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Resurgent Biden makes push to deny Super Tuesday breakthrough for Sanders


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3 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


Ah I see, Bring on the Tangerine Democrat to take on the Orange Republican.


Both make Reagan look like Einstein now! 


Just what the world needs - neither of them!

Remember when no one ever thought it could get worse than George W? It can always get worse. It is the natural result of always voting for the lesser of two evils. Each successive election presents 2 lesser choices than the last.

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2 minutes ago, zydeco said:

Of those three, the only one with any chance at all in a debate with Trump is Warren. You saw how she eviscerated Bloomberg. She could tear Trump apart and leave him in little pieces. Put Trump against Biden, and I'm not even sure Joe will know what year it is or where he is.

What can she say about Trump that we haven't read in the newspaper the past 4 years? Yeah she can give it to us with breathless histrionics and a full helping of righteous indignation, but that only works if you don't live in a glass house yourself. Probably would have helped if she didn't place 3rd in her own state tonight.

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7 minutes ago, Berkshire said:

Why would you think that?  Biden knows too darn much and sometimes is in a rush to get it all out, so he bungles it up occasionally.  He'll be fine.

And Trump?  He's a horrible debater.  Mostly because he doesn't know anything.  Remember "No puppet.  No puppet.  You're the puppet."  All Trump can do is repeat campaign slogans. 


In his debates, Trump doesn't debate. He mocks. He attacks. He ridicules. He glides from one lie to another. Several in a minute. It will take someone fast on their feet, with a vicious streak, to bring him down. That sound like Joe Biden??? Warren can do it. Maybe Sanders can. But Biden. No chance. And Bloomberg? Deer in the headlights.

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5 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:

What can she say about Trump that we haven't read in the newspaper the past 4 years? Yeah she can give it to us with breathless histrionics and a full helping of righteous indignation, but that only works if you don't live in a glass house yourself. Probably would have helped if she didn't place 3rd in her own state tonight.

"breathless histrionics and a full helping of righteous indignation," I thought that was Bernie you were talking about, sanctimonious self righteousness, just like Corbyn.

Yes her results have been very disappointing, but the momentum was with Bernie and his army of young warriors from the start. If only the young would actually vote in vast numbers in an election, they generally don't, youthful enthusiasm very rarely wins elections, though Slovakia has just bucked the trend. 

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4 hours ago, Jingthing said:

I see you say you aren't American so I will share with you that It's a fact that when incumbents run for reelection it's always mostly about a referendum on the incumbent. Also the incumbent is always automatically favored because of both money and the bully pulpit of the presidency. In 45s case the word bully couldn't be more apt. 


So I'm not saying anything much different than whatever is already known about all presidential elections with incumbents. 


Democrats clearly have a consensus now that uniting behind Biden regardless of his obvious flaws is a better bet than Bernie. 


Some reasons? 


Other than his obvious problem of self labeling as a socialist consider these facts


Bernie has low appeal with African Americans 


Bernie has low appeal with suburban women 


Bernie has massive appeal with younger voters but guess what they turn out to vote very poorly! 




 I think just as important was the "Down Ballot" fears and that reailty scared Dem's swing supporting  Biden.

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2 hours ago, zydeco said:

Joe Biden will never run as the nominee.  He is nothing more than a wrecking ball against Sanders. I expect that once he has amassed all his delegates that we'll hear of him retiring from the race because of a recent diagnosis of dementia. The party establishment then might then think about putting up one of their insiders, someone we haven't even had in the public spotlight.  Personally, I hope Warren sticks around, because she just might be able to pick up the pieces at the convention after mush brain quits.

Honestly, if you are really being serious "retiring from the race because of a recent diagnosis of dementia" ? That is the best laugh I have had most recently. I like the VP choices. Warren sticking around to the covention may be her best move yet to earn VP.

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1 hour ago, zydeco said:

In his debates, Trump doesn't debate. He mocks. He attacks. He ridicules. He glides from one lie to another. Several in a minute. It will take someone fast on their feet, with a vicious streak, to bring him down. That sound like Joe Biden??? Warren can do it. Maybe Sanders can. But Biden. No chance. And Bloomberg? Deer in the headlights.

Ever with your points well in hand . Since when has the election most recently had a debate effect?

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1 hour ago, Peter Denis said:

Quote from the article >

Many feel their vote doesn’t matter, and they’re not wrong for the most part.

Unless you live in a tiny handful of states, your decision will have absolutely no impact on the outcome. And you’re usually not even given a real choice, either.

In America’s two-party system, you pick who will misrepresent you the least. You’re given the option between the candidate who is diametrically opposed to what you believe in and one who will, at best, feebly work toward an agenda that vaguely aligns with yours.

This perfectly valid argument is often countered with some platitude like “Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good.”

That assumes “good” is even an option.

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19 hours ago, zydeco said:

The "evidence" is Biden's incoherent and rambling campaign speeches and interviews. Do I wish my nomination scenario to be the case? Yes, I do. Why? Because Biden will be annihilated by Trump in any debate. And I don't want Trump back. 

Right. Wishful thinking.

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"My name is Joe biden .I'm the dem candidate  for US Senate" -1972.


"My name is Joe biden .I'm the dem candidate  for US Senate"- 2020.


Joe is surging  in gaffs!


"We hold these truths to be self-evident. All men and women created by — you know, you know the thing". 





 health care for illegal immigrants,Pro Paris climate change,gun control,no tariffs!

Who will  financially benefit from his name,not me! 

Edited by riclag
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15 hours ago, riclag said:

"My name is Joe biden .I'm the dem candidate  for US Senate" -1972.


"My name is Joe biden .I'm the dem candidate  for US Senate"- 2020.


Joe is surging  in gaffs!


"We hold these truths to be self-evident. All men and women created by — you know, you know the thing". 





 health care for illegal immigrants,Pro Paris climate change,gun control,no tariffs!

Who will  financially benefit from his name,not me! 

The part about YOU not benifiting probably is GREAT for Americans

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