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New Luxury Tax On Internet Usage In Thailand

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No problem updating the system,

But extra taxing retirees more is ridiculous.

6 minutes on and then shut down.. yeah right

Like they can tell who is Thai and farang when they log on.

Or must the cafe operators watch the clock for all farangs now.

And to imagine that most Thais are ONLY

doing ebanking and commerce is absurd.

I have been in internet cafes and it's kids

looking at gossip and gaming.

And that all foreigners are only looking at porn

and wasting bandwidth is also absurd and racist too.

The powers that be are on glue.

Poison de Avril / april fools,

Well maybe, but it sadly rings too true

Or at least appears that way.


this has got to be one of the ALL TIME GREAT ....... APRIL FOOLS ....... as good as the BBC spaghetti trees ..... you guys crack me up .... THANKS :o


I know about april 1, and all the stupidity that people have to unload and endure.

I really had hoped, in vain, that living in Thailand would have freed me from all this bloody nonsense.

I think it is bad enought that the Thai government is blocking Sites for me, as it is!

However, everything even a little relating to sex is under scrutiny, but I tried to obtain some info how to fabricate bombs, kill people, in short, very dangerous things in the hands of people that want to do wrong.

Guess what.....all free to view.

I think that looking at male and female "meat" and so on, is infenitely much more dangerous as looking at bloodshed, murder, killing, blowing up things, and more of those very nice things.

I think all readers of ThaiVisa will agree with me!

But please, no more April stupidity.

Please do not fuel the "blame the farang" mentality.

Thank you so much.

However......it was a good one!


Another stupid rule from the Government.

1. Why should foreigners look on the internet for sex if you can find them on the street in less then 5 minutes.

2. The sex industries in Thailand is maybe use 10% by foreigners the rest are Thais 75 provinces in Thailand and everywhere you see GoGo bars.

3. Why they want to rip off foreigners again? We have the money and they need our money, but for the rest, you have to keep you mouth

4. The average IQ from a Thai is 83%. That is very low, but I think that the government have less.

So sad they tread foreigners like this. They should be happy that we come here to Thailand. What happen with Phuket if the foreigners are not coming anymore.. First they try to rip off the last foreigner more and after they have to bring their car, motorbike back to the bank again.

It is the same as 100 years ago, they think only about money and gold.

Time to think about other countries such as Malaysia. The welcome you and you have rights. You can own your own house, land and you don't have to pay extra tax for internet.

I know about april 1, and all the stupidity that people have to unload and endure.

I really had hoped, in vain, that living in Thailand would have freed me from all this bloody nonsense.

I think it is bad enought that the Thai government is blocking Sites for me, as it is!

However, everything even a little relating to sex is under scrutiny, but I tried to obtain some info how to fabricate bombs, kill people, in short, very dangerous things in the hands of people that want to do wrong.

Guess what.....all free to view.

I think that looking at male and female "meat" and so on, is infenitely much more dangerous as looking at bloodshed, murder, killing, blowing up things, and more of those very nice things.

I think all readers of ThaiVisa will agree with me!

But please, no more April stupidity.

Please do not fuel the "blame the farang" mentality.

Thank you so much.

However......it was a good one!

WARNING.....WARNING.....sense of humour failure ALERT....ALERT....

:o I really don't understand this "New Luxury tax on internet usage in Thailand"

Just received a PM from Administration telling me that all Thaivisa Members who haven't actually been in Thailand since January 1, 2007 will be disconnected as from tonight because of the high costs involved. Just members & posters living in Thailand or very frequent visitors are allowed to stay 'onboard' with Thaivisa.... :D That's utter nonsense!

I haven't been in LOS since some 5 months ago, but I feel discriminated now !

Why on earth would I be disconnected from Thaivisa?

Anybody else received this message ? :D

I'm real angry now ! :D

It is the 1st of April isn't it



That was a good one, George! However, delete the thread before the thais see it, it might actually come to that.



I was at least 20 minutes into reading this thread before I realized that today is April 1st. Man, you put a scare in me!!!!! Don't do that again!!! But seriously, great April Fool's joke.


Anyone that got to the bottom of the 2nd page without laughing their dongle off and checking the calendar has to seriously consider nipping down the pharmacy for a packet of Chill Pills!

I am still amazed that people are still ranting on 9 pages in!

Very, very, very funny George & Co......remember thers still another 11 hours of the day left everyone!

Sombat is clearly an idiot and a racist ...What a complete plonker.
Lately We've been having second thoughts due to the appreciation of the baht, the terrorists unrest, and the new laws that seem to have an unfriendly "anti foreigner" tilt.

This new internet tax of 940 baht for Thais and 1490 baht for foreigners is another bad sign that the welcome mat for foreigners is being withdrawn.

Not as many knee-jerks present as I would have thought from this group. Still there has to be a few gratuitous Thai-bashers present to make a quorum.

I'm a little surprised that the usual TV suspects haven't started blaming the Muslims or Taksin.


I would hope this is an April Fool's joke and not real. Because it would be the last straw and i would move out of thailand. Obviously thailand wants foreign money and not the foreigner. And without foreign money we all know thailand would be just another desert.

Thailand ~ "The land of goh hok kee gong"

No one smiling anymore except the thai's.


That would have really set them off mate....I can just see it now...."In an effort to appease the Muslim minority and settle the restless South, all male Muslims on presentation of the Koran and an uncircumcised penis will be given free access dongles so they can surf all day rather than run around shooting and bombing each other"......lol


Never mind - Thailand can tax the he11 out of the internet - the canny chaps at google anticipated this and have a solution :


It looks pretty good and should be able to over come the "blockage" in thailand from hereon

yes you can escape internet prohibition thanks to the trustworthy search giant !

freedom2surf man !

I would hope this is an April Fool's joke and not real. Because it would be the last straw and i would move out of thailand. Obviously thailand wants foreign money and not the foreigner. And without foreign money we all know thailand would be just another desert.

Thailand ~ "The land of goh hok kee gong"

No one smiling anymore except the thai's.

What a load of rubbish.....that would be a metaphorical desert would it...lol....if you need a lift to the airport give me a call!


Here I am, supposed to be working.

But this is WAY to funny to miss.

Reminds me of the time ten years back or so when I lived somewhere else in SE Asia. When an Australian friend called up all frantic, instructing me to fill all the tubs. Why? Because Aliens had landed and those were the instructions governments were sending out. I'm not sure where she figured Aliens and full tubs mattered, but hers were still full when her hubby got in that night. Later on we were given strict instructions to NEVER MENTION it. Ever. LOL!

So instead of working today, I'll just keep hitting the refresh button. Tears of laughter streaming down my face as I read the new posts.

Yeah, and the day is not over yet ...

Never mind - Thailand can tax the he11 out of the internet - the canny chaps at google anticipated this and have a solution :


It looks pretty good and should be able to over come the "blockage" in thailand from hereon

yes you can escape internet prohibition thanks to the trustworthy search giant !

freedom2surf man !

EXTREMELY Funny.....I've gotta flush my internet worries away.....sign me up!....ROFL.....this has been a great start to a Sunday....lol


uncircumcised !

yes to get their dongle free they will need to donate around 1 inch of foreskin aswell - nevertheless in test of a small number of promiscuos africans it has been proven that having the finest and quite sensitive inch of skin chopped can help you from contracting the bid disease with the little name. Shame muslims cant lead a free loving life. Still you can have temporary wifes and several of them at the same time - just make sure you get the pre-nups in place and dont have any accidents like getting her pregnant - messy !

Why do people get married these days ? Too much f*ckin risk... Unless she is rich as <deleted> that is and there is no pre-nup - yep it can work both ways, but rarely does...

That would have really set them off mate....I can just see it now...."In an effort to appease the Muslim minority and settle the restless South, all male Muslims on presentation of the Koran and an uncircumcised penis will be given free access dongles so they can surf all day rather than run around shooting and bombing each other"......lol

Our 4 thai hamsters, which are Thai born, are happy to serve as nominee internet account holders for any porn surfing farang who will provide them with a life-long supply of bedding and sunflower seeds.


For a while I was mumbling and uttering *&^%&^** to myself as I read the thread, but then it appears in my mind that it's April 1..........checked the Bangkok Post n BKK Independent paper did not ind anything regarding the issue.......

Really a good one.....sucked quite a few of us.....into believing...


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