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Keep calling!: Public urged to report on overstaying foreigners as Brit arrested


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2 minutes ago, Gulfsailor said:

China actually had an interesting old law, which is now being actively enforced. Visitors need to make the equivalent of a tm30 (or in case of staying at a hotel, the hotel will do so). Without a tm30, entry to the country is denied upon next visit. Can you imagine the outrage if Thailand implements that measure in stead of the current fine?!

Not quite.


If not staying in a hotel, your address needs to be registered with the local PSB. They stipulate within 24 hours but it's rarely achievable with the paperwork needed.


I haven't registered the last four times I've left the country and I never heard of anybody being refused entry for not registering on previous visits. I know, and have heard of, people being buttonholed for not doing so, but its a stern telling off at best, at least in my locality, and in areas where friends live too.


I've registered eight weeks late before but nothing was said. I am currently unregistered because I'm travelling again soon and I can't be ar**d.

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On 12/18/2019 at 10:03 AM, losername said:

I don't have knowledge of the police in many countries but in the UK information provided by the public is an essential part of the law enforcement process.  It enables officers to spend their valuable time attending tasks where they are actually needed rather than simply patrolling looking for incidents.  Some may feel that there is no direct comparison between the British police and the various branches of the RTP.  It's Stasi by the way.

The majority of criminal arrests in the UK are the result of information supplied by members of the public for a whole variety of reasons.

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On 12/18/2019 at 10:16 AM, Silencer said:

You will get zero response in the US by reporting a known or suspected overstay. These tip lines "might" respond to a report of a crime. If petty crime, forget it.

It's the same in the UK. The police put it down to a lack of man power. They now often fail to attend domestic burglaries. They just give you a crime number over the phone for your insurance. And that's only if you request one.


However if you are too enthusiastic about reporting the crimes of certain ethnicities you'll find yourself banged up for committing a hate crime. Ask Tommy Robinson.

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6 minutes ago, yogi100 said:

It's the same in the UK. The police put it down to a lack of man power. They now often fail to attend domestic burglaries. They just give you a crime number over the phone for your insurance. And that's only if you request one.


However if you are too enthusiastic about reporting the crimes of certain ethnicities you'll find yourself banged up for committing a hate crime. Ask Tommy Robinson.


17 minutes ago, yogi100 said:

The majority of criminal arrests in the UK are the result of information supplied by members of the public for a whole variety of reasons.

And that´s because both US and UK is overloaded with criminality, which also can be seen by counting the arrests of foreigners in Thailand every year.

Edited by Matzzon
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On 12/18/2019 at 9:41 AM, Old Croc said:

Don't include us in your 'totalitarian states' claptrap.


The UK has just welcomed over 80 'asylum seekers' who sailed across the English Channel from France in one day! All Muslims.


Here's the source.


Sep 10, 2019 - A record 86 migrants crossed the Channel and reached the UK in six separate boats today - the most to have crossed in a single day.
Little wonder there's been a report of another 'London boy' stabbed at the same time.
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15 minutes ago, Matzzon said:


And that´s because both US and UK is overloaded with criminality, which also can be seen by counting the arrests of foreigners in Thailand every year.

How do you work that out! Is it some sort of riddle?

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16 minutes ago, yogi100 said:

Don't include us in your 'totalitarian states' claptrap.


The UK has just welcomed over 80 'asylum seekers' who sailed across the English Channel from France in one day! All Muslims.


Here's the source.


Sep 10, 2019 - A record 86 migrants crossed the Channel and reached the UK in six separate boats today - the most to have crossed in a single day.
Little wonder there's been a report of another 'London boy' stabbed at the same time.

Yes, and that made the country much better, and now you are really proud. Don´t worry, it´s just another riddle.

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On 12/18/2019 at 3:37 AM, Old Croc said:

Is it because Thailand's enforcement of these rules was very lax for so long and is now taking control? 

Is it scarily close to home for many?


I think the answers are the bits of your post that I've quoted! 

Many people assumed it would always be free and easy as it used to be - some of the same people are probably now caught up as they are breaking laws which never used to be enforced but are now. When one gets used to being able to ignore or circumvent rules, and the situation changes, it can come as something of a shock!

Right or wrong? Not for me to say!

Edited by VBF
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2 hours ago, Matzzon said:


And that´s because both US and UK is overloaded with criminality, which also can be seen by counting the arrests of foreigners in Thailand every year.

How many per year per nationality? Say last year, 2018?

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20 hours ago, Old Croc said:

An interesting concept. I'm unsure what you mean by a "visa free period" nor how charging tourists 2k would stop people overstaying, but I do think it would restrict the numbers of genuine tourist arriving thereby affecting Thailand's economy. 

The idea of increasing the cost of a 1 year visa from 1.9k to 10k is interesting. It would negate the need for the Elite visa. Personally I would be happy to pay that if I wasn't forced to buy useless insurance for about 80k!

Visa-free stands for the stamp without visa certain nationalities enjoy upon arrival in Thailand. Some 30 days, land crossings 15 days - my interpretation of "visa free period". 
Baht 2K for a tourist visa for, say three months, would facilitate the stay of many part-time residents who want to spend part of their retirement (Northern hemisphere in Winter) in Thailand. 
The One-Year-Visa including a multiple re-entry visa clocks Baht 5'700, to the best of my limited knowledge. Charge Baht 10'000 for ONE stamp, valid for one year incl. multiple re-entries will save thousands of immigration officers = more cash in the state's coffers, less rubber stamps in ever-smaller-getting passports. The health insurance for Baht 80'000 is cheap compared to what you would be paying in the West. And your health remains your responsibility and not the Thai taxpayers concern - me thinks! 

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On 12/18/2019 at 1:59 AM, Solinvictus said:

As a guy who is enjoying the 'slow-life' here in this SE Asian country. I find it kinda unfortunate this place has such outspoken mentality towards removing 'foreigners.'

indeed. nowadays 'overstay' is becoming less of a convenient 'option'. thought about it many times myself, never did it, I didn't have the ba((s, but have been must be tempting for many in the past. nowadays, not a risk worth taking, maybe...

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20 hours ago, Traubert said:

There is no such programme in China. There are of course lines for reporting crime as in any country in the world. Overstaying your visa is a crime anywhere.


With the urbanization programme in China in full flood, the phones would be ringing off the hook (harking back to the days when phones had hooks), if everyone was reporting people from out of the area.

There is a policy and I really don’t know what you are saying. 

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On 12/18/2019 at 8:59 AM, Solinvictus said:

As a guy who is enjoying the 'slow-life' here in this SE Asian country. I find it kinda unfortunate this place has such outspoken mentality towards removing 'foreigners.'

No, just those who are here illegally, on overstay.  They deserve to get shopped and deported. No sympathy whatsoever for them.

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On 12/18/2019 at 8:36 AM, bluesofa said:
On 12/18/2019 at 8:08 AM, webfact said:

Keep calling!: Public urged to report on overstaying foreigners as Brit arrested

I assume that must be because immigration are either incapable or too lazy to do the job themselves. Even though they now have an all-singing-all-dancing two-billion Baht biometric system that can pinpoint a foreigner before they even commit a crime.

Does it really matter that they are "either incapable or too lazy" or have "an all-singing-all-dancing two-billion Baht biometric system" or if they are relying on snitches?


They're getting a very necessary job done. End of.

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On 12/18/2019 at 9:07 AM, Matzzon said:

Another great day for Thailand. One moew person without permission to stay are caught. Immigration are starting to work like an Immigration Department should do.

Post is a few days old but having just read it........


Have to say , what an uptight knob jockey!

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On 12/18/2019 at 2:13 AM, worgeordie said:

Catching overstayers ,is OK ,promoting the use of the public to report

them could be the beginning of a situation where the public are encouraged

to spy on each other, as in totalitarian states,a good example were the Starsi

in former Eastern Germany.

regards Worgeordie 

Or Britain under the Tory party. Maybe you don't remember Theresa May's signs on trucks saying "Go home" and all the other anti-immigrant feeling stirred up by the Nasty Party and their Brexit/UKIP party chums? 

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