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Lawyers, Barristers, Solicters, Oh My ...


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Most Americans despise lawyers. Most of them (read 99 percent) are vile evil creatures who hate themselves, their colleages, their work, and the country in general.

What do Thai people think of lawyers? Are they held in high or low esteem?

Edited by jeffrosner
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Well I did tell one of our Thai engineers the joke about "What's the difference between a dead rat and a dead lawyer on the road? There's skid marks in front of the rat". :o

He laughed but then, when relating it to his colleagues, changed it from lawyers to customs officers. It seems the Thais have the same regards for those officials as many in the west have for lawyers.

Personally I've had three recent experiences with lawyers (in the UK). Two were good and one was not so good. So 66% in my book is a pass mark. I only wish I'd paid attention at school and studied law at university then I could charge 200 GBP per hour for my services. :D

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Most Americans despise lawyers. Most of them (read 99 percent) are vile evil creatures who hate themselves, their colleages, their work, and the country in general.

What do Thai people think of lawyers? Are they held in high or low esteem?

Most people around the world despise Americans too, if you are to believe some of the drivel written on this board.

What do Thai people think of Americans? Are they held in high or low esteem?


What do you call a boat load of lawyers at the bottom of the Chao Phraya River?

A start.

OK, more seriously, I think you will find the majority of lawyers outside of USA are considered to be 'ok'; reason being that personal liability is not the gravy train that the American legal system (plus it must be pointed out, the mindset of many Americans to abdicate personal responsibility while wanting personal freedom to do idiotic things) allows.

For instance, in NZ most lawyers either are working to get crims in (or out) of jail, or persuing some important yet incredibly boring function such as writing terms and conditions for buying a household appliance.

Here in Thailand, it is considered a fairly honourable profession, requiring quite difficult study and skills in the workplace; again there isn't the personal liability culture of suing everyone all the time for too hot coffee/being fat/being ugly that exists in USA, so the 'vile creature' tag is merely allegedly attached to people such as the lawyer Noppadol who advises the Shinwatras allegedly. Allegedly. Allegro. Antipasto.

Having studied law as part of my degree, I can see that it can be incredibly verbose, prententious and confusing. The classic legal interpretation of giving someone an orange is a classic example of this. But without it, how would companies be able to reach agreements then sort out disputes? How would we recognise the validity of patents? How would we know who was legal and who was jailbait? There have been considerable advances in plain english contracts, a few of which I even worked on myself in the gas industry. Good times.

Almost any person these days can do their own conveyancing; write their own contracts and defend themselves in a court of law, if they can be bothered to read a few books. Read McLibel and you'll see how far an 'average man' got against 'the man'.

But when you also have lawyers willing to die for what they believe in and stand up to 'the man' (as happened in the south of Thailand) to paint a broad brush stroke that all lawyers are vile is a bit much. Look at our rights to incredibly hardcore pornos in USA, it is truly wonderful to enjoy some triple penetration gape action, and to be perfectly honest, if some hardworking lawyers had not worked themselves hard and to the bone penetrating the deep issues of freedom of speech, then this now soiled but previously sealed in plastic reading matter would not be street legal and we would missing our daily fixes of the love that only a 'dirty sanchez' can inspire.

Viva la pornos.

Viva la lawyers.

Viva Las Vegas.

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Most Americans despise lawyers. Most of them (read 99 percent) are vile evil creatures who hate themselves, their colleages, their work, and the country in general.

What do Thai people think of lawyers? Are they held in high or low esteem?

Only had use for a divorce lawyer in the last couple of years. The first staff lawyer pocketed my first payment of 20k. Used it for drinking over Songkran. Three months later I blasted the owner for lack of support. He said he would do nothing if farangs would not pay. When I showed him the invoice and receipt he became very apologetic. To cut a long story short the staff lawyer got sacked. Cut the fee in half and provide a new lawyer that handled the case with incredible diligence. Impressed.

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Most Americans despise lawyers. Most of them (read 99 percent) are vile evil creatures who hate themselves, their colleages, their work, and the country in general.

What do Thai people think of lawyers? Are they held in high or low esteem?

Only had use for a divorce lawyer in the last couple of years. The first staff lawyer pocketed my first payment of 20k. Used it for drinking over Songkran. Three months later I blasted the owner for lack of support. He said he would do nothing if farangs would not pay. When I showed him the invoice and receipt he became very apologetic. To cut a long story short the staff lawyer got sacked. Cut the fee in half and provide a new lawyer that handled the case with incredible diligence. Impressed.

ah, a velly nice story mista Jay4.

BUt did you get any porno?

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In any society there will be good lawyers and bad lawyers. My experience in Thailand is, with one exception, not that they are dishonest, but that the law as written often contradicts itself between different statutes and rather than explain this, they will chose the interpretation they find easiest to support. Basically I would say they are lazy. If I have one major criticism it is that they do what they are asked to do and nothing more. They will not look beyond the matter in hand and advise that a certain course of action might be preferable or cheaper or less risky. Theu will simply plod on from A to B with no thought for the consequences.

In the instance of the one dishonest lawyer I had dealings with I made a formal complaint to the Thai Law Society who completed ignored the issue and refused to even discuss it. It was a very simple matter, the lawyer owed me Baht 16,000 and had acknowledged this in writing but consistently failed to pay. Sueing him through the courts was obviously not cost effective and that lawyer is now today part of a Bangkok firm offering their services to foreigners.

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Most Americans despise lawyers. Most of them (read 99 percent) are vile evil creatures who hate themselves, their colleages, their work, and the country in general.

What do Thai people think of lawyers? Are they held in high or low esteem?

to paint a broad brush stroke that all lawyers are vile is a bit much. Look at our rights to incredibly hardcore pornos in USA, it is truly wonderful to enjoy some triple penetration gape action, and to be perfectly honest, if some hardworking lawyers had not worked themselves hard and to the bone penetrating the deep issues of freedom of speech, then this now soiled but previously sealed in plastic reading matter would not be street legal and we would missing our daily fixes of the love that only a 'dirty sanchez' can inspire.

But I didn't paint 100 percent of all lawyers as vile and despicable, I said that 99 percent of them are vile and despicable. I would never paint with a broad brush.

If you disagree with the size of my brush, and the description thereof, either the accuracy of definition then I suggest you find a vile and despicable lawyer to sue me.


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I called in a lady lawyer to handle my divorce. Respect! She saw through the ploys of my ex and her lawyer in one and and sorted my settlement in microscopic detail. Her fees were very reasonable because she said it was easy work.

Edited by qwertz
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Yeah, everyone hates lawyers until they get arrested, everyone hates cops until someone starts prying open their window in the middle of the night....etc, etc....

Just a troll topic started over a percieved slight in another thread anyway.


Edited by cdnvic
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Yeah, everyone hates lawyers until they get arrested, everyone hates cops until someone starts prying open their window in the middle of the night....etc, etc....

Just a troll topic started over a percieved slight in another thread anyway.



Edited by bendix
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Yeah, everyone hates lawyers until they get arrested, everyone hates cops until someone starts prying open their window in the middle of the night....etc, etc....

Just a troll topic started over a percieved slight in another thread anyway.


hey, where did you get that emoticon? i want one like that!

Edited by bendix
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Yeah, everyone hates lawyers until they get arrested, everyone hates cops until someone starts prying open their window in the middle of the night....etc, etc....

Just a troll topic started over a percieved slight in another thread anyway.


  • Shotguns work better than cops when your windows are being pried open.
  • Your insunuating that the topic is a "troll" topic is actionable. You shall hear from my attorney Mr. Steve Bozell

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Yeah, everyone hates lawyers until they get arrested, everyone hates cops until someone starts prying open their window in the middle of the night....etc, etc....

Just a troll topic started over a percieved slight in another thread anyway.


  • Shotguns work better than cops when your windows are being pried open.
  • Your insunuating that the topic is a "troll" topic is actionable. You shall hear from my attorney Mr. Steve Bozell

I thought Bozell was not an attorney just one of the most litigious characters in the US.


PS All this because it was suggested you take a couple of aspirin and relax....

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PS All this because it was suggested you take a couple of aspirin and relax....

He misunderstood a previous post of mine in the computer forum and had a big cry over that one too. Don't worry. He'll tire himself out and go back to playing nice in the corner. :o

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Most Americans despise lawyers. Most of them (read 99 percent) are vile evil creatures who hate themselves, their colleages, their work, and the country in general.

What do Thai people think of lawyers? Are they held in high or low esteem?

to paint a broad brush stroke that all lawyers are vile is a bit much. Look at our rights to incredibly hardcore pornos in USA, it is truly wonderful to enjoy some triple penetration gape action, and to be perfectly honest, if some hardworking lawyers had not worked themselves hard and to the bone penetrating the deep issues of freedom of speech, then this now soiled but previously sealed in plastic reading matter would not be street legal and we would missing our daily fixes of the love that only a 'dirty sanchez' can inspire.

But I didn't paint 100 percent of all lawyers as vile and despicable, I said that 99 percent of them are vile and despicable. I would never paint with a broad brush.

If you disagree with the size of my brush, and the description thereof, either the accuracy of definition then I suggest you find a vile and despicable lawyer to sue me.


How about this: never buy from a rich salesman, never hire a poor lawyer.

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Yeah, everyone hates lawyers until they get arrested, everyone hates cops until someone starts prying open their window in the middle of the night....etc, etc....

Just a troll topic started over a percieved slight in another thread anyway.


hey, where did you get that emoticon? i want one like that!

Ask his lawyer :o

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Yeah, everyone hates lawyers until they get arrested, everyone hates cops until someone starts prying open their window in the middle of the night....etc, etc....

Just a troll topic started over a percieved slight in another thread anyway.


  • Shotguns work better than cops when your windows are being pried open.
  • Your insunuating that the topic is a "troll" topic is actionable. You shall hear from my attorney Mr. Steve Bozell

I thought Bozell was not an attorney just one of the most litigious characters in the US.


PS All this because it was suggested you take a couple of aspirin and relax....

You must be confused with Stephen Bozell. Mr. Bozell has recently acquired a law degree from Purdue.

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Yeah, everyone hates lawyers until they get arrested, everyone hates cops until someone starts prying open their window in the middle of the night....etc, etc....

Just a troll topic started over a percieved slight in another thread anyway.


  • Shotguns work better than cops when your windows are being pried open.
  • Your insunuating that the topic is a "troll" topic is actionable. You shall hear from my attorney Mr. Steve Bozell

I thought Bozell was not an attorney just one of the most litigious characters in the US.


PS All this because it was suggested you take a couple of aspirin and relax....

You must be confused with Stephen Bozell. Mr. Bozell has recently acquired a law degree from Purdue.

Don't think so....

I can't find a record for a Steve Bozell as a recent law graduate from Purdue, please clarify.


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Post the link to the "recent" graduate database so we may all see what you are talking about.

You can do that, can't you?

It's called Skype, alumni and friendship, though given your attitude herein you may not be overly familiar with the latter.


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In other words, you took a shot but lost.

No harm no foul.


No I didn't but that is for me to know and you to find out.


PS Given your extraordinary postings in the run up to the birth of your child I would respectfully suggest you considered concentrating on what is important and that is not the internet.

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"People ain't hating nowadays like they used to. They gettin' soft. I got to admit that I like a man that hauls off and hates good and hard. It's the lawyers - gol-dang it - it's the lawyers are messin' up the whole world! Why ten years ago, here in Liberty, we didn't have no lawyers and we got along fine. Man killed somebody, then somebody killed him, and the marshal shot 'em all and that was the end of it. But, look at it today: right here in Liberty we got hundreds of lawyers, thousands of 'em, as far as the eye can see: nothing but lawyers!"

Major Rufus Cobb in the movie "Jesse James" 1939

I loved my Thai lawyer, an ex police captain. The only other one I liked was Dickens' character, Sydney Carton, in "The Tale of Two Cities".

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