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Frozen British Pensions

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8 minutes ago, saengd said:

You are incorrect on the first point but correct on the second point.


I suppose if you made yourself UK resident and then the very next day went back to Thailand, they might have something to say about that and your pension might revert. But if you file a tax return or two inbetween then all should be good.

Yes i did think that, after i posted my comment!

16 minutes ago, maxcorrigan said:

Yes but how i understand it is, if you came back to live in Thailand again your pension would go back to when you first left £110, correct me if i'm wrong!                                                                 And as a side note if you left Thailand and went to live in the Phillopeans (SP) where pensions are not frozen would you still get all the increases?

You are right about the pension falling again when you return to Thailand. A previous poster said it would be uprated immediately if you returned to UK for (say) a holiday. Not so immediate. I visited UK in August and am still waiting for my uprate (though they did assure me on the phone it was in the pipeline).


I reckon you write to the International Pensions Centre if you move to Philippines.

2 hours ago, peterb17 said:

I remember the days when you could only take £50 spending money abroad on holiday ! 


So do I. Unfortunately I didn't even have 50 quid to take on my week to Mallorca in 1969.

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14 minutes ago, saengd said:

Have you ever stopped to think about how the country pays for the status quo? If not have you ever stopped to think about how taxes are spent currently? If you do one or the other and then you remove the current tax base from the income stream and replace it with just the top 5% of earners only, will that really compensate? Well yes, perhaps, as long as those 5% stand still and do nothing, don't move their assets overseas or don't leave the country. Would you do that if you were in that 5%!

Sorry, I should have said income tax increases.

1 minute ago, maxcorrigan said:

To be fair to Corbyn, he has always stated that he thinks it grossly unfair that international pensions are capped at the date arriving in certain countries and not others, so it's not conjured up by him for vote winning, saying that it seems posters in the UK press when this topic is brought up, seem to mostly against ex-pats getting any increases, as though we are traitors for leaving, they also seem to think we still get winter heating allowance!

Some of us do. (shhh). I justify it as my summer cooling allowance.

  • Haha 2
12 minutes ago, wwest5829 said:

I know, many things different but the political debate as to where to strike a balance appears to have similarities.

Oh yes. You can see good and bad policies from either side but cannot vote on things individually. So you choose the dung heap that smells the least or the one that benefits you personally the most. In the U.K. , the government pension is classed as a benefit, not a right. In effect, its a Ponzi scheme. 

10 hours ago, oldhippy said:

I just can not believe this is true!!!!!!


British pensions are not only sub standard but also frozen for emigrants???

If other European countries can afford decent pensions, why not the UK?


Time for a revolution, not led by that softy Corbyn, but by a real left winger.


People in England prefer low taxes rather than good public services and decent pensions, I personally would rather pay a bit extra tax now

  • Like 1
1 hour ago, shackleton said:

The Labour Party can promise the earth  knowing they have no 2 chances of winning the General Election 

Bob Hope and No hope

now if they changed their leader  who knows?

Off topic time for a lighten up .  No Hope , no Jobs , no Cash but we still have Kevin Bacon.

11 hours ago, oldhippy said:

If other European countries can afford decent pensions, why not the UK?

You can put France in the same basket pierced as England;:crying:
For almost ten years my retirement has been frozen and amounts to a huge sum of 1208 euros a month;( no reason to hide this sum )
With the euro equal to 33,5253 baht, I just watched on XE.com, it makes me just the minimum 40,000 baht and mandatory that I have to receive every month in order to continue living here with my wife, my dogs and my cats.

16 hours ago, fishtank said:

For some bizarre reason the Brits seem to prefer the serial liar against the decent man.

Mankind has been plagued by this since the beginning when the weak guy stayed around the campfire and helped the women around the caves.  How dare a hunter and farmer become a politician.  So you can pretty much assume your decent man has told a few lies, too, and promises things he has no intention or way to provide.


I'm talking about all politicians. Who you talking about anyway? ???? 

3 hours ago, ianh68 said:

It is worth remembering that the Labour Manifesto is not just the product of Jeremy Corbyn's brain - it is a distillation of policy democratically decided at Labour Party conference.

and Momentum.

  • Like 1
15 hours ago, kingdong said:

Right on,all they,ve got to do is print some more money..................

I know, the Tories have hardly borrowed a penny to pay for their austerity. Or have they borrowed more than any other British government ever?

  • Like 1
15 hours ago, kingdong said:

Right on,all they,ve got to do is print some more money..................

I know, the Tories have hardly borrowed a penny to pay for their austerity. Or have they borrowed more than any other British government ever?

3 hours ago, toofarnorth said:

Off topic time for a lighten up .  No Hope , no Jobs , no Cash but we still have Kevin Bacon.

And bring in Jim Hacker and Sir Humphrey ????

  • Haha 1
2 hours ago, nchuckle said:

You seem a credulous chap. For £100 I’ll sell you Tower Bridge,simply pay  into the account details I messaged you... A decent chap laying wreaths on terrorist graves is your kinda guy hey?

Maybe Nelson Mandela, Bill Clinton and the Queen should be equally denounced?



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1 hour ago, saengd said:

Good luck with that, if you want to stamp that out then you'll have to stamp out the wealth creators also, you know, the people who create jobs!

Urban myth. Complete nonsense. How much wealth will Mogg create when he plans to crash the UK economy and salt away the immence profits in offshore accounts? Rock all for Britain.



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18 hours ago, fishtank said:


We can only hope that they get elected.

Not looking too good though.

For some bizarre reason the Brits seem to prefer the serial liar against the decent man.

Or woman.

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  • Confused 1

I dont like Corbyn at all.


He campaigned during the referendum period to LEAVE.


He has thwarted the DEMOCRATIC vote since ... creating chaos ... despite bizarely, it going the way he had campaigned for.  He obviously decided chaos is good .. democracy bad.


I have never forgiven him for when he was just a back bencher .. and employed a Sinn Fein / IRA supporter as a researcher when the IRA were murdering innocents just because they were Protestents. !!!!


It was a big controversy at the time. Not seen mentioned for 20 years but I wont forget.


A google search quickly confirms he has refused to condemn murderess terrorists when directly asked. One horrible man.


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1 hour ago, saengd said:

Good luck with that, if you want to stamp that out then you'll have to stamp out the wealth creators also, you know, the people who create jobs!


Everything I've ever read about Corbyns spending plans tells me he's detached from reality, he has no realistic way to pay for even one tenth of what he plans. Remember when Labour were ousted and the Cons. took over last time, the Cons guy at the Treasury read the note that was left for him by his Labour predecessor, "sorry, there's no money, we spent it all", that's just a fraction of what a Corbyn gov. would be like. And most thinking people understand that it was the catastrophic financial actions of Labour in that government that made the ensuing austerity program necessary, don't blames that on the Cons., they just cleaned up the mess that was left for them.


1 hour ago, saengd said:

Good luck with that, if you want to stamp that out then you'll have to stamp out the wealth creators also, you know, the people who create jobs!


Everything I've ever read about Corbyns spending plans tells me he's detached from reality, he has no realistic way to pay for even one tenth of what he plans. Remember when Labour were ousted and the Cons. took over last time, the Cons guy at the Treasury read the note that was left for him by his Labour predecessor, "sorry, there's no money, we spent it all", that's just a fraction of what a Corbyn gov. would be like. And most thinking people understand that it was the catastrophic financial actions of Labour in that government that made the ensuing austerity program necessary, don't blames that on the Cons., they just cleaned up the mess that was left for them.

If your dissatisfied with the way Amazon or Starbucks operate don't use them.

7 minutes ago, Percy P said:


If your dissatisfied with the way Amazon or Starbucks operate don't use them.

Are you sure you got your quotes right? I'm just fine with Amazon and Starbucks.

28 minutes ago, DannyCarlton said:

Urban myth. Complete nonsense. How much wealth will Mogg create when he plans to crash the UK economy and salt away the immence profits in offshore accounts? Rock all for Britain.



Whatever are you talking about, Mogg crash the UK economy!!!

  • Thanks 1
1 hour ago, saengd said:

Good luck with that, if you want to stamp that out then you'll have to stamp out the wealth creators also, you know, the people who create jobs!


Everything I've ever read about Corbyns spending plans tells me he's detached from reality, he has no realistic way to pay for even one tenth of what he plans. Remember when Labour were ousted and the Cons. took over last time, the Cons guy at the Treasury read the note that was left for him by his Labour predecessor, "sorry, there's no money, we spent it all", that's just a fraction of what a Corbyn gov. would be like. And most thinking people understand that it was the catastrophic financial actions of Labour in that government that made the ensuing austerity program necessary, don't blames that on the Cons., they just cleaned up the mess that was left for them.

If you don't like the way Amazon or Starbucks operate don't support them. I've never been in a Starbucks  coffee house.

  • Like 1
6 minutes ago, saengd said:

Are you sure you got your quotes right? I'm just fine with Amazon and Starbucks.

But are they paying their fair share of taxes to the treasury for the amount of business  they do in the Uk.

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