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Dangerous assets declaration form from Bangkok Bank

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17 hours ago, Max69xl said:

"but hey, what i you just got promoted? or close a nice deal? or heritance? or just bougth the right stock in the right time? than you might become a liar"

What are you talking about? If you were honest when you checked the boxes about income and net worth, how the h**l can you become a lier because of a promotion or inheritance? Nobody has a crystal ball, but normally when working, when moving to another company or you get promoted, your salary will probably increase,right? Maybe you became the owner of your parents house when they passed away. It happens all the time.

If this is so scary for you, then ask your bank if your info needs to be amended. How hard can it be? 


I DID ASK the bank if i can change the form, and they answered : "no, but you can fill another one".

this means that the bank will have two forms which might contradict each other, hence 

can be used as a proof that the information "is not xcomplete and accurate" as the form

requires to sign below.


was i 100% honest when i filled the form? hell no. just like banks and bankers

are never 100% honest.

but this form really made me confused, since i thougth that i fill it for the retirement visa extention, so i wrote that i am retired, which i/m not...but did not mean to lie.


now i am not paranoid, but if you will see how difficult banks are these days, you will also

be very carefull.

you see, some of the poster here are or were propably salary man , and don't see what is

the problem with taxes, capital, ext. you just get your salary and all taxes are paid, right?

WRONG !! real life people, i.e. business owners who pay those salaries, live in a complately different

world, where taxes are much more complicated, and even capital and cash flow are not

regular and difined, and when you'll grow up you will also see the trouble in such forms.

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On 1/12/2020 at 11:58 PM, NanLaew said:

My idea of something 'very nasty' is pulling a band-aid of a wound and finding maggots in it.


Being asked to comply with Bangkok Bank's KYC (Know Your Customer) rules isn't nasty at all. When you consider that the whole KYC rigmarole is something of an American invention and they are forcing the banks of all foreign nations that correspond with American banks (and that is 99.9% of them) to comply with American KYC procedures or risk being unable to move any money anywhere, such is the structure of global banking where 99.9% of all foreign remittances pass through NYC.

It is none of their business, how many kids I have, if I live in a condo or a house, my single as well as my family's combined income etc. etc. etc. I am getting bombarded now already because department stores, delaying delivery, got my mobile phone number. 
"Customer loyalty cards" are grossly misused for SMS messages in the middle of the night, Office Mate called every two weeks to ask, if I need office material - those I got rid off by just telling them to hold and kept the phone on the desk until they gave up. 

American KYC is - sorry to say - big bu11sh1t; the only state you still can open an absolutely anonym bank account is in ........... Delaware.

I still decide on what complementary information I want to give out and Bangkok Bank clearly overstepped that line! 

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