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Special (but not TOO special) food sale in Pattaya?


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(For those saying there's a food forum for your concern: I have chosen the Pattaya section because I'm looking for a solution based on local conditions. And the preferred commenters would be folks with some personal experience in this field)


At the age of 70, I'm pursuing a low-carb nutrition plan, and it seems to work: In less than 3 months, I've so far lost 12 kg (from 86 to 74). But there are several more to go, because this is not the ideal weight yet (which seems to be BMI x height squared). This is a stony path, so at times it doesn't continue progressing according to the book followed so far, and you have to find new tweaks to make it continue working for you. 


For those familiar with the issue, the following may be self-evident, but for those who haven't been repelled yet and simply hang on out of curiosity: Fx this article 



will give you some insight into the issue. I would assume that from now on, everybody agrees that under this scheme, fat is not a problem, while sugar is (this plays into my following question)?


Alright: In a nutritional forum, I have now received this advice: 'Cream would be the top of the list (35% fat).' First, english not being my native language I'm not 100 % certain what he means by 'cream'. He won't mean whipped cream because it is filled with sugar. So what exactly does it mean, and where can I get it here? I looked for something suitable at the Foodmart, but all I see are more or less fancy containers displaying 'low fat'. 


Any experts in ths forum willing to share their knowledge?   .)


Edited by visacrack
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Cream is the fattiest parts of milk.

It floats to the top when a cow is milked & taken off.

If you churn (mix) it enough it will turn into butter.

BMI is not a hard & fast rule.

Most rugby players or heavy weight boxers would be considered obese & pro cyclist considered anorexic if the BMI scale was to be followed

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