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Covid-19: Fighting the virus! Immigration chief in mask flanked by commando


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3 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


Perhaps because he had been ORDERED (???) by the national police chief to go visit his airport officer who's in the hospital with CV???



I'd like to have been a fly on the wall to hear that conversation.... Ordered to go???


Was his job application that bad it hospitalised him ? Never thought a CV could be that bad.......???????????????? Sorry but couldnt resist, but thats what I always think of when I see CV

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28 minutes ago, pokerface1 said:

They need these commandos for defense as they must be expecting an attack by coronas laden terrorists looking to put government official into hospital where they can't do anymore damage to the economy.Oh and using pepper spray will backfire  ???????????? 

The Thai military regime could do a lot worse than engage with the farang on TVForum.


More than enough common sense on the forum to render the virus insignificant. Are you about commandos, or is it somtam time?

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2 hours ago, webfact said:

It appears that the officer concerned became infected after wiping his face with an infected plastic glove after handling passports of incoming tourists.

I have to admire the depth of their investigation. But they deliberately omit the fact that he used his middle finger.

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2 hours ago, webfact said:

Fingerprint scanners were being wiped down every ten minutes, he said. 

don't want to start an argument but will settle for 10 days.... why only a couple of them have masks, not enough available for everybody, he should complain to the health minister (the one calling farangs dirty people) about the shortage

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1 hour ago, Tarteso said:

Looking at the photo...

Why every times they show comandos, medals, rifles, guns, dozen of generals with angry faces,  militaries only for a simple public announcement ... of I don’t know!!   



It always reminds me of scenes like these:


1 hour ago, Yorkshire Tea said:

"Fingerprint scanners were being wiped down every ten minutes, he said. "


Should be wiped down after each use!

Yes, this should be done. At the Mae Sai crossing they actually did this since they introduced the fingerprint scanners.

They should also wipe everything the passport touches, or an IO could spread the virus from one passport across many others.


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fully kitted up for armed conflict! Ready for the fight! What's Thai for Hoo-Raa?


Thai stock market limit down for two days in a row, businesses closing, schools out a week early, govt spouting fear porn, the WuFlu terror is gon'a get you!


worldometers.info/coronavirus/ currently showing 70 infected and 1 death... yes 1.


Next the army will be mobilized and deployed to the borders as a good show of insanity.

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3 hours ago, webfact said:

It appears that the officer concerned became infected after wiping his face with an infected plastic glove after handling passports of incoming tourists.

Really good to know that they seem happy to not change gloves between tourists.  The fact that we get to have Coronavirus wiped all over our passports doesnt seem to bother them!  ????

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3 hours ago, KhunKenAP said:

They need to suspend the requirements to go to Immigration Offices, for stupid reports, including the 800,000 baht one after 90 days. They can check bankbooks anytime.


I am seriously thinking about not doing my report on March 16, 2020, at the Jomtien office.

Just been to Jomtien Immigration to do TM30. Small room packed with all Nationalities including Chinese some wearing masks some not. Time to suspend this nonsense.

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5 hours ago, webfact said:

Sompong said that the Immigration bureau on the whole were not sagging and were in good spirits, determined to offer a full service to the public.

Service, a new word for control I guess.

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         Thai movies on virus love , to be released soon.

           Filmed on locations in South Korea, and Issan ..



Edited by elliss
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They will never learn it! Pictures like that rather SCARE than transmitting a secure feeling! The worst thing however is that military pea-sized brains tend to make weird decisions without any sense. If there is a country which would cancel all visa-types and kick the foreigners out if things get really nasty, then it´s LOS!

Edited by SpanishExpat
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The personnel of the Kingdom's Immigration Bureau who are directly tasked with face to face contact with the reported 100,000 people who daily negotiate at all of Thailand's entry points serve as the very first 'line of defense' for this sovereign nation.


These men and women are certainly on the front lines to protect all people living or visiting Thailand.  To make jest of their major contributions to the general safety and welfare of others is a travesty.  On the contrary what they are doing for their jobs is something that has become quite dangerous indeed in view of the current lethal pandemic.


I for one applaud them all.  They are facing an enemy that one cannot see; and also occasional human beings who can pose quite a lot of other harmful or dastardly potentials.


Certainly only a true moron can not accept that these officers are deserving of sincere praise.

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7 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


Perhaps because he had been ORDERED (???) by the national police chief to go visit his airport officer who's in the hospital with CV???



I'd like to have been a fly on the wall to hear that conversation.... Ordered to go???


If it were one of my guys hospital I would have gone as soon as I found out and <deleted> what the national police chief had to say.

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