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Frozen British Pensions

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13 hours ago, kingdong said:

Worry about yourself,when I want your advice i,'ll ask for it.think your beloved Europe's going to last when we leave?dream on.

Britain, the pillar that holds the world up. Every 8 minutes a child is made homeless in the UK, capitalism let off the reigns.

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My circa 50 years of NIC's earned me a state pension of 129 Pounds per month yet my private contributions, at a half of that level, over half the time, earned me a pension of 312 Pounds per month. Meanwhile, my SSc contribution over thirteen years in the US earned me a US SSc pension of 160 Pounds per week, how can that possibly be. (a rhetorical question of course)

Edited by saengd
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8 hours ago, DannyCarlton said:

Yes I remember that too. I also remember that it was the very first legislation Thatcher repealed after election, which allowed labour intensive manufacturers to liquidate their assets and move manufacturing abroad causing unemploymenyt rates to rise from less than 1 million to 3.5 million. Great for business, not so great for the working man.

The £50 travel limit was removed in 1970, removal was a prerequisite to going into Europe.

It was the exchange control regulations that Thatcher dealt with.

The travel limit was £50 in foreign currency and £15 in sterling. You had to show your passport to get foreign currency and they wrote the amount in your passport.

The good old days before the dreaded EC/EU.

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7 hours ago, saengd said:

And "current level" means what.....my current level is based on the old system, a maximum of about 129 Pounds per week. A person in a different age group would belong to the new system which is much higher, around 165 Pounds as I recall. So to suggest that all expats would be brought up to the new rate is simply ludicrous.

You are quite right, only the appropriate amount would be uprated depending on which system was used to pay the pension.

If I lived in the UK only about half my pension would be uprated as the rest is additional pension and fixed.

A hidden bonus of the new system in that going forward the whole amount would be uprated.

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8 hours ago, twix38 said:

Is there nothing Corbyn won't promise to get elected!


The guy is a danger to the economy.


A reckless man focused on giveaways to bribe voters. It would all end in tears if he's elected.

From the BBC News website 22 November.




Always remember there is no such thing as a "free" lunch.


What is in the Labour manifesto?
£75bn to build 150,000 new council and social homes a year, within five years
An immediate 5% pay rise for public sector workers, with year-on-year above-inflation pay rises to follow
Introducing a "real living wage" of at least £10 an hour
Reviewing the retirement age for people in hard manual jobs
Introducing a second homes tax
Reversing inheritance tax cuts and imposing VAT on private school fees
Giving EU nationals living in UK the automatic right to stay
Reinstating 3,000 bus routes that have been cut
Free broadband for all, delivered by part-nationalising BT
A £3bn plan to offer adults in England free access to retraining
A pledge to reduce all primary school classes to fewer than 30 children
Free personal at-home care in England for over-65s most in need of it
A pledge to renew the Trident nuclear deterrent and spend at least 2% of GDP on defence
Reducing the voting age to 16

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11 hours ago, DannyCarlton said:

Yes I remember that too. I also remember that it was the very first legislation Thatcher repealed after election, which allowed labour intensive manufacturers to liquidate their assets and move manufacturing abroad causing unemploymenyt rates to rise from less than 1 million to 3.5 million. Great for business, not so great for the working man.

And what did Labour do in their following 3terms of office? Let the banking industry run amok and bankrupt the economy,how many of Thatchers draconian anti trade union laws did Labour get rid of? And let's not forget the legacy of Blair's love of starting wars,we had a reminder of that last friday.So who do the working class  vote for now?some goat from the 70s who can,t do simple arithmetic?

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2 hours ago, billd766 said:

From the BBC News website 22 November.




Always remember there is no such thing as a "free" lunch.


What is in the Labour manifesto?
£75bn to build 150,000 new council and social homes a year, within five years
An immediate 5% pay rise for public sector workers, with year-on-year above-inflation pay rises to follow
Introducing a "real living wage" of at least £10 an hour
Reviewing the retirement age for people in hard manual jobs
Introducing a second homes tax
Reversing inheritance tax cuts and imposing VAT on private school fees
Giving EU nationals living in UK the automatic right to stay
Reinstating 3,000 bus routes that have been cut
Free broadband for all, delivered by part-nationalising BT
A £3bn plan to offer adults in England free access to retraining
A pledge to reduce all primary school classes to fewer than 30 children
Free personal at-home care in England for over-65s most in need of it
A pledge to renew the Trident nuclear deterrent and spend at least 2% of GDP on defence
Reducing the voting age to 16

and everyone will have their own flying pig to get to work on ,except muslims ,they will have a unicorn .

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1 hour ago, ivor bigun said:

and everyone will have their own flying pig to get to work on ,except muslims ,they will have a unicorn .

I am curious where all the money for this is coming from.


If Labour has to borrow the money to finance this lot, how much will it cost in interest and over how long a period.


I know the poor old taxpayer will be stuck with the bill, but how much and for how long?

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3 minutes ago, billd766 said:

I am curious where all the money for this is coming from.


If Labour has to borrow the money to finance this lot, how much will it cost in interest and over how long a period.


I know the poor old taxpayer will be stuck with the bill, but how much and for how long?

A payday loan?

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3 hours ago, kingdong said:

And what did Labour do in their following 3terms of office? Let the banking industry run amok and bankrupt the economy,how many of Thatchers draconian anti trade union laws did Labour get rid of? And let's not forget the legacy of Blair's love of starting wars,we had a reminder of that last friday.So who do the working class  vote for now?some goat from the 70s who can,t do simple arithmetic?

please tell us the answer to your question


quote: So who do the working class  vote for now?

Edited by oldhippy
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Crazy system that it is! Eligibility for winter fuel payments includes receiving state pension and residency in the UK during the week of 16 September. I receive state pension but I left the UK on 11 September after spending four months there, last week the winter fuel payment showed up in my account, along with a ten Pound Xmas bonus or something. I tried giving it back because I'm here for the winter but they tell me there's no mechanism to do that, once it's been sent it can't be returned. No wonder the country is short of readies!

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2 hours ago, saengd said:

Crazy system that it is! Eligibility for winter fuel payments includes receiving state pension and residency in the UK during the week of 16 September. I receive state pension but I left the UK on 11 September after spending four months there, last week the winter fuel payment showed up in my account, along with a ten Pound Xmas bonus or something. I tried giving it back because I'm here for the winter but they tell me there's no mechanism to do that, once it's been sent it can't be returned. No wonder the country is short of readies!

When we left ,we were getting child allowance ,we stopped it ,twice they paid us ,and twice we returned the cheque again ,got a letter asking why we were returning it , God knows how they would catch you claiming uprises over here ,if even when you write and tell them to stop paying money they still pay it.

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3 hours ago, saengd said:

Crazy system that it is! Eligibility for winter fuel payments includes receiving state pension and residency in the UK during the week of 16 September. I receive state pension but I left the UK on 11 September after spending four months there, last week the winter fuel payment showed up in my account, along with a ten Pound Xmas bonus or something. I tried giving it back because I'm here for the winter but they tell me there's no mechanism to do that, once it's been sent it can't be returned. No wonder the country is short of readies!

Well there you go,the UK is leaving the eu soon and will hopefully be able to sort out these sort of affairs.

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2 minutes ago, kingdong said:

Well there you go,the UK is leaving the eu soon and will hopefully be able to sort out these sort of affairs.

These days, it is very difficult to know whether that is a joke or not. Otherwise, you seem to be blaming the EU for the failings of the UK civil service.


By the way, any Brits waiting to Get Brexit Done so we can take back control needs to read and understand threads like this one. When you say, take back control, you REALLY need to be careful what you wish for!

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2 minutes ago, todlad said:

These days, it is very difficult to know whether that is a joke or not. Otherwise, you seem to be blaming the EU for the failings of the UK civil service.


By the way, any Brits waiting to Get Brexit Done so we can take back control needs to read and understand threads like this one. When you say, take back control, you REALLY need to be careful what you wish for!

Dear toadlad perhaps the uk should take control of the civil service and if they don,t or don,t want to fo!low legislation,sack them

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12 hours ago, billd766 said:

I am curious where all the money for this is coming from.


If Labour has to borrow the money to finance this lot, how much will it cost in interest and over how long a period.


I know the poor old taxpayer will be stuck with the bill, but how much and for how long?

Very much like the cost of brexit, it's all related to the length of a piece of string.

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23 hours ago, ianh68 said:

You are right about the pension falling again when you return to Thailand. A previous poster said it would be uprated immediately if you returned to UK for (say) a holiday. Not so immediate. I visited UK in August and am still waiting for my uprate (though they did assure me on the phone it was in the pipeline).


Two separate scenarios. If you repatriate you advise them and your pension payments are adjusted. If you return for short periods you have to claim and claim is processed as a separate payment, although on one occasion I did have the payment attached to a monthly payment.

Normal processing time can be in the order of 12 weeks, but this year in July it was only 2 weeks, bit of a surprise.

You should get a statement for the period in question and the dates may not be consistent with the time in UK. They work to the nearest weekly periods, last year I was in UK 27 days and got 4 weeks, this year it was 29 days and I got 5 weeks.

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