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The cheap pills that you buy from pharmacies here when sick

Khon Kaen Jeff

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12 hours ago, Sheryl said:

First of all, all pharmacies are not equal. Quite a few  -- a majority in rural areas  and even out of the way parts of greater Bangkok -- -and including most likely where you went --  are not staffed by anyone with actual training. These are to be avoided unless you already know what you need by name and can recognize it when you see it.


Most provincial towns  will have at least 1, and cities will have several (though still a minority) of pharmacies staffed by "real" pharmacists. There is a world of difference. The better ones may serve as preceptorship posts for pharmacy students (the one I use in Prachinburi town does for example) and these take particular care to do things by the book, properly. Such pharmacies are well worth locating in your area as unlike the places you went to, they will provide informed advice that will often suffice for simple ailment.


Secondly as others have said, flu is viral and does not need antibiotics. Instead:


- Paracetmol/tylenol

- throat lozenges

- antihistamines/decongestants if needed 


will generally do the trick.


If your cough keeps you awake at night, a cough suppressant will help but take only at night so that during the day you can cough up the phelgm (and also the true suppressants will make you drowsy).


I also strongly recommend Redoxan Zinc, an effervescent tablet of Vitamin C plus Zinc. Zinc supplements have been proven to reduce the duration of respiratory infections.


You can get paracetemol/tylenol, Strepsil throat lozenges and "Brown Mixture", a very effective cough suppressant (green box with an orange tiger on it, usually near the counter, active ingrediants are expectorant plus weak tincture of opium) all at any 7-11. Usually located near the cashier.


I'm pretty sure you can also get Tiffy which is paracetmol plus a weak decongestant and an antihistamine at 7-11 but if not, any pharmacy will know the name. If you take Tiffy then don't also take paracetemol as it is already in there.


If you are too congested for what's in Tiffy (the decongestant in it does not work very well), and/or if night time post nasal drip is driving you mad, can get nose drops containing get oxymetazole at any pharmacy, just ask for nose drops and then check the labels. Don't take more than couple of days straight, or use use only at night, as constant use past a few days can cause rebound effect.


Redoxan AKA Lascarbine can be gotten at any pharmacy.


Ginger tea made by boiling slices of fresh ginger (or grated ginger) is a traditional Asian remedy for sore throat and I find it very helpful.Plain or add honey if you like.


Signs that you need to see a doctor would be:

  • any trouble breathing/shortness of breath
  • fever of over  38.5, or even over 38 if sustained for more than a couple of days
  • extremely painful throat that doesn't improve within a few days
  • palpable lymph nodes on the neck (swollen glands)
  • pain/tenderness over your sinuses
  • coughing up a  really purulent looking (yellow/brown or green) gunk that persists for more than a day or two

Otherwise, 7-11 plus local pharmacy will suffice as described above.


If you do need a doctor , they can range form worse than useless to quite god depending on where you go. GPs in particular (internists) can often be sub-par to put it tactfully. Some are really no different than visiting the pharmacy. If you are in a rural area head for a government hospital in a provincial town, do not go to a stand alone clinic. If you are in a city post here and I can give more specific advise on where to go.








Thanks for the detailed post. Hopefully will be okay soon enough.

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21 minutes ago, DannyCarlton said:

Says the expert on medical consultations and all things Thai....not!

When did I state that I was an expert om medical consultations? It was SteveK that stated he was qualified, and i just questioned that.

And what is all things Thai? To me it seems like you are a confused soul, in dire need of help. Ok, sorry! Not qualified to help with that. Now run along and play with somebody else.

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39 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:

Tell us what you took and how it goes

I started a course of Amoxycillin yesterday. Yes I know it's viral bla bla bla but I also have an abcess under my tooth that needs resolving before I visit a dentist. Can't do any harm. Paracetamol 2x500gm 6 hourly. Brown cough mixture (aforementioned Leopard brand) as required, I don't think there is a maximum dose for that, can't read the label, all in Thai. Already feeling 50% better. Got a decent night's sleep last night, for the first time in several days.

Edited by DannyCarlton
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20 hours ago, wgdanson said:

Flu IS NOT a bacterial illness. It is a virus, so anti biotics will do no good.

Stay in bed with plenty of fluids and paracetomol and it will be gone in a week.

Go to work as usual, suffer a bit, and it will be gone in a week !


These people who take antibiotic for a lil cough or sneeze are endangering Humanity with Superviruses 

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20 hours ago, Khon Kaen Jeff said:

Mild sore throat

Mild headache

Pretty bad cough

General weakness/dizziness

I have just been through the very same thing, although combined with a sweaty fever at one time, followed by shivering the next. Not to mention feeling washed out and the mild headache which won't go away, and the ticklish throat.

I took Panadol three times a day, and at night times I added a Nurofen, along with plenty of fluids with a bit of lemon juice and honey (old wives stuff but it seems to soothe the throat).

The next day I started on electrolytes and kept that up for two days, mainly because I had the runs for two days, and after four days I was a lot better, although I would have to say that now I am about 85%, I still don't feel on top of the world, but I am a damn sight better than I was previously.

It got so bad I thought I had dengue (again) but elected not to go to the hospital and to see how it panned out, and I'm so pleased that I didn't go because I would have come away with bags full of unnecessary tablets.

Edited by xylophone
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...where to start..  first of all.. if you have a virus antibiotics are useless.. if you have been sick for awhile and have chest infection and coughing up green phlegm you probably have a secondary bacterial infection in which case antibiotics would help.. but it is important to get the correct one and take it as prescribed... first off treatment would be for symptoms.. paracetamol for headache and joint aches.. or ibuprofen for inflammation and ache relief.. taken as prescribed.. perhaps an antihistamine if nasal passages blocked or streaming .. and/or a nasal spray like otrivin which will open nasal passages..   green pills..red pills etc from the Dr or pharmacy.. unless you know what they are and what they are for forget them.. I always ask them to write in English on the packet what they are and check on the internet before taking anything I am not sure about.. they love to give muscle relaxants.. which are totally unnecessary in my humble opinion.. see a Dr.. but check on the internet and see just what they have given you.. get well soon  ????   

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20 hours ago, SteveK said:

Tell me the symptoms and I will tell you what meds to buy (I am qualified to do so). If you go to the hospital they will do everything to lighten the wallet when as wgdanson says, quite rightly, a few days with plenty of fluids and simple foods will sort 99% of illnesses.

Don't think you are qualified because then you would check a couple of more things before giving meds.

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21 hours ago, Khon Kaen Jeff said:

I've got what I can only describe as a 'flu bug' fever

Khon Kaen Jeff be cautious.  My neighbor last year waited with his "fever"  it eventually hospitalized him with dengue fever and he was hospitalized for two weeks.  Now last month he did the same thing waited and he found he contracted dengue fever again and was in intensive care.  Fevers lasting more than a couple of days are not anything to mess with. 

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4 hours ago, DannyCarlton said:

Can't do any harm

Except to your digestive system.  And once you start, you have to take every last one, whether it is helping or not.  Taking unneeded antibiotics or not taking the complete dosage is what is causing the all to common antibiotic resistances over the last several years. 

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Influenza vaccine does work against the flu virus! I'm 72 years and have taken it every year for the last 5 years - never flu sick! Before this I regularly had bronchitis and flu before my local thai "doctor" gave me an injection which cured it. The vaccine is available at most hospitals for about 1000 baht. I had mine in Norway in November before coming here.

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All illnesses the pharmacy reaches for antibiotics,,, WRONG.

If you have what we commonly call the FLU they will do nothing to fix it only make you more resistant when you really need them. Hot soup, warm water (plenty) & sweat it out.

You will be fine in a week unless you have other problems like heart disease in which case hospital check up now

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22 hours ago, wgdanson said:

Flu IS NOT a bacterial illness. It is a virus, so anti biotics will do no good.

Stay in bed with plenty of fluids and paracetomol and it will be gone in a week.

Go to work as usual, suffer a bit, and it will be gone in a week !


If you let the flu run its course naturally it can take up to 7 days for it to be gone. But if you get treatment it can be gone in 1 week.????

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