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Canada's Trudeau: Iran plane victims would be alive had there been no regional tensions

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29 minutes ago, chrisandsu said:

To be perfectly honest I had to google who breitbart are (yes I’m sorry I’m using google again) I think he’s stuck in some sort of vortex where every time he mentions fox/breitbart with someone he doesn’t agree with he gives him self an imaginary jazz hand . Next he will be coming out with the killer - you must be a racist /xenophobe/homophone /islamaphobe .... take your pick as you know when someone is as generic as our esteemed friend it’s for certain coming my way . 

And yet you dont say where you get your news and evidence.

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20 minutes ago, Sujo said:

And yet you dont say where you get your news and evidence.

Are you deflecting again ? If you think for one second that anyone could believe MSM , no matter where your political persuasions lay!  you my friend are living in the same vortex as your mate (almond milk)! Get back to that white noise cnn it’s missing you . 

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Just now, chrisandsu said:

Are you deflecting again ? If you think for one second that anyone could believe MSM , no matter where your political persuasions lay!  you my friend are living in the same vortex as your mate (almond milk)! Get back to that white noise cnn it’s missing you . 

Oppps sorry I forgot to give you the imaginary jazz hand ???? ????  

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A Boeing 737 climbs out at approximately at 250 Knots.  Rate of climb at about 1000 Feet per minute. So the ADA(Air Defense of Artillery) commander sees this on radar and deems it a direct threat and fires not one but two SAMS at this target.  Even with tensions where is the Iranian Chain of Command and Control that allows this to occur? 


Wow Trudeau is using Thai logic "you no come Thailand not make accident, farang pay"

Seriously though the middle east has been a hotbed of regional tensions before America existed. Failed states always want to blame someone else to divert attention away from their corruption and mismanagement. America will always be the third world's punching bag as long as they're still the most powerful. 


Leave it to Trudeau to blame the "tensions", aka Trump, instead of going after the government and military that pulled the trigger.  Having the half-witted spawn of Castro driving my country into the ground every day is damned painful.  Then again, what does one expect from someone who thinks "the budget will balance itself" while piling up incredible debt in a few short years.  His list of gaffes is long and the stench of his brand of hypocritical leftism wafts far and wide.  On behalf of Albertans, who overwhelmingly voted against him in the election a few months ago, I apologize for anything he says, does, or represents.  All I can hope for is that one day he does a good imitation of Robert Budd Dwyer and shoots himself in the head on live television.  Seriously, the guy is a complete scumbag and is hated by large swaths of society in Canada for many good reasons.  Our anthem used to be "Oh, Canada" but soon it will be "Poor, Canada" thanks to him and his ilk in the Liberal Party of Canada.  But, hey, he does have cute socks, eh!  ????

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