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How to unfreeze UK pension .

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On 1/24/2020 at 2:46 PM, saengd said:

That was me, yes, 7 weeks and property in The Lakes.


 UK bank account, doctors address and also Council Tax and Electoral roll registration.


What other question can I answer?

  Council Tax , Electoral registration , also confirm your payment of utliity bills .

  Big brother knows , you know ,.

    Topic closed ...



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8 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

What if you live with your mom and dad?

(like Sanemax)


        Not just yet , i am only  65. ish. 

  However  that said . they have promised to keep me a place up there , no more taxes , paradise....


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1 hour ago, DaRoadrunner said:

Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we set out to deceive.


Also doubt the pensions office will go for the PO Box number.


I do warm to the idea of claiming winter heating allowance while roasting in Thailand.


Do not put PO,use the number  suite,room,flat  whatever     usually they have distinct addresses 

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12 hours ago, DaRoadrunner said:

I suspect they would want some evidence when first applying for pension? I further suspect they would post documents / forms to that address.



You will need an address,preferably in the UK ,or proof of life will be sent once a year.

    somebody anybody to receive max of two letters a year to rip up instantly.


  Two months before pension date you receive letter from DWP informing you one days OAP payment has been sent to your bank,again pref. UK    no need to respond to any of it.


    Then transferwise into Bangkok Bank preferably

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1 hour ago, izod10 said:

You will need an address,preferably in the UK ,or proof of life will be sent once a year.

    somebody anybody to receive max of two letters a year to rip up instantly.


  Two months before pension date you receive letter from DWP informing you one days OAP payment has been sent to your bank,again pref. UK    no need to respond to any of it.


    Then transferwise into Bangkok Bank preferably

I started my pension last May. Recieved a letter and forms at my UK address 2 months prior. Went on line and completed everything from there.


One slight problem was that I was asked to contact DWP by phone to confirm some details. 0800 number only. I'm aware that it is possible, though not easy, to call an 0800 number from Thailand but unsure if the recipient of the call would be aware that the call originated outside the UK. Waited a couple of weeks until my pre planned annual visit to the UK. Called the number and was asked a couple of security questions to confirm my identity. After doing this successfuly the guy at the DWP said, "Thanks for that, no more questions" and hung up on me. My pension started on time and continues to this day. I was left wondering if the call was to check that I was genuinely in the UK. I have had zero correspondence with the DWP since then.

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20 hours ago, possum1931 said:

There are official companies that will give you a street address and pass on mail to you, but for a price. You can get a business address or a private address depending on which company you use.

And everybody will know that you don't live at this address????

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2 minutes ago, DaRoadrunner said:

Did you request these forms or were they sent automatically?

A notification of my upcoming entitlement was sent to me. It included a unique ID to be entered on the website when applying for my pension entitlement. I had already tried to apply online but the questionaire ran to several pages and had some really tricky questions. By using the unique ID I was presented with a much simpler questionaire with no tricky questions. Took me less than 30 minutes to complete. Apart from the dodgy phone call, job done.

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Do not let the private pension and DWP addresses clash,tax people may smell a rat.

   If you have a friend already retired who does not want you sending pension letters to his house as it would clash with his DWP correspondence,   put a small (b) alongside his   (say he lives at 120 whatever,with his permission( put your address as 120b)   looks as if partitioned,mailman will stuff all letters through 120


  nobody has ever been stuffed with a frozen pension,but if you start with one,its harder to get shut (and still live here)


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22 minutes ago, izod10 said:

Do not let the private pension and DWP addresses clash,tax people may smell a rat.

   If you have a friend already retired who does not want you sending pension letters to his house as it would clash with his DWP correspondence,   put a small (b) alongside his   (say he lives at 120 whatever,with his permission( put your address as 120b)   looks as if partitioned,mailman will stuff all letters through 120


  nobody has ever been stuffed with a frozen pension,but if you start with one,its harder to get shut (and still live here)


No logic in this whatsoever. Changing your address slightly will misalign it with your postcode. I made a genuine mistake of putting my address as 1 XXXX, whereas it should have been Flat 1 xxxx. DWP picked up on this.


Perfectly feasable for 2 pensioners to live at the same address, I'm sure it often happens. More likely to arouse suspicion by messing with your address.

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1 hour ago, DannyCarlton said:

No logic in this whatsoever. Changing your address slightly will misalign it with your postcode. I made a genuine mistake of putting my address as 1 XXXX, whereas it should have been Flat 1 xxxx. DWP picked up on this.


Perfectly feasable for 2 pensioners to live at the same address, I'm sure it often happens. More likely to arouse suspicion by messing with your address.

done in the past,worked well

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/26/2020 at 1:15 PM, Letseng said:

Hope for the best. 

Dwp sends you a questionnaire to determine whether you are habitually resident. One of the questions is :do you own the property", another one whether this home is available at any time (if you just rent). This means you need a permanent address at all times. If caught cheating, they eventually fine you by deducting money.

This is completely wrong and untrue. DWP does not use the habitual residency test and never have, they do however have a questionnaire that attempts to determine the pattern of the claimants normal and settled lifestyle which is nothing to do with residency.

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Looking at the above posts one is left confused. Not surprising considering we are dealing with government who are buried up to their necks in confusing regulations.


Despite everyones best efforts on this thread, Roadrunner is none the wiser and wary of opening a can of government worms.

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1 hour ago, DaRoadrunner said:

Looking at the above posts one is left confused. Not surprising considering we are dealing with government who are buried up to their necks in confusing regulations.


Despite everyones best efforts on this thread, Roadrunner is none the wiser and wary of opening a can of government worms.

It seems complicated but really i isn't.


DWP doesn't use either the statutory residency test nor the habitual residency test to determine eligibility for state pension increases, those things are used for UK tax and UK benefits purposes only.


DWP does assess each persons lifestyle individually to see if they are eligible for the increases, lifestyles can be very complicated involving lots of travel and time spent outside the UK yet the person may still be eligible for the increases.

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