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I Lost Over 100 Kilos, And Here Is How I Did It!


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Eating wise I think moderation is the key but very hard to do when we have all the easy foods there.
This is what made it the easiest, for me. I didn't have any restricions on what foods I can have or not have. Only the amount was important to me. If I wanted a pizza,one slice per day was my limit for one meal, because it's only 400 calories. I could pig out on four slices, but this meant no more food that day... I Never got hungry at all, so for me it was no sweat. My personal key to success was the pool...Being in a pool feels great beause I have no weight at all.. fat floats! :D

Just wondering what your view is now having lost the weight , do you feel you should have done it sooner ?

Absolutely, my life would have been much happier if I was not obese. As I said earlier, I really didn't give a shit then, but I had no discipline, for whatever the reason.

You look five years younger from the first pix and a lot healthier , no kidding :o

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Starting point alot less, but similar approach. Am not eating sweets / chocolates / pizza's etc. Bowl of muesli and glass of orange juice in the morning, few cups of very light "coffee" during the day ( i.e. one third of a tea spoon), and then something light at night ( i..e chicken wrap, Japaneses raw fish ).

Have one day a week I eat anything and everything I want...... can't live all my life without eating a chocolate / ice cream / pizza

First week not eating lunch was not easy, but substituted fruit first, and then had early dinners ( 4 or 5pm ) , now can happily go to 7pm no problem.

Loosing a kg a week. (starting point 106, heading down to 92 ). No swimming pool around,and difficult to access as work alot.

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Starting point alot less, but similar approach. Am not eating sweets / chocolates / pizza's etc. Bowl of muesli and glass of orange juice in the morning, few cups of very light "coffee" during the day ( i.e. one third of a tea spoon), and then something light at night ( i..e chicken wrap, Japaneses raw fish ).

Have one day a week I eat anything and everything I want...... can't live all my life without eating a chocolate / ice cream / pizza

First week not eating lunch was not easy, but substituted fruit first, and then had early dinners ( 4 or 5pm ) , now can happily go to 7pm no problem.

Loosing a kg a week. (starting point 106, heading down to 92 ). No swimming pool around,and difficult to access as work alot.

Sounds like what you're doing is working well for you, so I will simply add my congratulations! :o

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Eating wise I think moderation is the key but very hard to do when we have all the easy foods there.
This is what made it the easiest, for me. I didn't have any restricions on what foods I can have or not have. Only the amount was important to me. If I wanted a pizza,one slice per day was my limit for one meal, because it's only 400 calories. I could pig out on four slices, but this meant no more food that day... I Never got hungry at all, so for me it was no sweat. My personal key to success was the pool...Being in a pool feels great beause I have no weight at all.. fat floats! :D

Just wondering what your view is now having lost the weight , do you feel you should have done it sooner ?

Absolutely, my life would have been much happier if I was not obese. As I said earlier, I really didn't give a shit then, but I had no discipline, for whatever the reason.

You look five years younger from the first pix and a lot healthier , no kidding :o

Thanks, I like hearing that :D

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You do look great in that last photo!

My husband is getting that married look (as my sister says :o) and is now having enough health issues that he can't exercise like he used to (loved to play volleyball but with a pinched nerve in his back thats out). He has always been an active guy and has liked to eat, so cutting back on the food seems to be the hardest part for him.

But, at the latest large family gathering, he was told by many people that he looked fat and was quite mortified to find that he was being mistaken (by people in town, not his relatives) for his much larger, fatter cousin.

We dont' have a pool, but we do have the ocean. I shall try to get him more motivated to swim. What motivated you Ajarn, if you don't mind my asking?

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Sounds like what you're doing is working well for you, so I will simply add my congratulations! :o

Well, 7 kg and counting is nothing compared to your dramatic weight loss. Congrats.... I think the thing it to train your self not to eat all the yummies...... When i get the munchies...... diet coke seems to kill it in its tracks (or an apple like tonight)

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You do look great in that last photo!

My husband is getting that married look (as my sister says :o ) and is now having enough health issues that he can't exercise like he used to (loved to play volleyball but with a pinched nerve in his back thats out). He has always been an active guy and has liked to eat, so cutting back on the food seems to be the hardest part for him.

But, at the latest large family gathering, he was told by many people that he looked fat and was quite mortified to find that he was being mistaken (by people in town, not his relatives) for his much larger, fatter cousin.

We dont' have a pool, but we do have the ocean. I shall try to get him more motivated to swim. What motivated you Ajarn, if you don't mind my asking?

Well, because I knew that I would be dead now if I didn't get some excercise. I was ready for relaxation, but not that much! I shaved my head (and everywhere else) and became a swimmer... Since then, my diabetes is no longer an issue, and everything in my body is now normal...

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Sounds like what you're doing is working well for you, so I will simply add my congratulations! :o

Well, 7 kg and counting is nothing compared to your dramatic weight loss. Congrats.... I think the thing it to train your self not to eat all the yummies...... When i get the munchies...... diet coke seems to kill it in its tracks (or an apple like tonight)

Hey, maybe that's why I live off diet coke! An apple is a favorite along with a banana. I really don't eat much shit food...

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Is there any chance of "getting better" from the stroke, now that you've lost so much weight?

I keep trying to tell myself to lose weight while still in reasonably good health, but I just gain it back again.

Loving food is a double-edged b*tch! :o

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Ajarn, I note that you said you didn't suffer hunger pains. Did I understand that right, that you seldom if ever actually felt physically hungry? That was my experience, when I went on a couple of 72 and 48 hour fasts, drinking only minimal amounts of juice or soda pop. No pain at all. I think some people truly get pains in their body from fasting, but other people don't. I have to keep busy, so that I'm too distracted to realize that I hadn't ingested calories for 2, 4, 24 hours.

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I shaved my head (and everywhere else) and became a swimmer...

I think that you could have been a swimmer without going baldy! :D

In effect, I was throwing off my 'old' body.. This was a huge change in my life. :o

And no, unfortunately, I haven't found any way to make my stroke 'better' for me in any way. In fact, I had a second stroke last year which effected my voice and body..

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Sorry, I thought that you said somewhere that you didn't get cravings any more.

My big problem is that I know how to keep from getting hungry (eat mostly raw fruits and vegetables), but eating like this gets boring very quickly.

My personal rule regarding craving is to eat it, but less... :o

I've pondered myself after the craving, and figured out that it was only satisfying for the moment of eating, not afterward. Meaning that I didn't need to pig out much at all.. Maybe a bite or two before the 'satisfaction' would end for me.

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I've pondered myself after the craving, and figured out that it was only satisfying for the moment of eating, not afterward. Meaning that I didn't need to pig out much at all.. Maybe a bite or two before the 'satisfaction' would end for me.

That is the key to losing weight for people who overeat, I think. Finally learning when to stop. I know I find it hard to stop eating something I really enjoy. My dad does this alot, he ends up eating for the taste and ends up going way past full.

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I've pondered myself after the craving, and figured out that it was only satisfying for the moment of eating, not afterward. Meaning that I didn't need to pig out much at all.. Maybe a bite or two before the 'satisfaction' would end for me.

That is the key to losing weight for people who overeat, I think. Finally learning when to stop. I know I find it hard to stop eating something I really enjoy. My dad does this alot, he ends up eating for the taste and ends up going way past full.

That realization was a key for me, I think. Before, I used to kinda worry that if I didn't spend enough time eating, then my craving would return quickly. When I finally realized that my craving ended after a couple of bites (or the smell!), I decided to let it go with eating whatever I wanted, and that was when my worries ended, as well as my weight coming off! :o

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Sounds like what you're doing is working well for you, so I will simply add my congratulations! :o

Well, 7 kg and counting is nothing compared to your dramatic weight loss. Congrats.... I think the thing it to train your self not to eat all the yummies...... When i get the munchies...... diet coke seems to kill it in its tracks (or an apple like tonight)

Hey, maybe that's why I live off diet coke! An apple is a favorite along with a banana. I really don't eat much shit food...

Ajarn is not joking about the Diet Coke...he must buy it wholesale ..last time I was at his place he must have had six cases stacked up there.

Glad to hear the good news L....well done Mate.

I have a pool myself but whenever I use it..my back plays up something terrible..my Son says I should learn breast stroke and not crawl.....any truth in this?

What style do you use Ajarn?

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As for diet soda, not that I'm any more expert than the rest of youse guys, but I found that Pepsi Max in the 1.25 liter bottles (especially 12 to the carton at Makro), costs roughly half as much as bulk purchases of Diet Coke. Makes a real difference when you're drinking 2 or 3 liters per day.

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Sounds like what you're doing is working well for you, so I will simply add my congratulations! :D

Well, 7 kg and counting is nothing compared to your dramatic weight loss. Congrats.... I think the thing it to train your self not to eat all the yummies...... When i get the munchies...... diet coke seems to kill it in its tracks (or an apple like tonight)

Hey, maybe that's why I live off diet coke! An apple is a favorite along with a banana. I really don't eat much shit food...

Ajarn is not joking about the Diet Coke...he must buy it wholesale ..last time I was at his place he must have had six cases stacked up there.

Glad to hear the good news L....well done Mate.

I have a pool myself but whenever I use it..my back plays up something terrible..my Son says I should learn breast stroke and not crawl.....any truth in this?

What style do you use Ajarn?

Yeah, the diet coke hits that spot!

As for swimming, before my second stroke, I could manage a side stroke without much difficulty. I had back pain at first, too, but the swimming helped it quite a bit. Maybe you just need to swim for a week or so to make the pain go away??

After my second stroke, it seems that I have forgotten how to swim. Now, I manage some walking, and some leg excercises on the steps... Sometimes I take a nap in the pool... :o

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I have a pool myself but whenever I use it..my back plays up something terrible..my Son says I should learn breast stroke and not crawl.....any truth in this?

What style do you use Ajarn?

If I want to swim quickly and make my heartbeat go up, but not have to think too much about breathing correctly, I use the backstroke. My guess is that it would help your back feel better too.

The breaststroke is nice and easy, but I would guess not as aerobic as the crawl or backstroke. Still it is good to change strokes to exercise different muscles and also get a rest from swimming quickly.

I keep changing strokes depending on how tired I am or how many other people are in the pool that I have to watch out for.

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Starting point alot less, but similar approach. Am not eating sweets / chocolates / pizza's etc. Bowl of muesli and glass of orange juice in the morning, few cups of very light "coffee" during the day ( i.e. one third of a tea spoon), and then something light at night ( i..e chicken wrap, Japaneses raw fish ).

Have one day a week I eat anything and everything I want...... can't live all my life without eating a chocolate / ice cream / pizza

First week not eating lunch was not easy, but substituted fruit first, and then had early dinners ( 4 or 5pm ) , now can happily go to 7pm no problem.

Loosing a kg a week. (starting point 106, heading down to 92 ). No swimming pool around,and difficult to access as work alot.

Oh, one thing made my life easier. One day, while watching Opera, she talked about her losing weight. She said that she doesn't eat anything after 7 pm... That made a lot of sense to me, for when I did it, I had no more stomach pains at night from the food digesting. I immediately started sleeping well, too. Personally, I don't eat after 6 pm because I go to bed about 10:00 pm (dek dee :o ) It wasn't difficult to start, either.

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My 2 penny

180 cm, about 40 yrs old, in April I was 98 kgs.....never been so fat.....may worries with job (too many responsabilities), stress......

New policy (for myself):

1) 5:30 I piss off from office

2) cappuccino for breakfast with diet sugar

3) no lunch

4) morning to afternoon about 1 liter of water

5) dinner till I feel full, but eliminated sugars, fried stuff, junk food and introduced vegetables. Extra virgin Olive oil (raw) helps quite a lot in the morning shit (sorry for my french). Fresh ingredients, no processed food, reduced salt

6) late night apple / banana / watermelon if still hungry

Today I am 92 kgs

Whenever i will reach 90 kgs I will start exercises like pool and some jogging.

My plan and ultimate goal is 85, although I would be happy with a 88 kgs

BMI is crap, only gives frustration

I should reduce bread, but I love it....I will try to introduce some steamed rice instead of bread


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Reading the title of your thread I fist thought it was a bit of a joke: lose some/gain some/lose some more/gain some more, etc., up to 100 (I think I even made a comment about that).

Having read and seen the whole story now, I find it impressive and inspirational.

Congratulations on your achievements, good luck for further improvement in your weight and condition and thank you for the inspiration and motivation.

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