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Does Thailand Have Honest Straight Girls?

Do Straight Thai Girls Cheat?  

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Hi TL1 :o

When did it become except-able behavior for a woman to slit her wrists?

Thai or otherwise? You say you are a scientist....

Would you date a women in the west with such insecurity?

Is this a mature stable person?

And you will carry on with this person, and perhaps marry her someday?

Just imagine-

"Young wife of scientist; another failed attempt of suicide" reads the San Francisco Chronicle.

Are the women here that beautiful that you would live with a time bomb the rest of your life because of good sex?

TH1 I think you might be too old for a time bomb!!! :D

Growing old next to a bomb-- Ahhh the golden years!!!

I'm sure there has to be some Farang guys out there with stable happy Thai gf's/wifes? Whom dont opt to kill themselves regularly.


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Quite a dramaqueen, eh, this gal, and I think TL1 loves it?

He needs an intercultural Thai-American, Man-Woman translator very badly, though. I for one had enough after 11 pages of this.

Good luck again, TL1, and good buye

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Loking at your homepage (the link, you posted here on this forum) - then I would say you are involved in such kind of business.

(yes, I saw you make other business, too, like software production etc...)

I make my living as a scientist, but not in photography. However, I enjoy taking pictures of people, and have spent some time donating photographs to charity. Thanks for being curios.

What do you do?

I work in Tokyo in a government related commercial office, just ordinary employee, not a diplomat.

I think, Thailand is really not the right place for you.

Better to look somewhere else in the world, but even Asian countries are more suitable for your needs....like Malaysia - Philippines - SriLanka

I do not think, by the way, that Thai women are extraordinary beautiful, when comparing them to other Asians.

But beauty is difficult to measure (even if you consider only the looks of person)

By mentality for sure, other girls out of a different culture will fit you better....


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ThaiLover: I did not say it is/was your fault. Sorry for the misunderstanding. But what i meant is, because giving her a 2nd chance, and then she cheats on u for the 2nd time, then u deserve it, by not letting go the 1st time. Im just speaking of experience. I deserved to be cheated on my ex for so long, cause i kept taking him back. The fact i took him, made him think he would be able to get away with things. Til i finally broke it off, now who is running after me?

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Dear Sandy,

Thanks for the clarification. I understand you now.

I did break up with my girlfriend for a day or so, but we decided to get back together and give the relationship a second try.

I made it real clear that I would not tolerate a second offense (fling). She said she would never do it again, and agreed that a breakup would be mandatory if she did it again.

I regret to hear that your man can not keep his pants on with other girls. It sounds like you gave him a fair chance, and that you also really care(d) for him. Maybe he does not care for you, or that he thinks that sex is only physical and not only for his girlfriend.

Is you ex-BF a Western or Thai man?

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Now he is a ###### scientist! First you were a big beauty queen promoter, albeit Asian women. Now you are a scientist. What is next? A brain surgeon?

YOU ARE SUCH A ######. Get your hand out of your pocket. If you are such a great sort, why are you agonising over one 21 year old. By your own admission, you are so wonderful, young???? handsome!!? and rich (I will have to take your word for that) and used to the adoration of girls, why don't you just pick another one up on the street somewhere? Easy peasy for such a stud as you! GET REAL!

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Guest fj2003

hey guys and ladies

what is going

when i was 20 i had a gf

she was nearly 50 and today even 20 years later

she is still sexy for me in my remember and i would go with her for a round

and she was not the only one also opposite little chix just 18 are nice

but the DREAM endet after a few months

but are we looking for this ?

how do you feel when she is talking about all these funny things in her live

the toys the musik the jokes and everything her friends

ok this happend in western world and today i am here in asia

and i found my love she was a virgin over 35 and is now like a bomb

and i love her she is a freelancer designer lady and is showing day by day that i'm her love her true love after more then 2 years and i kick my european girl to be with her

phom rak khun tirak mak khrap

so go on find your true love and keep it :o

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No, my real post has been deleted. Men are allowed to slag women off here as much as they like, but dare a women speak the truth and it gets deleted.

You are all a lot of selfish little boys who come to Thailand looking for cheap sex and when the woman wants payment, for services rendered, she, who was once the dream woman, become a lying cheat. She even wants to keep her own children. How absurd is that? You all think the women here are second class and deserve nothing! Men dont change!

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Uupss, it has been edited...

A bit too angry and attacking for 'good taste', I guess.

You can tell people they are wrong, and make all sorts of absurd arguments, but you cannot swear at them here, Polly!

Sorry, double posting again, slow connection, hit the button twice.

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Guest fj2003

please come on :D

now you start to appear like my farher in the late sixties

he was the founder of **german first sex partie**

and went even on election with that story in 1968

by the way he was a very close friend of *beate use* and *harry flint??? (hustler)* :D

he also like to show up always only with the young beauties who are looking for their man who is roling their fathers position :D

i will understand your favour but that is to much this pic

as an eventmanager i have been on many many festivals and taken similar pictures :D

but actually this chat talk here is going so bitchy already

that i'm thinking to translate it for german magazines as serial

but you came up with that topic and it wouldn't be thailand if it should go in different directions

both men and also women are still close to animals

and sex is there included as an instinkt

so why searching for more explaining then not for fun

the moral is just coming up by evalution of the churches through over some centuries but a good f*** or a blowj** was even in the middle even included switch over sex and same sex thats for sure by history documents going back even to the area of the old persian and egyps

even to the time of legends of godnesses about zeus and heracles just to remember Homer = troja and odyssee :o

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"as an eventmanager i have been on many many festivals and taken similar pictures"

At international convention centers such as Oberhucklinghausen, if your language skills are anything to go by.

Don't bother to post the pictures, in company of Claudia Schiffer, no doubt.

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Guest fj2003

ne aber koeln und berlin haben da doch schon einiges zu bieten und auf der popcom haste halt mal eben ein paar dutzend junger huebscher maedels um dich herum

was aber gar nichts heisst und nur das wollte ich damit sagen

uebrigens das cherckers in dem cl. sch. endeckt wurde ist mal gerade um meine ecke und andere discotheken sind genauso fuer industrie events angesagt z.b.

p1 muenchen

oder pascha ibiza haengt halt von der veranstaltung

event manager heisst nicht das ich mit bernie ekkelstone fruestuecke aber trotzdem meinem geschaeft nachgehe

wenn mein englisch dir zu schlecht ist gebe ich dir recht denn ich war mal wieder fuer ein paar monate damit auf sparflamme denn in deutschland wird es so selten gesprochen

c u

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Guest fj2003

ne aber koeln und berlin haben da doch schon einiges zu bieten und auf der


popcom haste halt mal eben ein paar dutzend junger huebscher maedels um dich herum


was aber gar nichts heisst und nur das wollte ich damit sagen


uebrigens das checkers in dem cl. sch. endeckt wurde ist mal gerade um meine


ecke und andere discotheken sind genauso fuer industrie events angesagt z.b.

p1 muenchen


oder pascha ibiza haengt halt von der veranstaltung ab


event manager heisst nicht das ich mit bernie ekkelstone fruestuecke aber


trotzdem meinen geschaeft nachgehe


wenn mein englisch dir zu schlecht ist gebe ich dir recht denn ich war mal wieder


fuer ein paar monate damit auf sparflamme denn in deutschland wird es so selten gesprochen


c u

man hoert und sieht sich


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Be careful chonabot.

If you use the word  " feminist "  Fatter than Harry will chase you :o

(see other thread ;maid.....)

FTH and Stroll (the troll, former natee1 and natee2) are pretty busy to trace my postings.

I hope, they will not mix me up with other posters.

To make it clear, my name is YOHAN (Johann), and I am posting my opinion only by using this name. The other postings, like Chonabot are different persons.

stroll Posted on Fri 2004-06-11, 05:07:19

  Uupss, it has been edited...

A bit too angry and attacking for 'good taste', I guess.

I am against censorship ....I like to read true lady's postings....

but it has nothing to do if the poster is a woman or a man, when it is edited by the administrator of the Thaivisa-Forum.

Back to the subject:

Postings like Stroll or Polly make me think twice, if thailover1 and his opinion about women should be re-considered.

I personally do not like his way of life, but have to acknowledge, that he is fairly good off with it.

1- His own children are still living with him

2- He is divorced but only because his wife left him... obviously free of obligations

3- He is financially in a very good shape, it seems to me, he can pay enough to compensate for his not very attractive lookings and manners. This makes him an interesting man for many many women.

4- Seems some people here on this Thaivisa-Forum envy him for his independent life as an allround business-man....

Comparing his status with a honest man (who is often punished because he is nothing else but an idiot), who tried to give his best and who finds himself divorced as thank-you from his wife for his good intentions, with 80 percent of his property gone, I think, some men would like to be in his position just now.

Happy man you are, Thailover1!

I personally can only dream about to meet some really beautiful model-like girls to take me away to relax for one night only from all my daily life.

For him it is like routine.



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Now he is a ###### scientist! First you were a big beauty queen promoter, albeit Asian women. Now you are a scientist. What is next? A brain surgeon?

YOU ARE SUCH A ######. Get your hand out of your pocket. If you are such a great sort, why are you agonising over one 21 year old. By your own admission, you are so wonderful, young???? handsome!!? and rich (I will have to take your word for that) and used to the adoration of girls, why don't you just pick another one up on the street somewhere? Easy peasy for such a stud as you! GET REAL!

Seems the girls are full of adoration about his life-style.....

and rich! This is very important to boost the adoration of girls.....

Let me ask you something, Polly:

Why do you accuse him?

What is he really doing wrong? Is he committing a crime?

Why do you not accuse the girls, who are so stupid to run after him because he is rich?

why don't you just pick another one up on the street somewhere?

Why should he? He needs not to look around....

You still do not know, what a man is in the eyes of many many women....He is rich!

Real beautiful girls are looking for a guy like him!



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[Comparing his status with a honest man (who is often punished because he is nothing else but an idiot), who tried to give his best and who finds himself divorced as thank-you from his wife for his good intentions, with 80 percent of his property gone, I think, some men would like to be in his position just now.

Happy man you are, Thailover1!

I personally can only dream about to meet some really beautiful model-like girls to take me away to relax for one night only from all my daily life.

Interesting comments, but you do not know something:

1) I lost 100% of my assests after the divorce, after paying for two attorneys (both my wife and my own attorney, at a total of more than $400 per hour) and reaching a financial settlement with my wife.

2) My wife ran off with another man and dumped the kids on me. (Please hold the nasty comments that I must deserve it etc.)

3) I think I am honest. I hope I can learn some of tricks of the liers and not be an idot or fooled too easily. I had a very sheltered life and did not get exposed to the liers in this world, until much later in my life.

4) I am not rich, and I make it clear to my girlfriends. I gave up on high-paying jobs in corporate America several years ago, in exchange for freedom to travel and be my own boss.

Despite what you think and my pretty female friends, I long for a serious relastionship with a future wife and kids. I do not like the single life at all (read: boring), but then that may just be me.

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[Comparing his status with a honest man (who is often punished because he is nothing else but an idiot), who tried to give his best and who finds himself divorced as thank-you from his wife for his good intentions, with 80 percent of his property gone, I think, some men would like to be in his position just now.

Happy man you are, Thailover1!

I personally can only dream about to meet some really beautiful model-like girls to take me away to relax for one night only from all my daily life.

Interesting comments, but you do not know something:

1) I lost 100% of my assests after the divorce, after paying for two attorneys (both my wife and my own attorney, at a total of more than $400 per hour) and reaching a financial settlement with my wife.

2) My wife ran off with another man and dumped the kids on me. (Please hold the nasty comments that I must deserve it etc.)

3) I think I am honest. I hope I can learn some of tricks of the liers and not be an idot or fooled too easily. I had a very sheltered life and did not get exposed to the liers in this world, until much later in my life.

4) I am not rich, and I make it clear to my girlfriends. I gave up on high-paying jobs in corporate America several years ago, in exchange for freedom to travel and be my own boss.

Despite what you think and my pretty female friends, I long for a serious relastionship with a future wife and kids. I do not like the single life at all (read: boring), but then that may just be me.

In previous posts you made reference to your success, now you claim to be a pauper...personally i think u r full of crap...............

Be honest and reveal who you really are, and what other name or names you use on this forum.

Get out more.

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In previous posts you made reference to your success, now you claim to be a pauper...personally i think u r full of crap...............

Be honest and reveal who you really are, and what other name or names you use on this forum.

I speak the truth.

I was divorced 7 years ago, and left almost penniless without a car or house. I have since recovered and done well, but I am not rich. Thanks for the compliment though. (smile)

I consider health and happiness more important than money, and I would never trade one for the other.

PS. I do not have other usernames on this board.

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