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I'm not feeling the love anymore.


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1 hour ago, Mansell said:

I think a lot of this stuff depends on where you live. I find people here in Korat just fine, mostly pretty friendly. My Thai neighbor Tom comes over with his kid to play table tennis with us. Him and other neighbor brought us some food which we reciprocated. We have only lived here in this house since mid November. Most of the people I deal with in the city in the Malls always friendly to me. It is still the land of smiles for me. Sometimes we need to look in the mirror and see what we are projecting out to the world.....then we will know why we get what we get. Congrats on Liverpool.....seem to be setting new records every week.

Could not have said it better. Depends on where you live and a good look in the mirror.

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6 minutes ago, Lacrimas said:

Are we sure we westerners got life right with our obsession over money?

Thais are more obsessed with money as far I seen. And yes, I am sure life is better with more than 4000 baht a month
(even you do X3 in spending power compared to home, it is still only 12K baht). 

Some people might look like they enjoy themselves with a handmade cigarette in a hammock
but it just comes down to the fact that they can't do anything else + they are used to those finances / living like that. 
Being uneducated also helps to not really know there is another world out there + be easily entertained.

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1 hour ago, Tagged said:

You should try Spain! Made 3 trips the last 13 months, and enough is enough! Never go back there. Not only the locals, but the expats there as well,,,,,,,,, who influenced who for this hostile stand off? Spain used to be a poor country, now they just want to <deleted> off everyone back to their home countries. 


Found som few places, that still had its charm, but not to many

Actually I did, just last month. Went for a month to the Costa Dorada through Barcelona. It was as dead as a haddock being closed season but we didn't experience any unpleasantness. Maybe because it's quite an affluent area and not the Costa del Crime. Where where you?

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1 minute ago, Gweiloman said:

Well, I know a lot of poor Thai farmers and do spend time with them. They seem a lot happier than a lot of the rich farangs on TVF. 

Absolutely correct. Smile on their faces even if they don't even have a car or a fancy smartphone.

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10 minutes ago, Lacrimas said:

Not entirely correct. They move to the cities because they are sold the fake dream that the cities can give them big money and they invest all their savings and efforts in that fake dream so they can't come back to the village life.


Thai people are starting to realize that even if you make more money in Bangkok the cost of living is 4 times higher than living in a village so many are coming back to live simpler but healthier lifestyles. This is at least what I have observed.

How many people in Isaan never finished past grade 4 or 5?


They are not smart enough to think about anything more than surviving and how much they can earn.


Many moved from Isaan to work in the factories only to learn the hard way 6,000 thb doesn't go very far and leaves them in a depressed state.


In Isaan you can work in the fields for 200 baht a day.


What else is there to do for work?


The answer is nothing and field work is seasonal at best.


So many head off into the city to make a little more and it is only a little more


City costs are high but if you know Isaan people they are all living 10 to a room so the cost is mitigated


Still they are not making anything, which is why they are so depressed and unhappy.


They learn the hard way that they have no education or skill to earn more


Coming back to the village means you still need money to survive.





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4 minutes ago, Lacrimas said:

My question for you is, why do you need more than 4000 baht a month if your living expenses are lower than that? They eat chili paste, fish in the rivers, eat fruits from their orchard. All these things are free.


Do you think that the latest Hilux gives you happiness? A beautiful house?


Isn't life about having a roof over your head and food in your plate? They have that and they are happy with it.

Yes I would still want more than that, I do have the things you describe for free too. The latest BMW does certainly make me more happy, a nice house too.
The best part is the extra money to take holidays and do whatever I like, whenever I want. 

Does that mean you can not be happy without it? No. But I am pretty much sure I rather live life as I describe, when possible, and it is possible.
Try telling the farmers they can get 1 million but you won't give it to them as they are happy already, I am curious to their reply.

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1 minute ago, ChaiyaTH said:

So you compare it with a few complainers on TVF and generalise that to westerners being? You are really funny lol.
I know many farmers being super unhappy + heavily indebted too. I think more than there are happy ones. Nonsense talk this.

I knew a young Thai guy (builder) in his 20s with a wife and two daughters.

He strangled himself a couple of months back because he couldn't compete with the Burmese builders who will work for 150bht/day.

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5 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

I knew a young Thai guy (builder) in his 20s with a wife and two daughters.

He strangled himself a couple of months back because he couldn't compete with the Burmese builders who will work for 150bht/day.

And many others do like him but if you tell that here, it is not true because all farmers are happy. They speak like the prime minister, should be happy without money while they have roasts in 5 star hotels.

Guess they still haven't gotten a clue, that people pretend to be happy, as discussing trouble is not OK. People live here for decades but I guess they still not get that part of Thai culture, you always say you are more or less OK and keep everything else to yourself. That is why suicide rates are high too.

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1 minute ago, BritManToo said:

Not necessarily true, the stick hut can be built on family land for nothing, and you can live by farming, hunting and gathering, the way they always did in the past. It might not be a great life, but people have lived that way for thousands of years. My girlfriend was brought up to live that life by her parents until she was a teenager, and she can slip right back into hunting and gathering when she's back in the jungle.

True, and the welfare card at least pays enough to bring food on the table twice a day for a family of two. 

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12 minutes ago, Lacrimas said:

Absolutely correct. Smile on their faces even if they don't even have a car or a fancy smartphone.

You are aware of how the smile works in Thailand? And that it has many meanings? Even for being sad or angry there is a smile.

Also, Thais most times have the latest phones and cars, that westerns do not, even the latter could afford them 10x easier.
As soon they can get it, they will too, except maybe the oldies.

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