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Trump reassures Americans coronavirus risk is low, puts Pence in charge of U.S. response

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1 minute ago, johnnybangkok said:

Really? Do you deny that Trump actually tweeted this:-

'So last year 37,000 Americans died from the common Flu. It averages between 27,000 and 70,000 per year. Nothing is shut down, life & the economy go on. At this moment there are 546 confirmed cases of CoronaVirus, with 22 deaths. Think about that.'


Here's why that sort of statement is particularly dangerous.


The CDC says between 10 million and 45 million Americans get the flu each year. 37,000 would be a death rate no higher than 0.37%. 22 deaths in 546 confirmed cases? That's a 4% death rate. If 10 million people got the coronavirus, it would mean 400,000 deaths.


It's this sort of willful ignorance and misinformation that is getting to everyone. In one of your previous posts you asked which other head of state was handling it better. The answer? Every other single one, from the Italians literally locking down the whole country to the Chinese building hospitals in a matter of days and quaranteeing whole cities, to this UK where money and resources are being poured into the NHS. But importantly, what none of them are doing is playing down the possible effects of the virus.

No one is saying this is not a hard one to handle but playing down likely outcomes and calling everything 'fake news' is the very worst anyone can do. And that's exactly what Trump is doing. 



It's called being a leader....trying to hold a country together with a message of hope and proper



Let's see the message you would draft as President:

Probably something like:


Dear citizens, all is lost, we are doomed, prepare for everyone to be infected and die.

I am resigning immediately and handing the reins over to Speaker Pelosi.

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7 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

Let's see the message you would draft as President:

Message would simple to tell the truth, less of himself and leave the technical stuffs to the experts. What so hard? 

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13 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:


It's called being a leader....trying to hold a country together with a message of hope and proper



Let's see the message you would draft as President:

Probably something like:


Dear citizens, all is lost, we are doomed, prepare for everyone to be infected and die.

I am resigning immediately and handing the reins over to Speaker Pelosi.

How about, 'In light of the ensuing epidemic and with solid advice from the scientific community I would first like to state the facts we know so far about this virus (then proceed to state said facts). At this point in time and much like the common flu we see every year, fatalities are mostly centred around the eldering and individuals with underlying health problems but this may progess to more healthy individuals as more cases develop. We are taking this matter VERY seriously and would like to recommend the following proceedures as outlined by The World Health Organistaion (proceed to ouline WHO recommendations). May I assure my fellow Americans that we are monitoring this all on an hour by hour basis and are pouring resources into areas that we feel will best prevent the spread. I have appointed XXXXXXXX the leading American viroligist to head up a special task force with sweeping legislative powers to firstly contain the virus and to secondly prevent further spread. please rest asured that we are giving this matter the highest priority and will leave no stone unturned in our pursuit of a solution. God Bless America' 

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24 minutes ago, johnnybangkok said:

How about, 'In light of the ensuing epidemic and with solid advice from the scientific community I would first like to state the facts we know so far about this virus (then proceed to state said facts). At this point in time and much like the common flu we see every year, fatalities are mostly centred around the eldering and individuals with underlying health problems but this may progess to more healthy individuals as more cases develop. We are taking this matter VERY seriously and would like to recommend the following proceedures as outlined by The World Health Organistaion (proceed to ouline WHO recommendations). May I assure my fellow Americans that we are monitoring this all on an hour by hour basis and are pouring resources into areas that we feel will best prevent the spread. I have appointed XXXXXXXX the leading American viroligist to head up a special task force with sweeping legislative powers to firstly contain the virus and to secondly prevent further spread. please rest asured that we are giving this matter the highest priority and will leave no stone unturned in our pursuit of a solution. God Bless America' 


I can see you've been weaned on a collection of barack obamas greatest hits...the all-talk no action series. His admins messaging is pretty much in line with what you've presented. All that has been said already.


Edit: Spellcheck auto corrected 'barack' to 'black'....had to go back and edit.




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52 minutes ago, jcsmith said:

It's called him trying to save his re-election chances. It has nothing to do with saving the country. Trump is the least empathetic president ever. I mean just a couple of days ago he talked about not wanting to let a cruise ship dock because it would hurt his corona virus numbers. Are you kidding me? He called this thing a hoax. 

Just being the sociopathic narcissist he is. 

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58 minutes ago, jcsmith said:

It's called him trying to save his re-election chances. It has nothing to do with saving the country. Trump is the least empathetic president ever. I mean just a couple of days ago he talked about not wanting to let a cruise ship dock because it would hurt his corona virus numbers. Are you kidding me? He called this thing a hoax. 


Wrong...he called the democrats using the virus to demonise his admin a hoax.


The coronavirus is no longer just a slow-moving public health crisis that may soon turn into a rapid-moving one. It’s a crisis of transparency. It’s a crisis of government legitimacy. So it is in this spirit that we all have to say: enough.


That news conference was, to me, the most frightening moment of the Trump presidency. His preening narcissism, his compulsive lying, his vindictiveness, his terror of germs and his terrifying inability to grasp basic science — all of it eclipsed his primary responsibilities to us as Americans, which was to provide urgent care, namely in the form of leadership.



1 minute ago, URMySunshine said:

The coronavirus is no longer just a slow-moving public health crisis that may soon turn into a rapid-moving one. It’s a crisis of transparency. It’s a crisis of government legitimacy. So it is in this spirit that we all have to say: enough.



Yeah 437 cases in a country of 330 million. Crisis. 


Manufactured crisis you mean.


Wash your hands.

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5 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:

Yeah 437 cases in a country of 330 million. Crisis. 


Manufactured crisis you mean.


Wash your hands.

Alarm is growing in the United States after at least two Republican congressmen who recently met President Trump said they were going into self-quarantine, fearing that they were exposed to the virus at a conservative conference just outside Washington.

One of them, Representative Matt Gaetz, was traveling with Mr Trump on Air Force One on Monday.

Another, Representative Doug Collins, was with the president on Friday during a coronavirus briefing.

Asked if Trump had been tested for the virus, Mike Pence, the US vice-president, said "I honestly don't know."



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1 minute ago, URMySunshine said:

Alarm is growing in the United States

I dont know anyone who is alarmed other than the media.


4 minutes ago, zydeco said:

437 cases out of less than 2000 tested.

well they surely arent overflowing the hospitals are they. Bunch of oldjes in a nursing home buy the big ticket and the stock market collapses. OK then.


Here is what Granny taught me. Wash your hands. Cover your mouth when you sneeze of cough. If you feel sick, stay home. And wash your hands.


And then, in late March and early April, old Sol starts washing away the bad germs like he does every year.


Now mind you Im high risk, so perhaps thats why I am so cavalier. I survived worse.



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2 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:

Bunch of oldjes in a nursing home buy the big ticket and the stock market collapses. OK then. . . .


Now mind you Im high risk, so perhaps thats why I am so cavalier. I survived worse.

I'm not at all cavalier about this, because I want to see my country safe and prosperous. And I would like its citizens to have a better life, young and old. And I don't laugh off potential death, just because it takes place in a nursing home.

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5 minutes ago, zydeco said:

It's really astounding their response. Under any other condition or with any other president, they would be howling at the moon about this. But because Trump downplayed it in order to juice the markets, they're following him right over the edge. It is absolutely amazing the groupthink going on.

If they thought Trump was the answer to anything then you know the answer as to their supporters. The emperor has no clothes but still they praise the quality of the cloth and pomp and finery of his robes. Like you say astonishing. 

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Just now, zydeco said:

And I don't laugh off potential death, just because it takes place in a nursing home.

Nor do I dude, but I maintain perspective.


Im watching some 67 year old dude from the Diamond Princess Skype with Fox News from his quarantine in Nebraska. Hes fine. He had one day of fever.


If folks want to chicken little thats fine, but you arent going to die from this unless their is an underlying reason to die anyway. And then a regular old corona cold can kill you.


I want to see my country safe and prosperous too. There is an element of politics in the frenzy and when this all shakes out, its going to be another "oh my god why did I buy 10 cases of Dinty Moore" fizzle. 

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4 minutes ago, zydeco said:

Seen the inside of a Wal-Mart lately?

I try not to include stupid Polly Panics in my social and cultural milieau

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2 hours ago, URMySunshine said:

Asked if Trump had been tested for the virus,.....


LOL why would the media want to know...they all probably hopes he gets it and dies.

Just a bunch of SH%^stirrers.

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15 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

Im glad Trump isn't creating mass panic like the media is....if he did, who would

go out and vote in Super Tuesday today?

Obviously talking BS, as Trump did, is not going to make people feel safe.

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