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UK PM Johnson to impose new restrictions on low-skilled migrants post-Brexit: Telegraph


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54 minutes ago, Loiner said:

I didn't know that Reuters published 'Advertorials'. It was obviously written with a particular audience in mind.

Was it next to an article promoting agencies specialising in visas for sub-continent doctors and techies jobs in the UK?

It is actually the first post on this thread by the TVF news team, but where they got it from I have no idea

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5 hours ago, billd766 said:

I am a little confused by this report by Reuters.


It is about the UK imposing on low skilled immigrants.


Why was it reported by Bhargav Acharya in Bengaluru; editing by Jonathan Oatis?


Jonathan Oatis OTOH is 3rd Desk Editor,

Reuters Americas Desk at Thomson Reuters
Greater New York City Area 


Bengaluru is the new name for Bangalore which is in India. 


So why did Reuters not use their London office which is well represented in London, with more than 4,000 employees based in the city from across multiple business units that include Legal, Reuters News Agency, Tax and Accounting, and Corporate.


It would have been cheaper and easier IMO to have local staff.

Maybe because its just copying a Telegraph article and copying staff are cheaper in Bengaluru than London.

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5 hours ago, codebunny said:

Do you mean ...refuse to do for wages below normal living costs for the cost of living?


It took decades, even centuries of sacrifices and campaigning for decent pay and conditions in the UK, and wonder why anyone would support ideas that appear to undermine those rights. How many unemployed unskilled young people are there in the UK?

Is it wrong that the price of products should rise to accommodate reasonable wages that locals wouldn't refuse to do the job for?

Is it right to encourage or facilitate non-locals to work for pay and conditions that are so poor?

If a business only works by keeping wages low, facilitated by immigration policy, perhaps the answer is to shift to importing those products, rather than importing labour?

Maybe it's better for the UK economy overall to shift to a more skilled workforce and more high value exports, and leave low-skilled industries to developing world countries, who might benefit from the economic growth?

You should take this up with those amongst the forum ‘s Brexiteers who are also rabidly anti union and to worker’s rights.

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3 hours ago, JAG said:

Unrestricted migration of unskilled labour from the newly joined members of the EU has done huge damage to the social fabric of the UK over the last 20 years or so.


Every society has a range of employments which are open to those of it's members who are, for whatever reason, lacking the education, ambition or opportunity to climb any socio-economic ladder. They also give the young joining the workforce a chance to make a start, from which many can begin to climb that ladder, The flood of migrants into the UK, quite simply prepared to work for less, closed off many of those job opportunities to those who had always relied upon them. It also increased pressure on housing, education, health and other services on which the less advantaged in society rely disproportionately.


Reducing this stream of migrant labour will start to reduce that pressure.


Nothing to do with Tory Austerity underfunding and decades of failure to build social housing then?!


Blame the immigrants!

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2 hours ago, Loiner said:

Since Boris's landslide victory, with Brexit now indisputable, the TVF news team have posted few Reuters Project Fear press releases. Is that due to sour grapes or just acceptance of defeat?

Either way it has meant fewer Brexit threads over the past month, and none of them with a positive outlook. The couple that are still running quickly degenerated into a haggis munchers Frrrreeedom fest.


grapes? acceptance? defeat?

neither, simply due to the availability of those press releases regarding a theme active on TVF


lack of positive outlook, somewhat - yes, not so strange

much easier to campaign for "We want Brexit" than, "With Brexit behind we wanty . . . ."


The latter requires heaps of thinking, ouch headache - think too much


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18 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

Well done Boris. before all the flamers start. Thailand does the very same with their work permit system that only Thais can do certain jobs. It is called looking after your own first.


No doubt the champagne socialist, far left and luvvies will be outraged.

Saudi only allows in people that have a job to go to. When the job ends or they retire, they go home. Seems a good system to me.

It's always seemed strange to me that countries allow people with no cultural affiliation to the native population to become citizens merely because they worked in the country for a number of years. Has resulted in the chaos that afflicts many western countries.

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3 hours ago, Loiner said:

Blame Tony Blair (he-who-cannot-be-named-**liar-on TVF); the Labour party; the EU influencing federasts; champagne socialists; liberal metropolitan elite; leftie luvvies; virtue signalling woke people; and gobby Johnny Foreigner from everywhere outside the UK.

That seems a lot of people. 

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22 minutes ago, Salerno said:

Sharing is caring :coffee1:

"Sharing is caring means that if you share with that person, you actually care for the person" 




Being Belgian, I don't understand this idiom in this specific context.


Or maybe than it is some kind of English Humor. 


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3 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

Yes this bloke does know.  How many Western taxi drivers, builders and many other jobs do you see in Thailand done by westerners.


They get access to health care, schooling, housing. Far better than in their own country. They also get access to benefits which many take and send back to their EU country and also claiming for their children. Don't know any westerner getting benefits, medical or housing in Thailand, Do you?


So which one are you? A champagne socialist, far left or luvvy as you are so outraged.

Meal time in the nursing home over is it? 

Next time the doctor comes around to test your blood pressure I suggest you ask for some new glasses.


Important term you missed out on:


’neighbouring countries’ 


Thats right, work permits doled out to those from Thailand’s neighbors to do all the jobs that Thais won’t. 

Why are you so focused on westerners? I know you probably struggle with rubbing more that three words of thai together, but on the building sites, in the factories and out in the fields it ain’t Thai they are speaking. It’s Lao, Burmese and Cambodian. The guy saluting you as you enter the mall is just as likely to be from Yangon as he is from Yala. 

Back to watching dads army for you...

Edited by samran
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15 minutes ago, luckyluke said:

Being Belgian, I don't understand this idiom in this specific context.

My sincere apologies; I thought you where English for some reason, please forgive me ????


In this context basically commenting on the poster sharing the blame amongst so many groups of people. 

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31 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

I have a good 30 years before I will consider trying one out.


I had lasik so my eyes are fine thanks.


Because i was comparing westerners in the UK from the EU.

Actually my 16 years living full time in Thailand and where i will return I assure you my Thai is advanced.


So as with most of your post you throw insults. But that is what the liberal, left luvvies do when you have a point of view different from them and they can't support facts to counter your argument. They usually scream louder and stamp their feet.


I am surprised I never got a picture of a skinhead and the word Whetherspoons thrown around.


If you have anything constructive to say do. If you just throw insults, move on by.

Well, a young fogey then? 

Congrats on your 17 years in Thailand. Interesting given your expertise here you’ve never seen a single migrant labourer. 

You brought up the topic, and I was addressing it. 

as for insults, yes well I’d go back and re read your posts if I was you...

Edited by samran
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