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Brexit trade deal clash: UK and EU spar over rules


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1 hour ago, tomacht8 said:

As is well known, faith and hope can move mountains. But if I would hit 27 of my trading partners or 50% of my export business in the face ... that will be never good for my own business.

Arrogance pride comes before the deep fall.

Slap in the chops not not good business mate.

Just adapt like any other successful business.

I understand your concern over Brexit, but you

seem smart bloke, I'm sure you'll find a way

to turn it round, like many others.

Forget 'pride', its all about a passion for


Edited by talahtnut
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4 hours ago, TheDark said:

It might be best to simply admit, that no-deal Brexit is going to happen. 



And the E.U. was not lying all the way , from beginning they made their goalposts ,it was only U.K. so about sel-insured who believed al the nonsense from themselves that E.U. always go flat belly at last instance …… so now you see how flat E.U. go ...

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4 hours ago, vogie said:

Yes and we are not asking the EU to conform to our standards, which in many cases is far superior to the EUs.


With over a million jobs at stake over the water with a no deal, the EU needs to get real and stop playing the great I am.

yes ,....Time for the Uk to sh.it or get off the pot....Haha

(borrowed this line from an Englishman on the Torygraph comments link... a marvelous line :thumbsup:)

Edited by david555
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4 hours ago, samran said:

Where is this ‘Australian’ Trade deal stuff coming from? No such thing exits between Australia and the EU. 

Sounds like another factless sound bite which the usual suspects are happy to regurgitate. 

Just a "saving face naming" for WTO no deal :thumbsup:

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1 hour ago, izod10 said:


      27  of which rough count 22 are hangers on,maybe 23,    buying nothing,selling everything if they can.

    Gone gone gone   good riddance   no more   UK growing faster than Germany even     not bad   but more joy to come.

    Who the hell could give a rats a.rse to inner city lives,  could not give a toss about any of them



Are you even british? You write like a russian.


The only thing growing in the UK is your:


  • Debt
  • Debt per CApita
  • Deficit 
  • underfunded Health system

While you have a giant deficit, germany is sitting on tons of money, like Apple. 

lol uk.png

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2 minutes ago, samran said:

The Rule Britannia brigade love a good slogan. The less words the better. Based on fact? That’s beside the point...

’Australian style trade deal’ sounds impressive enough to them - despite the fact no such thing exists! 

Is there something wrong with your comprehension skills, who is saying an Australian Style Deal exists certainly not me.

4 hours ago, vogie said:

What the EU are asking from the UK is totally unacceptable, the only thing Barnier didn't ask for was the crown jewels. So it looks like we will be leaving with the Australia Deal, which when a reporter was asked what it was he said "its no deal but just sounds better."

Does this clear it up, are you happy now, can you phone a friend or better still ask David, so less of this procrastinating and Lets Get Brexit Done.

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7 minutes ago, vogie said:

Is there something wrong with your comprehension skills, who is saying an Australian Style Deal exists certainly not me.

Does this clear it up, are you happy now, can you phone a friend or better still ask David, so less of this procrastinating and Lets Get Brexit Done.

"Lets Get Brexit Done."


?is it not done yet then  …? signed ,voted , independence celebrated ,…..and Boris banned the word already for his crew ,….new slogan in working order, even for his politic staff.!

Edited by david555
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4 minutes ago, david555 said:

"Lets Get Brexit Done."


?is it not done yet then  …? signed ,voted , independence celebrated …..and Boris banned the word already for his crew ….new slogan in working order even for his politic staff.!

There is already a new slogan for the remainers, 'Achieves nothing, will continue to achieve nothing'




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2 minutes ago, vogie said:

There is already a new slogan for the remainers, 'Achieves nothing, will continue to achieve nothing'




Yes unfortunately some Brits (even If they belong remain …) don't get it …. this is end station... WTO , fully agree with you  (who could imagine that to happen ...5555)

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30 minutes ago, vogie said:

Is there something wrong with your comprehension skills, who is saying an Australian Style Deal exists certainly not me.

Does this clear it up, are you happy now, can you phone a friend or better still ask David, so less of this procrastinating and Lets Get Brexit Done.

My comprehension skills are just fine. 

‘Just sounds better’ basically sums it up. Making the failure of a no deal scenario sound pleasing to the ear...


I guess with what he’s done, putting lipstick on a pig whenever possible is going to be critical. 


I am being unkind though. He did promise a deal within 11 months. At least with this slogan he’ll be able to deliver on that promise - no worries at all!

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2 hours ago, izod10 said:


      27  of which rough count 22 are hangers on,maybe 23,    buying nothing,selling everything if they can.

    Gone gone gone   good riddance   no more   UK growing faster than Germany even     not bad   but more joy to come.

    Who the hell could give a rats a.rse to inner city lives,  could not give a toss about any of them


First try to deal and understand the data, numbers, facts and statistics. After that, you can still decide who posts C.rap here.



And ur 22 or 23 "hangers" 

Some have strong economic growth that the UK and the other major EU economies can only dream of. And condescending arrogance is generally bad for business. But interesting as you call the other smaller countries in the EU.

images (1).png

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24 minutes ago, talahtnut said:

Strange enough, the Aussie high commissioner

for the UK was on sky news just now, and

announced that the Aussies are rubbing their

hands at the prospect of dealing with the UK,

he also mentioned that Australia deals with

the EU but would certainly not give up their

sovereignty to make any deals.

His forecast for the future of EU was not good.


Oh dear, an Australian Tory government appointee to the Australian high commission in London (a political posting) saying nice things about the UK Tory government? Stop the presses.


Actually, I like George Brandis - from all accounts he is decent fellow. Yes, he'd be rubbing his hands at an Australia-UK trade deal. He knows, like the Australian and NZ negotiators, that the UK's rush to get some runs on the board trade wise, they'll need to do some quick deals. We'll happily oblige you brits for your 'quick' deal of course, but it will be hugely advantageous to us as a quid pro-quo. Your welsh farmers are already trembling in their boots, and I do envisage much easier work rights for Australians in the UK, but not much in return the other way.


As for giving up sovereignty? Well, every Australian government which has signed a trade deal signs up to international dispute mechanisms - where foreign judges can rule against you. Signing deals with the US has meant we had to change our IP laws to further protect their copyright- cause the US asked (nicely I guess).


We've also agreed with the EU about not using regional naming conventions (champagne etc) in exchange of getting our wine into the EU. But given we haven't done anything trade deal wise with the EU - of course he we haven't done much yet. 

Edited by samran
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6 hours ago, izod10 said:

UK has the power to destroy the EU,from within.   Block fishing ,rioting will occur in western EU countries property damage,loss of life too no doubt.  Millions are invested in EU fisheries ,all about to go to rot, the EU are over a barrel  and they know it.  Pity about GBP  with Boris talking tough,    but good thing short term

UK fishery industry,... the financial hart of London a 168 x so important in revenues…  And THERE  the knock-out will be the hardest, when EU consumers ( = banks, Insurance and pension co's ) decide to let a EU Judge take decissions on written ( codexed) laws in case of a dispute. not the "common-law" circus. 

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2 minutes ago, ThomasThBKK said:


You mean the one Nissan denies? 





Yes. I mean that one. You honestly believe that since "our entire business both in the U.K. and in Europe is not sustainable in the event of WTO tariffs" they will simply pack up and go home if WTO happens? I doubt they will just shrug and surrender 2 entire markets because of politics.  Any comments made by anyone at this point are made with an agenda.


What do you think they will do in the event of WTO? That is the question. There may not be public contingency plans yet, but they are being considered. Count on it.




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28 minutes ago, Monomial said:


The Nissan deal could be a very interesting example of a bigger trend. If they actually plan to move part of their production to the UK in order to avoid any new trade restrictions, that may seriously hurt the EU's negotiating position. Not only does it lower the incentive for the UK to negotiate a trade deal with the EU, but it also pulls jobs and investment out of the Eurozone and into the UK. This is precisely what the EU does not want to happen, and represents a big hindrance to trying to play political hardball in this situation. The companies in the EU may not share the same political values as the politicians, and may simply work around trade barriers rather than leaving the UK market to rot as the EU would prefer.


The UK may not have the raw size of the EU marketplace, but if they streamline their economy enough that may not matter. The profit margins available to companies could actually be better on smaller volumes in the UK.


You can be Nissan will be lobbied heavily by both sides before this is over.

First of all: Nisan denied all these rumors.


2) there is an overcapacity of car production inside the EU. So, if one wants to leave the EU: Fantastic.

Tesla going to start in Germany, so market volume needed anyhow.  And all UK car plants are owned by organisations outside the UK, who for sure will think in exconomies of scale, especially for all investments for electric cars, do a dying UK car industry in a 5-10 years anyhow.



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1 hour ago, Loiner said:

Well let’s go straight to the default no-deal then.  No need to waste another year of EU recalcitrance and obstruction. 

The EU still thinks it can force us into BRINO in its last gasps. Even big business is holding out hopes of their cushy set up being rescued by the federalists. The sooner they all realise that’s not going to happen, the better. Somebody should tell our Rejoiners too. 

At last now you start talking sense …,???? after 3years + start understanding that " going flat belly from E.U. at the last moment in negotiations" is a fairy tale ...


U.K. hold the divorce papers in hand , and is still waiting in the doorway  yelling " I am going !! " or maybe just waiting somebody come to pick you up ? "TrumpTaxi" maybe ????

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28 minutes ago, puipuitom said:

UK fishery industry,... the financial hart of London a 168 x so important in revenues…  And THERE  the knock-out will be the hardest, when EU consumers ( = banks, Insurance and pension co's ) decide to let a EU Judge take decissions on written ( codexed) laws in case of a dispute. not the "common-law" circus. 

Christ    hardly worth an answer

  UK second biggest contributor to EU 

93 billion deficit  

 38 billion membership

   All gone,finished,even the bog trotters will be up in arms   but   no fishing  now that is good news  put millions out of work in EU     really good   all gone  bye bye

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