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Thai mother dumps three year old at children's home with tragic note


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9 hours ago, robblok said:

You might be right but why are people on this site so angry when a Thai girl decides to redistribute wealth from a foreigner to herself while your advocating it.


Maybe because its easy to advocate it when its not your money that will be divided always easier to point at an other.


This lil girl has a horrible mom and i don't believe its just money. Its just that her new husband does not want her.


People who are poor should not take too many kids. I myself never took kids as a choice. I wonder why everyone always needs kids even if they cant afford them.



I agree

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Im partly looking after a abandoned   baby girl,left on doorstep at few months old,few years older now,but bonding def there,laugh a minute.  do not want to get too close,she will have to make her own way eventually when Im not around

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The mother and step-father need to be tracked down and arrested and charged.

The little girl needs to have her memory erased so that she will have no recollection of past persons or events.

Then a loving caring family needs to be found for the little girl.  

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1 hour ago, Hockeybik said:

Don't begrudge rich people their wealth because they do not spend it in a way that you approve of. The wealthy do not "hoard" money they invest it in businesses and assets almost all of which benefits someone. Even if it's only sitting in their bank, the bank is loaning it out to build houses and buy cars and build businesses. It took hundreds maybe even thousands of people in the supply chain to build their "2 or 3 super yachts" and they have to pay their captains and crew. Those folks are regular people like you and me. Not to mention the upkeep on the yachts and multiple mansions. Those are regular wage earners too. The "rich" spend their money, it goes into the economy. You may be jealous of their wealth or maybe it's envy but they don't keep it under a mattress and bring it out only to bathe in. No poor man ever gave you or me a job.


I just spent a week with "rich" people who donate their time and their money and raise money from their friends to help kids left out like this poor little girl. Their efforts support 7 homes for over 300 kids around Thailand for exactly kids in this position and worse. This mom no doubt did what she thought was best for her child. She was at the end of her rope. There are people out there who give their own time and money to directly help kids like this. 


You sit there at your keyboard and berate the "rich" and what do you do? Actually 'do' for these kids, anything at all? Paying tax and demanding "the government" do it for you, doesn't count. Either does bitching about how someone else spends their money. You just pass judgement on others to make yourself feel better. At least the "rich" are giving a few people a job when they buy their yachts. 


I support 5 families so they don't have to drop their kids off at a place like this.. The rest of the time I just sit at my keyboard and berate the rich... 

What gets you through your day ??

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10 hours ago, robblok said:

People who are poor should not take too many kids. I myself never took kids as a choice. I wonder why everyone always needs kids even if they cant afford them.

I like kids, I've got a 'daughter' that nobody else wanted, had her since she was 11, now she's 22 and a lovely girl.

Got a son of my own as well.

If Thailand hadn't been so iffy lately, I was planning to take in another girl, 9 years, old whose mom doesn't want her because the new dad wasn't interested (from the same village as my other daughter). Thailand is full of kids that nobody really appears to want, usually they just get shuffled around relatives and other people in the village. The OP dropping one off at a childrens home is a bit extreme.

Edited by BritManToo
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11 hours ago, neeray said:

If she is adopted, it won't take much to improve her lot as compared to the selfish Mother, birth Father and "new husband".

Good luck little one.


I feel very sad for the mother AND the child but I can understand the mothers' dilemma. When the child's father walks away and the new husband does not want the child, what can the mother do? Imagine what must be going on in the mother's mind? The child cannot be worse off in a family where the stepfather doesn't want/rejects her, her real father doesn't want her either, so what can the mother do?


In my personal family I would accept and love the child whatever the circumstances, but that is just me and I am not Thai.

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Should find out who beat the girl and then give that person a beating X10, assume it is that new A hole boyfriend of hers.
Hope she will be fine, doubt it as she will be without parents forever if in a children's home.

Edited by ChaiyaTH
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11 hours ago, robblok said:

We tried socialism it did not work either. I don't believe in full capitalism either. But wealth redistribution sounds quite ominous. 


People should just get better schooling and help themselves out of problem. Not perpetual handouts. I also believe that intellect and studying should be rewarded not everyone should make the same money it will kill innovation. I feel that taking risks and developing ones self should be rewarded and a dr can make more then a street sweeper. 

The problem is that the way the  world is "progressing" is that there is  a decreasing  opportunity even for those  who find a way  to  get educated if they are not  included in the select and already priviledged sector of  society. With  the advance of A I even menial occupations  are set to  be  reduced. Japan has already experienced  that  with so many  with valid University degrees yet only eligible for becoming  Petrol Pump Attendants or  high rise  building divers ! The  handouts are a simple  but temporary way to subdue demands  for  better egalitarian opportunity.

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Tragic as her story is, there's a chance for a happy ending.  Irresponsible as the mother seems, she could go a lot further down on the despicable scale.


My heart also goes out to the kids who don't make it to a facility, instead sold to have an arm or a leg lopped off and go begging on the streets.


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15 hours ago, neeray said:

selfish Mother

You are SOOOOOO wrong!


Alot of those children left by their mothers or givin away for adoption was OUT OF LOVE. They know the children will be better of if they find a loving caring family.


You really think they just "trow" away their own flesh and blood?

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The mother and step-father need to be tracked down and arrested and charged.

The little girl needs to have her memory erased so that she will have no recollection of past persons or events.

Then a loving caring family needs to be found for the little girl.  

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5 hours ago, mike787 said:

U got to be kidding!!  THis is where a Gofund is justified.  Hope all us rich expats are willing to donate.

Who would you nominate to distribute, utise any funds raised, with a gaurantee of the funds not being embezzeled?

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4 hours ago, RJRS1301 said:

Who would you nominate to distribute, utise any funds raised, with a gaurantee of the funds not being embezzeled?

I'm open to suggestions.  There are many honest TVF members such as you and I for starters, there's 2 people already, how many more do we need?

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