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Pattaya unprepared for plastic-bag ban


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18 hours ago, baansgr said:

Both Tesco and 7/11 have had cloth bags for sale on their counters for past few weeks, only 15 baht also, at least they are doing their bit, if somchai hasn't taken notice he will have to fork out for one soon

Interesting the range in prices. Rimping you can pay 200 baht for cloth bag or Tops they charge 3 baht for a cloth bag.

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There is a much more simple solution. I usually ask for - and keep the large platic bags from 7/11 or VM and use them for the trash bin, which avoid me to buy the special blue trash bags. Good thing that you let us know about that end of plastic bags as from now i will keep let's say 30 of them that i already have and use and re-use them each time needed! The law may forbid shops to give plastic bags but it doesn't forbid us to use the one we have! And the cloth bags are not as practical to hook on a motorbike. So, you just have one more week to get large plastic bags for free and stock them!

Edited by bagheera65
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It's not the big retailers that we should be concerned about! What about all those plastic bags used by the street sellers and at the Thai markets. Ban them from using plastic bags and you can eat your food off the floor.

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16 hours ago, nightfox said:

I can already see some clueless falangs in Pattaya making a big stink and fools out of them self's in places like Friendship supermarket about why there are no plastic bags, mostly Russians and Chinese who cant read or speak English.

If you go on a planned shopping trip, you can take your own bag of course. But if you pop in for some items when on the way home, they should bag them. Education will slowly work. The stupid no bag "that's it" attitude is ridiculous! Especially when you look at the amount of packaging on too many items.

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4 minutes ago, chrissables said:

If you go on a planned shopping trip, you can take your own bag of course. But if you pop in for some items when on the way home, they should bag them. Education will slowly work. The stupid no bag "that's it" attitude is ridiculous! Especially when you look at the amount of packaging on too many items.

Why would you want to bag them, the old way did not work nobody brought bags. Its an all or nothing kind of thing. Its the same in all other countries in the world that are mildly civilized.


I have been bringin my own nylon bag that folds up. Its so easy to just have a bag like that in the car or motorbike.


I don't get the childish foreigners who refuse to plan and make a big show out of it. I guess they are totally inflexible and not willing to change. I guess that happens more the older one gets. 

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2 minutes ago, robblok said:


I don't get the childish foreigners who refuse to plan and make a big show out of it. I guess they are totally inflexible and not willing to change. I guess that happens more the older one gets. 

Am hoping to see one at the supermarket chucking a tantrum, will video it and throw it up on my facebook page !!

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4 hours ago, fruitman said:

I did that already.


Went to tops on the motocy, put a lot in my basket, went to pay and they cashier said: Solly today no plastic bags.


I had 25 items and told him without a bag i can't buy it...so i gave him the basket and left.

Too proud to buy a re-usable from Tops.  29 baht which is a little steep but you only buy it once.  Cutting off your nose to spite your face???

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1 hour ago, rtco said:

It's not the big retailers that we should be concerned about! What about all those plastic bags used by the street sellers and at the Thai markets. Ban them from using plastic bags and you can eat your food off the floor.

Well come Jan 1st 2021 then the ban on single use plastic becomes law which covers everyone.  Still, since when did Thailand worry about laws!

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3 minutes ago, fulhamster said:

Not easy to carry bulky shopping on a motocy without bags

I cannot believe that you said that, you never in the boy scouts?

You know be prepared, you just get yourself a suitable strong bag, put it under the mc seat until needed.

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Dear Thailand.  You cant just ban plastic bags as most plastic doesnt come from just bags.  Its a good start but you need to do the following:  Ban plastic straws, packaging etc. where unnecessary, police the ban, heavily fine people for littering, conduct a public awareness campaign.  Only after this combination of actions can you hope to see change.  

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