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Seventeen Thai workers returning from South Korea have high fever


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3 hours ago, kotsak said:

Unless they place officers outside their premises to enforce the quarantine, I doubt the majority of them will stay put.


These people probably won't have empty homes to go to, they will return to family or stay with friends until they get their own place sorted out, especially if they've been away for years.


I guess some of them might stay in hotels - depends on how much money they've saved while working in Korea.

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4 hours ago, ezzra said:

Now that is lovely piece of news, make you even more paranoid and frankly head to the hills... if i'll die because i was infected owing to the Thai government negligence so help me god i'll sue them in the highest court of the land...

If you are re-incarnated, why would you be bothered feeding lawyers?

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41 minutes ago, Trollmann said:

Scary facts about dead vs healed outside of china. Did china under-report the dead Cases? https://gisanddata.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6



It always looks like this in the early days of an outbreak, the old and infirm die quickly, then the death rate will fall and average out over time.

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1 hour ago, JHolmesJr said:
7 hours ago, webfact said:

Seventeen of the 158 Thai illegal workers who returned to Thailand on Wednesday (March 4) have high fever but the first test result for Covid-19 was result, according to the Immigration Office.

Terrible writing chaps....get it together

Probably censors.  "and, the Covid-19 test result was ... <result> ! 


Today, number of patients under investigation (PUI) jumped 570 to 3519. Confirmed? Still 43


So, with PUI rising exponentially like other countries, where are the confirmed dead?

With only 1% of suspected cases confirmed there won't be any.

In China, 60% of suspected cases tested positive, then 80% when CT scans were used



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2 minutes ago, rabas said:

Today, number of patients under investigation (PUI) jumped 570 to 3519.

"flu season". Or whatever they decide to pin it on. At some point some clever fella will notice there are far more infections of some other virus/bacteria than usually this time of the year.

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7 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


Same thing they did with all the Thai Wuhan evacuees... shuttle them off to a military housing facility for two weeks quarantine to check for potential CV cases.


The notion this government doesn't have the authority to do something like that is total B.S., especially after the formal emergency declaration that took effect Sunday making CV a dangerous infectious disease and giving them broad powers to contain it.


Exactly right. Also this government seems to be ignoring the issue now.  They can do something with these infected people coming to Thailand. Force quarantine as mentioned here from the Wuhan evacuees. I also say this is total B.S. by just telling them to quarantine themselves. We all know that will not work and if they are infected with the virus, then it will just spread like wildfire.

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From totalitarian regimes to nanny states, I thing the coronavirus script is being written as we type.

China did the lock down, Italy is closing schools and universities for a few weeks, others impose various degree of travel restrictions. At the end, as we see in Germany right now community spread will eventually happen and then body count will start to pile up.

The nanny states will come out saying, we did the best we could to prevent it and in the process strengthen the power of the state.

Thailand could use this Korean influx of patients as an excuse and start to reveal the real numbers. 


Singapore is the only shining star with their amazing transparency. BRAVO!

Iran seem to have lost the plot completely, but the leadership is way past their due date anyway.

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8 hours ago, DoctorG said:

Not so much for Iranians perhaps.



Well that reminds me of the Iranian who came back to Australia

and had all the symptoms of covic-19 and being told to self 

isolate, the first thing he did was...wait for it, he went shopping

at Woolworths.

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The disconcerting part is the fact that so many with high fever were allowed to board in Korea

This seems to imply no checking at Korea Airport or...Korea are just glad to rid Korea of the Thai sex workers?


In any case it shows total disregard for all the other passengers on the plane & the ability to pass the

infection on.


Next you have Thailand's side & their only bullet is to tell them to stay home for 14 days

Most know this will not work because many of these "workers" have nobody & will go out to get food

etc as soon as able/possible or worse yet return to "work"


On the other hand with 5000-20,000 possibly returning Thailand really has no option. Not enough rooms nor jail cells for a bump that big


This is looking like "The Stand" not so much because in that story a pandemic killed so many but because half were stuck in Colorado & half in Vegas

The more things like this happen the more likely other countries will start refusing incoming from certain countries


I think folks should consider the possibility of restricted travel/exit ahead. Not necessarily because Thailand wont let you leave but possibly (like UAE)

other countries wont let you enter

Edited by meechai
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15 hours ago, ezzra said:

Now that is lovely piece of news, make you even more paranoid and frankly head to the hills... if i'll die because i was infected owing to the Thai government negligence so help me god i'll sue them in the highest court of the land...

Good luck collecting even if you win the case as you'll be dead!!! 

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16 hours ago, ezzra said:

Now that is lovely piece of news, make you even more paranoid and frankly head to the hills... if i'll die because i was infected owing to the Thai government negligence so help me god i'll sue them in the highest court of the land...

being thai people who only loosely obey laws, self isolation wont work.... after a shoert time they will be out and about....

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15 hours ago, bluesofa said:

They're all under observation together in the same Korean hospital. Perhaps all in the same room?

The other 100k have not taken the Korean amnesty,  ghosted amongst the population

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Most of the times after I reading the comments in a TV forum posting, I'm pretty sure that whatever intellectual capacity I might have, has been diminished.


Each year the seasonal flu kills around 500,000 world wide.  So....let the panic begin....haha!  Quick, jump on a motorbike taxi with no helmet on your way to get drunk, take a 'boner' pill bought from a street vendor and have unprotected sex with a prostitute.  But, let's moan on and on about something that to date has killed fewer people than the seasonal flu.

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