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Scotland must be given new independence vote - Sturgeon


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18 minutes ago, Airbagwill said:

Duh! No! but it has made a difference to the people of Scotland who are united in a wish to determine their own future - especially in relation to the EU and if that means leaving one union to join another, it looks like they will.

Why are you attributing quotes to posters that didn't post that?

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30 minutes ago, jayboy said:

That's a peculiar thought.Of course there are millions of English people who believe in the Union of the United KIngdom just as there are millions of Scots who feel much the same way.If nevertheless there is a referendum and the majority of Scots opt for independence, I don't think there will be any English people who will "be afraid what will happen". The huge majority of English people may feel sad but will wish Scotland well -  always our friends and sometimes our families.Of course Scotland can make it as an independent country given its native genius - though as I've set out elsewhere there will be great challenges.I hope Scotland will stay but if it doesn't, don't for one moment think it will face malice and obstruction from its Southern neighbour.We are bound together forever one way or the other.


Some facts for the interested





interesting read, pretty simple and straight forward


who is chipping in to keep that thinktank afloat?



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1 hour ago, RuamRudy said:

All part of a strategy that Westminster has been playing for centuries. 





good history lesson, thanks for that

guess many know that the British are imperial in thinking and go for

ripple ruling (or ruling ripples should you prefer) with their superiority complex


dunno soi RR but it is not obvious to me that the spirit of these newspaper cuts

fits the Westminster/Scotland situation of today


seems to me that the msm snippets above suggest that Britain is saving the colonies

from their own stupidity and inabilities to hack society and life the way Westminster

fancies society and life should be hacked


not quite the attitude towards Scotland today


(guess it depends on how you view it and what your priorities are)


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38 minutes ago, evadgib said:

It came from ???????????????????????????? with a ???????????????????????????? audience & was broadcast with no input from me therefore my opinions have no bearing on your latest rhubarbing backfiring.



complete baba bobo,

as confused as the exchange of views here on TVF



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8 minutes ago, Rookiescot said:

Why do the polls now show a majority for independence then? 

Because the independence referendum was before the brexit refrendum, and it is a known fact that the Scots majority voted remain in the brexit refderendum

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1 hour ago, vogie said:

There is no confusion, the Scots voted to remain within our union, the problem occurs when the SNP didn't like the result.

well, I do disagree with that, I see plenty confused baba bobo on the video


just like on TVF those who think they know invest effort in discussing irrelevant issues


(don't see the point of mentioning SNP all the time, they are just on of many actors here)


confusion comes when people resort to simple irrelevant stuff in order to avoid the complicated

issues, for which they don't have the required intellectual capacity, that are pretty relevant when it comes to exit-Scotland


in lieu of mental capacity and knowedge to discuss the formalities people in HoC and on videos and on TVF

tend to resort to discuss,

what is good for Scotland

what is not good for Scotland

what is good for UK

what is not good for UK

we like Scots

Scots are welcome

Scotland's tax deficit

easy stuff to express double shaitye about, and a good theme in the Westminster pubs


Scotland leaving UK is first and foremost a formal act/step, a legal issue unless UK/Westminster

applaudes Scotland leaving, which they don't


where does legal scrutiny of the material from early 17 hundreds leave you?

acts and protocol developed between then and now, suggests what?

what do they actually say about the upper hand re exit?


there are plenty opinions around, however, the issue has not been tested before a court,

ie, you can't look into a book and find the answer to who has the upper hand re exit

this in my view is the real important issue here


no point in exchanging views on the sales potential of haggis to EU before the

formalities are sorted

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8 hours ago, RuamRudy said:

All part of a strategy that Westminster has been playing for centuries. 




Not arguing against your general point.


But, in defense of the Brits, the last one regarding Singapore, wasn't actually anything to do with the Brits.


Tan Siew Sin was a Malaysian politician, who talking about Singapore's secession from the already independent Federation of Malaysia

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1 hour ago, vogie said:

The Scottish referendum for independence is a factual indicator of Scottish thought, not a couple of polls that to a certain degree is total guesswork no matter how much you'd like to believe them. 

But having said that I suspect that just around the time of the General Election Scottish sentiment may have been running a little higher than normal. Give it a while and I believe you will see a the tide turn back to reality and normality. 

But seeing you put your trust in polls, this YouGov poll shows that the Scots may be in favour of another independence referendum, but not for 5 years, tis only the SNP that is running around and frothing at the mouth for a sooner than later referendum, hence my reference in past posts that the SNP is not in synch with the Scots.





You need to check what it says.

"in the next 5 years". That means the majority of Scots want a referendum to occur within 5 years.

It does not say "in another 5 years".

Its a loaded question anyway. If you do not want a referendum at all you will answer no to all the options. If you want a referendum you could answer yes to all the options or actually only give one answer.

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15 minutes ago, Rookiescot said:

You need to check what it says.

"in the next 5 years". That means the majority of Scots want a referendum to occur within 5 years.

It does not say "in another 5 years".

Its a loaded question anyway. If you do not want a referendum at all you will answer no to all the options. If you want a referendum you could answer yes to all the options or actually only give one answer.

Putting your interpretation on a poll is part of the course for Team SNP, if they had meant 3 years, they would have said 3 years, because you don't agree with what appears in front of your very eyes, it is a "loaded question" 


"Scots don’t think there should be a referendum in the next couple of years, even if the SNP win the Scottish Parliament elections

With MSPs voting yesterday to say that a referendum should be held the stage looks set for a fight between the Scottish and British governments. Nicola Sturgeon has called for a new vote to take place this year, but relatively few Scots are in favour of such an early poll." 

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3 minutes ago, vogie said:

Putting your interpretation on a poll is part of the course for Team SNP, if they had meant 3 years, they would have said 3 years, because you don't agree with what appears in front of your very eyes, it is a "loaded question" 


"Scots don’t think there should be a referendum in the next couple of years, even if the SNP win the Scottish Parliament elections

With MSPs voting yesterday to say that a referendum should be held the stage looks set for a fight between the Scottish and British governments. Nicola Sturgeon has called for a new vote to take place this year, but relatively few Scots are in favour of such an early poll." 

Its not my interpretation. Its a fact. Its a dumb question. They should have simply asked "Do you want another referendum".

Another problem with the question is the options referring to a majority or not in the Scottish parliament. MSP's are elected via a variation of proportional representation. Its designed not to allow one party a majority. If it was first past the post the SNP would have something like 80% of the seats.

So a dumb question. 


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1 hour ago, Rookiescot said:

Its not my interpretation. Its a fact. Its a dumb question. They should have simply asked "Do you want another referendum".

Another problem with the question is the options referring to a majority or not in the Scottish parliament. MSP's are elected via a variation of proportional representation. Its designed not to allow one party a majority. If it was first past the post the SNP would have something like 80% of the seats.

So a dumb question. 


I do not agree again with your interpretation that it is a "dumb question" don't you think that there has to be a timeline so people can feel the want of the country. By asking "Do you want another referendum" tells us nothing, the people asked could want a ref tomorrow, or in our lifetime, hardly definitive, IMO anyway.

Didn't Mrs Sturgeon herself say, that there isn't an enough of a majority at this moment to warrant another referendum.

Anyway there are only two things for sure and that is the Scots voted to remain within our union and that more Scots voted for remaining in the union than Scots voted for the SNP in this GE.



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