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Stuttering kids.


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I have a friend with a le kreung kid who has a bad stutter when she's speaking English.

I've never heard a Thai kid stutter so I'm wondering if she should concentrate on speaking Thai.

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5 hours ago, kingstonkid said:

Get her to talk slowly and relax if she doesn't stutter speaking Thai it is confidence

Simply teach her to speak phonetic

i think that is the way to go...also breathing correctly is important,so ask her to do some deep breathing exercises

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1 hour ago, millymoopoo said:

Had a friend when I was a kid who stuttered, always started a sentence with a word beginning with a consonant, but we discovered if he started with a word beginning with a vowel instead, he didn't stutter. Might be worth a try

yes consonants are the problem,when nervous the body freezes up ....again deep breathing is the key

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If you get the chance get in a quiet place, talk slowly & articulate well, then wait for an answer.

NEVER interrupt her & try & answer for her. Encourage with your listening skills.

Try to not ask her to repeat something if can avoid & ensure you answer her questions fully, 

slowly, with an air of understanding of what she has said.

There is a muscle relaxant kind of drug that they recommend (but only for 3 weeks)

which can help but only in the right environment.

Banish anyone who wants to make fun of her

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8 hours ago, kingstonkid said:

Get her to talk slowly and relax if she doesn't stutter speaking Thai it is confidence

Simply teach her to speak phonetic

I'm thinking the phonetic thing is the way to go.

Apparently her father had a stammer as a kid and didn't shake it until he was in his twenties.

It's ok to say "back off" unless you see her in tears like we have, just totally frustrated. No-one makes a fuss over her including her parents and teachers, but she is very open to suggestions.

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17 minutes ago, keithnchiangmai said:

Stay out of it and take the kid to a speech pathologist. The more you try and "help" the more attention it will get.

The "speech pathologist" she went to for 3 years made it worse.

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It has to be the most embarrassing of afflictions, I was plagued with it as a child, totally down to lack of confidence, my mother didn't help, I was terrified to answer a telephone in case I couldn't get my words out. It wasn't till I joined the army and gained confidence it got much better, now at 70 it is not noticable.

Good luck with getting help.

Edited by vogie
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If she realise herself, tell her to sing the sentence for a while, after it will be over. Maybe at first she think it’s silly, but it helps.

otherwise you also can stop her when she starts to stutter, and say to start over again, but slowly pronouncing the words


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9 hours ago, Iron Tongue said:

Have the child sing English songs.  People don't stutter when they sing, as they become more proficient singing, their confidence develops and stuttering decreases or stops.



A friend cured his stutter by joining an amateur dramatic group. When not using his own words he was perfectly lucid.

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I have heard of an app that makes your voice sound like Donald duck that you can use so you don't become self conscious but I can't find it. As a temporary measure.

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On 1/9/2020 at 1:45 AM, Traubert said:



A friend cured his stutter by joining an amateur dramatic group. When not using his own words he was perfectly lucid.

Interesting, I had a friend who was a pilot, the first time I flew with him in his aircraft, I thought, the take off clearance will take for ever from the control tower.

How wrong was I, his communication in the cockpit to control tower and other aircraft, stutter free, speaking to me usual stutter.

Transpired he never stuttered with aricraft communication.


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