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I'm using all my strength to fight climate change, says Merkel

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she is breaking german long standing competitiveness

with high energy cost, while at the same time make

those with low income chose between heating or food.

i think if i were german i would take up arms against my government

17 minutes ago, Ramen087 said:

You really are a china apologist... per person?  look at the size of the population.  

No, but you are denying the facts. You have to count the emissions per person. Or do you think by country size makes sense? So all other countries have to do nothing till China with it´s 1.6 billion citizens reduced their emissions to the level of other countries. And in your eyes Thailand´s streets are super safe because they have less accidents than China, India and more bigger countries? 

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Hey Angele,  


Until the germans can do something to combat climate change in the short term,  then why not keep your efforts comfined to your own neighborhood,  or at least your home town?


   For example, addressing the Heidleberg daily temperatures (there is scientifically documented  proof of daily temperature rises between surise and mid day going back thousands of years.)     The whole world is interested in seeing the Merkel plan on influencing these daily climatic changes.



  Once you've been able to make significant progress in affecting daily climate,   then maybe you could look at doing things to influence daily temperature changes regionally and even world wide.


After your success at influencing the daily temperatures,   then maybe you could take your science and help address monthly temperature and throw in seasonal precipitation changes.      


Thousands of years of data indicates that the winters in Germany are colder than the summer,    this can not be allowed.    You and Greta need to come up with a plan to reverse this wreckless trend. 



Once you can do these things,   your science and understanding should allow you to influence temperature and precipitation in other towns,  maybe all across germany,  the  earth,   and even the moon and other planets,   as Saturn and Jupiter have had pronounced climatic changes as well.     


Who'd have ever thought that people were on these other planets?   but there must be,  and they must be polluting a lot,  because their climates have gone through major upheaval as of late.



23 minutes ago, CNXexpat said:

No, but you are denying the facts. You have to count the emissions per person. Or do you think by country size makes sense? So all other countries have to do nothing till China with it´s 1.6 billion citizens reduced their emissions to the level of other countries. And in your eyes Thailand´s streets are super safe because they have less accidents than China, India and more bigger countries? 


Relative thinking is hard for some people. My 9 year old daughter doesn't really get it either. Just be patient and try to explain fractions again and again until they understand.

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1 hour ago, CNXexpat said:

No, but you are denying the facts. You have to count the emissions per person. Or do you think by country size makes sense? So all other countries have to do nothing till China with it´s 1.6 billion citizens reduced their emissions to the level of other countries. And in your eyes Thailand´s streets are super safe because they have less accidents than China, India and more bigger countries? 

No, you don’t have to count emissions per person...  I don’t have any idea why you’re comparing motor vehicle accidents to emissions.  China’s contribution to emissions will only grow, and grow exponentially as its economy grows.  Look at the horrendous air quality in places like Beijing compared to the major cities of Europe. They have a track record of failure.  And it’s not China against the world, except to people like you, who will use any inane piece of logic to apologize for China, justifying its actions.

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13 hours ago, CNXexpat said:

Nonsense, why should she. To reduce the Co2 emissions doesn´t mean to go back to the stone age. Why do some people only think black and white? A possibility is to increase the effectiveness of heaters and engines.

Seems some don't recognize sarcasm when they see it.


How many nonsense can come out of such a moron?
You never cared about past, present and future generations!
Think about losing weight, you look more and more like a barrel!

8 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Seems some don't recognize sarcasm when they see it.

Believe it or not, but there are many comments like this in German groups - and they are meant 100% serious.

21 hours ago, Calach said:

Germany perhaps but France is definitely at the bottom of the list, if not the smallest CO2 emitter in the EU (per inhabitant or GDP). 75% of its electricity still comes from nuclear power, fossil fuel energy is used almost only for transportation, contrarily to Germany that massively reopened coal plants to transition out of nuclear. 



HA HA "transition". !!!!!


The Fukuyama tsunami (2011) scared Merkel (and the whole German govt) out of their lederhosen and OVERNIGHT they shut down all the nuke plants and regressed into the Stone Age....so that Germans were now going to pay HUGE increases in fuel costs AND go back to using the worst pollution emitters of the last 100 years.


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On 12/31/2019 at 2:59 AM, Xaos said:

Germany and France biggest CO2 polluters in EU

Sure! Because biggest countries. 

But as I read Germany got a dead line for nuclear plants and coal Mining. 

I never read this for Australia or USA or UK .


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2 hours ago, mikey00 said:


Watch this if you are open minded

He belongs to a small group of scientists who deny Global Warming by rising CO2 levels. 

Even his degrees will not stop him to repeat his nonsense. 

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On 12/31/2019 at 6:30 AM, donnacha said:

Unilaterally deciding, without even discussing it with her cabinet, to open the doors to 1.8m immigrants during 2016 - essentially saying "If you can make it across the Mediterranean alive, I'll let you stay" - added significantly to Europe's emissions, because typical lifestyles in Subsaharan Africa, Pakistan, and Afghanistan use far less energy than their new lives on the dole in Europe.

Note also her decision to decommission all nuclear power plants in Germany, a spineless gesture based purely on uninformed public sentiment. Nuclear has the lowest emissions per kilowatt of any power source, far lower than wind or solar.

As a scientist, she surely understands that, like it or not, any solution to climate change must involve nuclear power. Her decision tells you all you need to know about whether the elites consider climate change to be a real problem or simply a convenient narrative with which to whip their livestock into line.


As a scientist I tell you you are talking nonsense 

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22 hours ago, brokenbone said:

she is breaking german long standing competitiveness

with high energy cost, while at the same time make

those with low income chose between heating or food.

i think if i were german i would take up arms against my government

Yeah, up to the arms.... Civil War ante portas 

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On 12/31/2019 at 3:10 AM, mokwit said:

Merkel's Modus Operendi has always been to stay quiet until she is sure which way the wind is blowing and then make out she was for it all along.


She is a slimy flip flopping political eel and probably the most insincere politician of all time.

Give me a break.... "She is a slimy flip flopping political eel and probably the most insincere politician of all time."

There is already a Reservation for Boris Johnson 

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On 12/31/2019 at 12:30 PM, donnacha said:

As a scientist, she surely understands that, like it or not, any solution to climate change must involve nuclear power. Her decision tells you all you need to know about whether the elites consider climate change to be a real problem or simply a convenient narrative with which to whip their livestock into line

If you beleiev it has to be nuclear this may interest you:- https://www.iter.org

On 12/31/2019 at 9:15 AM, rabas said:

She needs to have a talk with China.


Doubtful, Chinese won't pay money for pseudo science.

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1 hour ago, 3NUMBAS said:

prince william has announced that we have 10 years until its too late .we are all doomed in fact


he has announced a 1million pound prize for solutions



redefine ipcc mandate into finding other areas/factors then man caused global warming,

lets say finding natural reasons why we have now peaked out on a cycle

and earth is now at the start of  a cooler cycle,

and only pay for that specific result, with a promise to dismantle ipcc if they do not,

and the climate crisis will dissolve in an instant.

where do i apply for the pay ?

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8 hours ago, donnacha said:

Fusion power would be terrific but it has been "almost here" for my entire life.

If the suggestion is that too much co2 imperils the future of humanity, and that it may already be too late, it follows that a solution must involve technologies that are ready for production use today.

Yes, this is certainly another "almost here" fusion project as they have no fuel - yet they are spending 17 billion USD building a plant that at this time has no possibility of ever working, funny how the MSM never tells us about projects like this?

The CO2 fallacy makes for a much better "story" for the masses, telling them that if we get hit with a sloar flare of any significance we will be back in the dark ages in minutes or just what the effects of the ongoing magnetic reversal can be is not such an easy way to make money as there is nothing to make money from. the truth hurts!

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21 minutes ago, CGW said:

Yes, this is certainly another "almost here" fusion project as they have no fuel - yet they are spending 17 billion USD building a plant that at this time has no possibility of ever working, funny how the MSM never tells us about projects like this?

The CO2 fallacy makes for a much better "story" for the masses, telling them that if we get hit with a sloar flare of any significance we will be back in the dark ages in minutes or just what the effects of the ongoing magnetic reversal can be is not such an easy way to make money as there is nothing to make money from. the truth hurts!

oddly the magnetic field is not nearly as crucial as one would take for granted



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