me, punched me in the chest, told me to go back to my country then said he was going to kill me. He decided to leave, after the threat. 

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3 hours ago, fruitman said:

If you dress like a Thai (long sleeves and pants) you like like an idiot to me...unless you work here but you don't....


In 34 celcius who likes to wear long pants and socks?? Not me for sure.

Much cooler wearing lightweight cotton or linen long trousers and long-sleeved shirts, thin cotton socks too. Absorbs sweat which then has a cooling effect as it evaporates. Keeps the sun off too, thereby reducing the risk of skin cancer.

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Lubbock is where I was born and lived until 17 I could not get out of that hole fast enough. The note may not have been racist but more than likely the person is a racist as they do have there share of racist people there. If you do not like the way they speak which was probably english with a heavy accent do not return.

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4 hours ago, HeyHeyHey said:

To open a business in Thailand you must give 51% control to a Thai


For each work permit you must employ 4 Thais


but someone frustrated that nobody in an American business can speak English is racist?

A foreigner just doesn't open a restaurant business in America.  They need an E2 visa and work permit or EB5 visa both of which require a significant investment.  Much MUCH more than you would spend to buy a business in Thailand which, if you are American, you can own outright.

Similarly, you wouldn't be able to legally employ foreigners without documentation in the foreign owned American business.

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17 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


Nope, the Vietnamese have the donut shop concessions.

The Thai places are usually run by Lao people as their food is similar to Thai, the vietnamese places I have been in are usually run by vietnamese. Thai food and vietnamese are not even close. There is not alot of Thai immigrants running about the states most of them are along the coast. The highest number of thais outside of Thailand happens to be in the Los Angles area. You will find larger number of Laos,and Vietnamese in area of the states because of being resettled there after the war.

Edited by moe666
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27 minutes ago, Why Me said:

The staff in many ethnic restaurants in the US speak their native tongue among themselves. And I've not been to one where those attending guests couldn't communicate in English, maybe accented and not fluent, but perfectly adequate.


What I'm guessing happened in this place is that a couple of Thais were happily chatting away in Thai within earshot of this fellow who took offense thinking they were talking about him/her.


Anyway that's one point of view. Might just have been a generic jerk. 

That is probably exactly what happened.

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Having had the shock of the same treatment in my new country - France - twice in 30 years, I can confirm that THIS IS NOT RACISM.


It is, rather, XENOPHOBIA - fear of the foreign, usually born out of simple but deep-rooted insecurity in the person who makes the comment. 


The person has the mistaken idea that they are being talked about in the foreign language or excluded from the conversation in general, when the subject matter has eff all to do with them and the "foreign" language is being used for EASE. e.g. "Could you empty the dishwasher when you've finished serving, teelack?" - in this case, Thai.


Sad mofos the world over..... learn languages and set yourself free!


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5 hours ago, zydeco said:

Could easily be a hoax. Free publicity already achieved. Not to mention sympathy patronage soon coming up.



What a disgusting and cynical post. Are you suggesting that the Thai owner may have written the note?

How ludicrous... Look at the note and try to imagine that a Thai wrote this. It was obviously written by a

racist red-neck.

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Why even bother to address the note!  I grew up with these types of people my first job as a teen was working at a Chinese restaurant just a bus boy.  I use to hear it all the time from red necks told before I even started I never said a word or open my mouth the boss said just smile " O.K. be right back "  one day the head waiter said to me " customer giving you problem " I said yes " they said so and so " he walk me over to the chef where their meals were being prepared he pulled down his trouser and pee right into their soup the chef spit and toss in a few goodies in their other dishes.


The customers were all smiles with their meals the place was always packed with red necks!  I learn that day never mess with people who control your meals!????



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4 hours ago, HeyHeyHey said:

To open a business in Thailand you must give 51% control to a Thai


For each work permit you must employ 4 Thais


but someone frustrated that nobody in an American business can speak English is racist?



I hope the customer called immigration to have them check to make sure everyone there is legal. I might email them myself just to be sure. This goes both ways.


And yes, they should speak English if they are going to live and do business in the US. I learned their useless ugly language and studied my ass off to be good at it. 

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3 hours ago, NoBrainer said:

Could it be that the Author of the note was most likely upset that most of the businesses employees were illegal immigrants from Spanish speaking countries, and were just speaking Spanish.

I would think it would be cheaper to hire Mexicans, or other South Americans, than Thais, to run the business.


The note writer will develop carpal tunnel syndrome from all the writing if he keeps getting upset about meeting Spanish-speaking people in Texas. 

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4 hours ago, Just1Voice said:

I'll probably catch hell for this, but in a way I tend to agree with the sentiments of the note. I learned very quickly that to truly get by in Thailand I had to learn the language. If you are living in a country whose language is different than your own, it pays to learn it. 


Just1Voice, there is a big difference in "it pays to learn it" and "go back where you came from."

The former is a constructive suggestion, the latter is showing your true identity as a xenophobic dumb-axx. 

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3 minutes ago, kensisaket said:

If I go to a Thai restaurant in a foreivgn country I'm happy to hear them speaking Thai. At least I know I'm getting authentic Thai food. 

More likely they're getting the real stuff and serving the dreck to the white people. Of course there are exceptions. 

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Although not nice, I think the Note is a simple reminder to the Thai family concerned that they are not in Thailand and should probably be more aware of their surroundings. Lets face it, most Thai, where ever they may venture to, seem to adopt the 

 I AM THAI SO I CAN DO WHAT I WANT attitude as Thai do in Thailand.


After living in Thailand for over 11 years, trying to conform, adapt, part-take, be a part of and so on, within the Thai community, but continually rejected for being a FARANG a FOREIGNER. I came to understand how racist Thai really are...


I consider this article a wake-up call for Thai citizens, for them to consider the way in-which Thai treat foreigners?


Long term ex=pats, tourist etc, in

Thailand, will understand the extent of racism toward them by the majority of Thai people.


Wake up Thailand! The world is moving on so should Thai people. Thailand is not untouchable or above other countries, in-fact Thailand is very far down the ladder. 

Stop being racist and consider how much of a positive thing foreigners do and give to Thai people plus Thailand. A better way of life, the chance to improve and live outside of Thailand. Be thankful that other countries and nationals  allow Thais the opportunity to be someone and not viewed as simply a MEAL TICKET! A BANK! AN ATM as most Thai view foreigners!


I've no sympathy for the Thai concerned and I hope it will make them understand how Thai treat foreigners, but I doubt that very much. Thai are too indoctrinated to see their true reflections in a mirror.


My opinion

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1 hour ago, jingjai9 said:

What are the Thai restaurants like in your country? The ones I have been to in my country employ only Thai people. Some hire students who are not supposed to work. They break as many rules as foreigners are caught breaking here in Thailand.


Thais work illegal restaurant jobs all over the world. If you have a Thai GF or wife ask her how many people she knows who are working illegally abroad. It’s part of their network system and they charge for it. This has been going on for as long as I’ve been here and isn’t going anywhere soon. It’s also one more reason it’s difficult to get Thais into certain countries.

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12 minutes ago, dcnx said:



I hope the customer called immigration to have them check to make sure everyone there is legal. I might email them myself just to be sure. This goes both ways.


And yes, they should speak English if they are going to live and do business in the US. I learned their useless ugly language and studied my ass off to be good at it. 


Sounds like you're from Texas. Maybe you wrote the note.

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Lucky owners.

They can live and work in the States without daily fear from the authorities. No doubt they have green cards. Learn English. 

Try getting permanent residence in Thailand....or better still a passport.

In the EC we dish out passports to all and sundry and even to those from countries like Thailand and China where you have no hope of a passport.

This is wrong and should be reciprocal. 

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27 minutes ago, BradinAsia said:



What a disgusting and cynical post. Are you suggesting that the Thai owner may have written the note?

How ludicrous... Look at the note and try to imagine that a Thai wrote this. It was obviously written by a

racist red-neck.

Wouldn't be the first time the "racist note at a restaurant" turned out to be fake. There's tons of previous examples.





And why wouldn't a Thai person be able to write that note? Maybe you should take a look at your own preconceived notions about Thai people.

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