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Finishing School

Midnight Blue

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No need for comments from someone with a big, obvious chip on the shoulder.

Earnest question. Looking for earnest answer. This is for my own personal enrichment as well as for a few around me as eitquette (did i spell that right?) can be a great advantage.

WW, what do you mean by in the thai language places?

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No need for comments from someone with a big, obvious chip on the shoulder.

Earnest question. Looking for earnest answer. This is for my own personal enrichment as well as for a few around me as eitquette (did i spell that right?) can be a great advantage.

WW, what do you mean by in the thai language places?

So give the OP an earnest answer. MB, the expert knowledge of your subject is sadly lacking among these wags. Check out the private colleges on the web. There are plenty, depending on where you are. Don't bother looking under Patong.

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I know that most of the local gentility make their establishment connections on forums such as these. I am surprised that the server didn’t crash whilst tips literal flooded in - must be a polo match on.

Are there six chukkas or eight in Thai polo?

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Not sure of the actual motivation. Thais generally meet their life-long friends very early on at lower school rather than at Finishing Schools although many meet up again at such schools in the UK or elsewhere. For a farang to enter certain Thai social groups at any age it is probably easier to do so at the Bangkok Sports club or via sporting activities. That's as earnest as I can get.

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MB, I would think that among the group for whom who's who really, truly mattered, they would have the fine class distinctions and marks of status ingrained in them so firmly from birth that no amount of "finishing" in the person of an erstwhile newcomer would give them any claim to greater status, and no ill-bred behavior on their part would lose the veterans theirs.

I would suppose that the best such a school would do for your friend is allow her to put on greater airs among "lesser" groups of people, and perhaps feel more comfortable generally in Westernised and wealthier environments in and outside Thailand. I'm not so sure how well Pygmalion plays out in the real world- give us a call and let us know more when your fair lady is "finished."


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WW, what do you mean by in the thai language places?

I mean, are you looking for a school that teaches in Thai language or English ? Is the question on behalf of a Thai, or yourself ? To prepare someone for Thai society or other ? A school located in Thailand or elsewhere ?

Switzerland used to be known for "finishing schools" for Europeans. Otherwise, elite schools of the ordinary kind fulfill the same purpose in some ways.

Edited by WaiWai
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I have often asked about this, not as a higher social thing but think it would be an asset to children in teaching them civility and how to encourage self esteem and develop the positive side of their personalities.

I would enroll my daughter in a heartbeat if i could find one to broaden her appreciation on how to interact with others as she goes out into the journey of life.

I,m not talking extremes here and think additional imput from others can only enhance what we already teach her.

marshbags :o

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Don’t know why the OP is getting so much flack about what appears a good question.

I have had some thoughts along these lines myself. I’m sure there are some, if not many Thai wives or girlfriends who could benefit from such an establishment.

As has been pointed out the Swiss finishing schools were (are) popular among Europeans and in no way were their students thought of as “inferior”

So what is wrong with the concept?


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I think the flack results from the wording of the op, had the question simply been put “is there any Thai finishing schools?” Then no one would assume any priggish intent. But adding the comment to help people navigate among higher society implies some level of classism. For me, my snob alarm went off a bit prematurely. On second reading of his comments I can see this might just be simple question, and a finishing school might be useful to learn more diplomatic tones. If the poster is serious, he must be fairly young.

It still seems like a bit of a troll line to me.

As far as finishing schools are concerned, teaching people to be better people is more likely to occur through some cause or charity, than by pampered living with a bunch of silver spoons with trust funds. Frankly I think that would just about finish off any humanity a kid might have had; unless that’s what the term finishing school means. And besides, transcendence is always best learned at home.

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In a word: Versatility (spelling?) I like everything from duck confit to somtum. Come to think of it, the two sound strangely complimentary but that is off subject. I like armani suits as well as clothes from the salvation army. I enjoy being in the company of all people.

But developing my ettiquette skills have taken a back seat to other endeavors. I'd like to brush up on the subject.

I also highly value charity and have always - since grade school - have been involved in non profit activities. So for my own personal development, I am not worried about this.

There are those that are rich without, what we would consider in the west, class or manners. And there are those with manners that are not rich. I'd be the latter of the two if I could not be both.

Anyhow glad there are many views on the subject.

Cheers everyone!

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