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Copying DVD - error

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I got a movie DVD from Amazon USA. Plays just fine in my Windows PC using an LG DVD player and the Any Player app I just installed. Now I want to copy the whole thing (VIDEO_TS, JACKET_P folders on the DVD) over to my PC HD so I don't have to load the DVD every time. But it won't let me - gives a Copy Protection Error - "The read failed because the sector is encrypted".


I am not doing anything illegal as the DVD is bought and paid for and I want to copy for my own use. Any ideas how to get past that error. Thanks.

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Yes, some DVD's are impossible to copy due to Copy Protection. You will have to find some decryption software that can overcome this - most probably a paid software.



HandBrake: Open Source Video Transcoder

Edited by ravip
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I use MakeMKV... it's pretty straight forward and great for converting your DVD library to MKV cabinet files for viewing or streaming at home.


Not many computers or laptops come with DVD players anymore so I am slowly backing up my DVD library.

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8 hours ago, Daffy D said:



A free simplified version of HandBreak



On their website it says...

Blu-rays and DVDs VidCoder can rip Blu-rays and DVDs but does not defeat the encryption found on commercial discs. You’ve got several options to remove it:

Can the OP use this to copy his encrypted DVD?

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13 hours ago, ravip said:

On their website it says...

Blu-rays and DVDs VidCoder can rip Blu-rays and DVDs but does not defeat the encryption found on commercial discs. You’ve got several options to remove it:

Can the OP use this to copy his encrypted DVD?

Err! I don't know, never had an encrypted DVD to try it. :unsure:


Someone mentioned HandBrake and as this is a simplified version of that thought it should work.


Anyway it's free so you loose nothing by trying it.


A quick Google lists lots of possibilities:-  https://www.google.com/search?sxsrf=ALeKk03Si0zjcPR20c6vCW_HVjWL9k1hAQ%3A1583456975983&source=hp&ei=z6JhXtmEOv7cz7sP8tGjmA4&q=copy+an+encrypted+dvd+to+hard+drive&oq=copy+an+encrypted+DVD&gs_l=psy-ab.1.0.0j0i30j0i5i30l4j0i8i30.3584.18025..25046...1.0..0.83.704.9......0....2j1..gws-wiz.......0i22i30j0i7i30j0i13j0i8i7i30j0i13i30j0i7i5i30.eFRseuRAlWQ




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19 hours ago, Eindhoven said:

I used http://www.magicdvdripper.com/download.htm for this kind of task. I think it has five trial uses before you need to register. So should be fine for your need.


AnyDVD, DVD43, DVDFabPasskey, DVDRegionFree are other options.


Should make it clear that you need to download the Copier from that link, not the Ripper. 

Unless you prefer to use the Ripper.

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