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Driving at under 90kph in the right lane of highways may become an offence


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After many years driving in Thailand I've learned that no matter how fast I go, there will soon be someone on my tail trying to go faster, and no matter how slow I go, I will eventually find someone in front of me going even slower. Changing the speed limits will not change that, and most likely will only cause more accidents and deaths.

Edited by clokwise
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as with virtually every dictum from the authorities this has been dne with no forethought what soever. It means increasing te speed limit on roads that are in no way designed for such speeds.

There are only abut 200 km of proper motorway in Thailand, the rest being poorly designed and bad roads that are already amongst the most deadly in the world.

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21 minutes ago, Redline said:

I don’t think there are many accidents from people going too slow-stopped maybe, but speeding is by far more dangerous 

Speed differential is a very dangerous thing but not solved with minimum speeds in the R/H lane of highways

Edited by Airbagwill
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4 minutes ago, Airbagwill said:

Speed differential is a very dangerous thing but not solved with minimum speeds in the R/H lane of highways

Oh right, right is the fast lane.  Unfortunately, no one will enforce it nonetheless 

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They should try actually enforcing the laws they have without creating more just to be ignored.

Enforcement is the issue in this country, or lack thereof.

Real consequences and proper consistent enforcement is needed not more laws, pointless!

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7 hours ago, daveAustin said:

Slow driving is as dangerous as OTT speed. This is a good idea. Wish they would enact this type of thing on UK roads too... we have way way way too many retired old farts pottering along not giving a tinker's tosss about the working world around them. :whistling:

Yes Slow driving is dangereous,  i also an old fart (69 ) but luckily i i go to Germany every year fore 3 months. Please look my Speedometer is only Km.

some old people can handle speed,


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1 hour ago, Mattd said:

The entire length of Motorway 7 is set as 120 km/h speed limit, the sections where it flashes 90 are advisory and not enforceable.

I thought it was only 120 between the tolls, happy to be corrected though, Thanks.

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8 hours ago, daveAustin said:

Slow driving is as dangerous as OTT speed. This is a good idea. Wish they would enact this type of thing on UK roads too... we have way way way too many retired old farts pottering along not giving a tinker's tosss about the working world around them. :whistling:

???? You wanna see them ROF’s ????????‍????????????in Florida ????????????????????☺️????????????


8 hours ago, daveAustin said:

Slow driving is as dangerous as OTT speed. This is a good idea. Wish they would enact this type of thing on UK roads too... we have way way way too many retired old farts pottering along not giving a tinker's tosss about the working world around them. :whistling:


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I understand this in theory. My problem is the left lane is normally full of holes that can swallow a tire and ruts that toss my old jeep around. Too bad the roads are not all concrete instead of a thin layer of asphalt that fail's in 6 months.

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10 hours ago, Creasy said:

Who is going to police this law ?


Personally. I have never seen a police car physically cruising up and down the roads to catch offenders .

Exactly Creasy, the majority like to control traffic lights instead of leaving them on automatic optimised control.

I did in fact see a police bmw with a camera on top, had just pulled off tollway and reaccelerated to 80 kmh as I passed them, they tracked me for a while to make sure I was not doing more than 80

if only they did something about the usually mercedes going 60 -80 on tollways


or perhaps curb bad bus driving now they are allowed on tollway

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8 hours ago, Benmart said:

I have been coming to Thailand since 1993 and living here full-time/driving since 2013, and no, I have never seen a police car patrolling or pulling over a traffic violator. I don't think the local cops know how or have the necessary vehicles.

I once saw one but they were driving 80 Kmph in the right lane forcing everyone to overtake on the left lane.
And what about those Convoys of 10 buses which always take over the right lane like they own it.
Oh yea and if there's a VIP with police escort they take over the right lane as well as not to get split up.

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10 hours ago, lemonjelly said:

Unworkable..... what if there’s heavy traffic, rush hour, 4 lanes full... all vehicles in right hand lane have to stay above 90 kmh? 
Driving responsibly according to traffic conditions is the mantra.

What about the traffic that want to do a right turn or U turn ahead?

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Thuderdome as no laws..drive your diesel belching truck like you stole it, throw your plastic aand foam garbage on the ground and mind the packs of ferrel dogs.....

Edited by mok199
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14 hours ago, manchega said:

Exactly Creasy, the majority like to control traffic lights instead of leaving them on automatic optimised control.

I did in fact see a police bmw with a camera on top, had just pulled off tollway and reaccelerated to 80 kmh as I passed them, they tracked me for a while to make sure I was not doing more than 80

if only they did something about the usually mercedes going 60 -80 on tollways


or perhaps curb bad bus driving now they are allowed on tollway

I thought all the BMW's with camera on top were for immigration police to quickly identify over stayers and quickly deliver them to the nick!   In reality a base model Yaris would do the same job for 1/3 the price.

Edited by Grumpy John
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22 hours ago, slk350 said:

Yes Slow driving is dangereous,  i also an old fart (69 ) but luckily i i go to Germany every year fore 3 months. Please look my Speedometer is only Km.

some old people can handle speed,


You can't compare the Thai roads with the Autobahn in Germany, they are light years of difference, the cars then, a 40-year-old Daimler is safer than most of the cars you find in Thailand!
I have a Nissan March, comfortable, silent but if I pass the 120 km / h I am a little afraid ....

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Wonder if this will apply to Phuket as well? They all seem to drive on the outer side of the road on that island?


Also anywhere south of Chumphon there seems to be a different rule of the road by pickup drivers and farmers who all hog the outer lane as a given to take the next U turn about 25km further on.

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my Father, who taught me how to drive....always said while we were out driving....that no matter how fast I go there will always be some other driver who wil drive faster than me !! He also told me, that if there is an object in front (a vehicle) then pass it with care.....then you/one has a clear view of the road in front of you !!

This is what I do even today (48 yrs of driving experience).....

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On 1/14/2020 at 8:03 AM, Don Mega said:

Ive not seen a motorway here with more than 4 lanes either.


Not sure why raising the speedlimit to 120km/h will allow people to travel at 150km/h.


When did Thailand become #1 for road deaths ?

Only read this far so sorry if further on someone has asked if they count the 'emergency' lane as being one of the lanes.

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