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I have return flights booked with Malaysian Airlines from Australia to Thailand departing 2nd April, returning 1st May with a short stopover in KL (staying within the airport), both directions.


I do not fear contracting Covid19, my families health is robust.


My concerns, and this post stem from The Singapore governments recent decision to ban airport transfers through Changi International Airport of travellers from declared high risk countries.


At worst, I contemplate the Malaysian government taking similar measures if Thailand in seven weeks time is declared a high risk country. This scenario is possible.


At worst, my family and I could become stranded in Thailand in dire circumstances.



So, would you take your family of four to Thailand in the coming weeks, given the above scenario?


Thank-you, your opinion is appreciated.



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Thanks for your replies, I do believe the situation in Thailand will disclose itself at some point. Songkarn will see a lot of movement from the cities to the provinces and spread Covid 19 to the elderly. 


Any disparity from the mortality rate against the rate of infection will make the situation self evident.


And no, I do not wear a tinfoil hat. 



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44 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

Yinn, refer my post #3. You are talking absolute rubbish.

You think your government is telling you the true rate of COVID-19 infections here? You think still letting Chinese tourists into Thailand willy-nilly is safer than Australia, where travel bans are in place?

It's a bit like road deaths in Thailand, if you die in hospital after a road accident it is not counted in the road toll statistics.

I say the amount of DEATHS is correct.

impossible to know infection rate. Same every country.


Australia ban 90 country have corona? Or not?

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Thanks for your replies everyone. 


I will monitor the situation carefully and make a decision this coming weekend. I will be looking out for an increase in reported infections and deaths in Thailand and the conduct of governments and airlines to determine our ability to return to Australia un-hindered.


I understand the value in Thailand demonstrating peak infections and avoiding a high risk declaration.

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2 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

Definition of brainwashing. 1 : a forcible indoctrination to induce someone to give up basic political, social, or religious beliefs and attitudes and to accept contrasting regimented ideas. 2 : persuasion by propaganda or salesmanship

You be brainwash from to much TVF. 

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15 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

Yinn, you don't live in a democracy. Information here is suppressed or distorted.

To protect the tourist industry, how easy do you think it would be for death certificates to show alternative causes of death? Especially with the culture here of obedience to authority.

You are the person who should be doing some thinking.

So the two million tourist come thailand since corona start, they die, but the thai government control them return in your country? impossible. Control the doctor in your country, many country. Pfffft


Please show ONE case of tourist return their country, from Thailand, who die. 

One from 2 million? Can? Or not? 


Since 7 weeks ago, the TVF snowball, has panic about tourist will die in Thailand soon sure. So boring. 

But not happen. 


This OP ask for my opinion. I give my opinion.


Have a good trip Khun Damo. 

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14 hours ago, Lacessit said:

No, mainly because IMO the Thai authorities are fudging the real figures.

It beggars belief Thai infection figures match those of Australia, when Australia has instituted travel bans while Thailand still has the welcome mat out for Chinese tourists. Australians call that coming the raw prawn.

Coming the raw prawn? I hope not. The saying is dont go the raw prawn.


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4 minutes ago, UbonThani said:

Coming the raw prawn? I hope not. The saying is dont go the raw prawn.


I don't know what part of Australia you are from. "Don't come the raw prawn" or " Coming the raw prawn " are both accepted forms of use.

On the other hand, Google "Don't go the raw prawn" and I get nothing.


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I'd be erring on the cautious side OP as you have a family to consider.


On the other hand personally, I have a trip Thai/UK return (direct BKK/LHR) in May June and my main concern is that on my return to Thailand they don't let me back in due to some paranoid, knee-jerk, over-reaction to whatever is happening at the time.


I will wait it out for developments, or if British AIrways write to me recommending a change.


Good Luck!



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