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Where should I keep my work permit?

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Hi All,


I work in Phuket, my HR department held on to my Work Permit (WP) for me for  5 months. They recently gave it back to me to hold onto since I moved to a new office just down the road - they said it's better if I keep it in case the Immigration Officer comes to check.


I nearly had a bit of a scare the other day because I thought I had lost it, so I would really like to leave my WP at home. I've also been told if the immigration office comes I should tell him to speak to the HR manager first before showing him or saying anything. 


Would it be better to leave my WP with HR in the office close to mine or can I just leave it at home? 


Any feedback would be greatly appreciated! 

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3 hours ago, varun said:

If I remember correctly, WP should be physically located at the place of work.

Either you can keep it with you or give it to HR - your choice.



Yea I recall being told the same thing, thank you for your input. Would be great to hear other thoughts/opinion! 

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41 minutes ago, elviajero said:

You should have it at your place of work whenever you are at work. So if you don’t want to carry it around you should keep it at work.

Some people believe the nonsense which has been repeated in this thread that it has to be physically kept at your place of work. This is not the case at all. It may make sense to keep it at work in case there's some kind of inspection (highly unlikely) but if you're working off-site you may need it too. Why would anyone want to hand over essential documents to their employer like some trafficking victim? It's very thin and lightweight so why not keep in whatever bag you carry to work?

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2 hours ago, edwardandtubs said:

Some people believe the nonsense which has been repeated in this thread that it has to be physically kept at your place of work. This is not the case at all. It may make sense to keep it at work in case there's some kind of inspection (highly unlikely) but if you're working off-site you may need it too. Why would anyone want to hand over essential documents to their employer like some trafficking victim? It's very thin and lightweight so why not keep in whatever bag you carry to work?


The simple fact is that you can keep it anywhere, but the labour department can visit any place of work at anytime and if you are there working they can/will insist on seeing the actual WP. 

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2 hours ago, edwardandtubs said:

Why would anyone want to hand over essential documents to their employer like some trafficking victim? It's very thin and lightweight so why not keep in whatever bag you carry to work?

Thank you for sharing your opinion, I do appreciate it. My concern is precisely that it is very thin and lightweight meaning it can be easily misplaced! Could you please elaborate how it makes me a 'trafficking victim' if I hand over my WP to the HR dept? I can access it whenever I need as I did in the past. I only work at once office everyday as well ????

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5 hours ago, elviajero said:


The simple fact is that you can keep it anywhere, but the labour department can visit any place of work at anytime and if you are there working they can/will insist on seeing the actual WP. 

Yes. Apparently, under the letter of the law, your employer should have it ready to display to any labour department random visit. Whether such visits ever happen is another question - guess it depends on any scrutiny/concern of the labour department officials of the business's legitimacy. I keep mine in the care of my employer - they 'lend' it to me should I need it for any of the needs that may arise (banks accounts, driver's licence etc).

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 I never ever keep any documents on me.

They are all at home in my safe.


Except for my driving license and ATM card.


The reasons for that are:

If I lose it, it is a huge hassle to get a replacement.

It can get wet, torn or dirty, broken etc...

It is not necessary


The 1 time I was asked to show my driving license by police during a stop, i forgot it,

I told them I would go to the police station within 4 days to show it.

They asked for 500 baht initially, but I told them that by law I have 4 days time to go to the police station.

They said I could drive on, but were a bit sour.


Can't think of any other times I have been asked to show anything.

Guess you should not worry. Just keep calm at your office and say you go to pick it up at home and ask them to join you or come back tomorrow  ????



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5 hours ago, MarcB said:

by law I have 4 days time to go to the police station.

Very interesting, I had no idea this was the law. I'll tell them the same thing if this every happens to me! I agree with your concern completely, it's kind of the end of the world if you lose your work permit. It helps me sleep sound at night knowing my WP is secure, I think I'll probably leave it with my HR department.

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Many thanks to all who have pitched in, I spoke to my HR manager who said I should leave it with them if I'm worried as well. I would urge anyone who is worried about losing their WP to keep it at work if their HR department is reliable and trustworthy. 


I will certainly sleep sound at night knowing it's not my responsibility! 

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4 minutes ago, Ama Rylls said:

would urge anyone who is worried about losing their WP to keep it at work if their HR department is reliable and trustworthy. 

Would you allow your HR to keep your passport? If not then don't give them anything to keep. It is YOUR WP not theirs. 


EDIT. While you have it don't forget to open at least two bank accounts and do all the other admin stuff that requires a WP. Better now than not later. 

Edited by VocalNeal
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On 12/9/2019 at 3:23 PM, edwardandtubs said:

Some people believe the nonsense which has been repeated in this thread that it has to be physically kept at your place of work. This is not the case at all. It may make sense to keep it at work in case there's some kind of inspection (highly unlikely) but if you're working off-site you may need it too. Why would anyone want to hand over essential documents to their employer like some trafficking victim? It's very thin and lightweight so why not keep in whatever bag you carry to work?

Total BS.

There is a very big difference between what is the official regulation and what most people do out of practicality and/or convenience.
Practically, yes, it is unlikely that there will an immigration raid on your place of work - assuming everything is above board.

Officially, either you keep it with you at all times or at your place of work - this is very clearly stated in the WP handbook, as posted above.

Would you rather carry it on your person each day and risk losing it or just park it at your place of work?


There is also a big difference between handing over your passport and handing over your WP to your employer.

First one is a definite no-no and a big red flag if the company is asking you to do so.

Handing over your WP is no big deal, so don't see what the hue and cry is all about.


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