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Was Coronavirus around in Pattaya in November?


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Impossible to know isn't it?  I arrived just before xmas and the gf was mildly ill with a cough she couldn't shift. We live together so thought I was due to catch it. Thought I had avoided it but a couple weeks later had the usual cold symptoms, a couple days short of breath and then a cough and dodgy throat which were mild but lasted about a month.  I am generally in my room and have air purifiers so don't think it was the smog.


But was it the new virus?  I hope so and hope that is it for me but seems it can be caught more than once.


But my guess is that this virus was out in the wild well before the Chinese realized.  What are the chances they would really catch the first case?  Most people have no symptoms or mild symptoms so assume it isn't a big issue.  So the way to approach this should be to isolate and look at after vulnerable people if you ask me, and not shut down society in general.  Or there is something we are not being told?


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In early  January I suffered about  5 days of total fatigue, aching body which then progressed to a  dry cough and low  fever for about  3days. The cough  lasted  about  another 15 days. It was  rife in local area  and  some were hospitalized for pneumonia risk or  actual infection. I am up in Issan but we were visited  by  some friends  who had come up from Pattaya for New Year. I  believe it was just a variant of  seasonal flu because it caused some severe symptoms in several children including  my own  Grand daughter.

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Very possible that what caused your illness was a coronavirus.


There's not just one.


They're not all lethal.


Somebody posted a couple of weeks ago that a Thai doctor had diagnosed their illness as due to a coronavirus.


But it wasn't THAT coronavirus.


Coronavirus - Wikipedia

"Coronaviruses cause colds with major symptoms, such as fever, and sore throat from swollen adenoids, occurring primarily in the winter and early spring seasons.



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November 19 I got a Dry hacking Cough , really Sick for about 5 days , cough lasted a Month, even my next door Condo owner could hear me on balcony asking if I was ok, Weird Coincidence timing etc, I’m 63 I caught this in Udon

Edited by Ireland32
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3 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

Getting older changes your bodies reaction and immunity to allergens, and thus allows you to come down with hay fever, chest congestion, common cold symptoms.....

And other things if your being a cheeky <deleted> entertaining the ladies, or is that the other way around ????


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18 hours ago, banglay said:

I had something very similar Mid November after a night on the town (Pattaya)  . It started 3 days after visiting Pattaya,  I felt feverish and under the weather for a couple or 3 days then I developed a dry hacking cough that lasted a further 3 weeks before clearing up ...the symptoms sound very similar to a mild case of this  virus ... 

But at the time I just thought it was a run of the mill bug that was doing the rounds at the time. 

But now paranoia has stated to set in ????

That cough lasted a month raging dry cough unexpected burst

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The hospitals were full in Jan and Feb. Now they are empty. At least at PIH next to the Chinese parasail drop off buses. I was sick first week of Jan. with similar symptoms. I walk through the Chinese on the way to the morning Starbucks. Living hell. Couldn't drink for 17 days. Walked into PIH first week of Feb. No floor space available. Did not relapse. And it smelled bad and was hot inside. So anecdotally, speaking lets say it takes two months to blow through a population.

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3 hours ago, MadMuhammad said:

I got blessed with influenza B, pneumonia and a throat infection last year. I was in Myanmar doing a border bounce but I didn’t have any symptoms apart from a super sore throat and fatigue, I just rode it out for 48 hours till I could get back to Thailand. One of the toughest things had I’ve ever had to do. 
Finally got through the door drenched in sweat, bones aching, headache, fever and coughing, thought ‘I’ll just take a nap’. GF came home from work and though I was dead. Off to the hospital we go. 
They had me admitted within an hour on a drip with an antibiotic infusion. If I had the energy on day 4 I would have opened the window and jumped lol. I was coughing custard for the first few days and then this turned into blood and custard as I coughed that hard and frequently I damaged my throat. 6 nights 192000 baht (thank you insurance). 
Anyway, Covid-19 is gonna have to be pretty special to put me through more pain and suffering to beat that  

Ouch, lucky you survived that and had private insurance !!!


Serious stuff mate.


My wife was always says to me, don't try and fight colds or flus here if you feel bad, because it's not Australia, smart girl my Mrs, I have learnt along the way, although I can be a stubborn p-r-i-c-k, until she jogs my memory, fine, big strong man, remember last time ?......... oops, um, ok honey let's go to the hospital ????


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21 hours ago, mrblonde said:


Self medicated from a local Pharmacy but it took 4 weeks to get any better, then a few weeks back home til it eased enough to go about a normal routine. Usually my chest infections clear with meds after a week or so 

Pretty much accepted that AB's are useless against virus. Interestingly the US suspect the Washington State locus was there in Nov but wrongly advised. 

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22 hours ago, Cake Monster said:

I really dont know what if it was, but there was surely some kind of nasty Bug thing going around.

What I do know is that early in November both myself and my Wife contracted some kind of Chest Infection that was absolutely awful. Wracking Dry Cough, Nausea, Headaches just like the Flu, but worse

We both kept taking Antibiotics for most of November, and they had little effect upon the symptoms, and it was mid December before I felt anything like good again.

I do know that I dont want it ever again, as I felt the most sick for the longest period of time in my life

I got dry throat/cough on 7 January, two days after having a wisdom tooth out. It developed into viral bronchitis with classic symptoms and lasted 5 weeks. I'm now 76 and have never had flu in decades or that ever lasted so long. Pulmonologist in CM University Hospital kept insisting that it was caused by post-nasal drip, but I had no stuffy or runny nose throughout the 5 weeks. I keep wondering why he was so insistent on a fake diagnosis. Then he prescribed expensive inappropriate antibiotics which I didn't take. Also charged 500 Baht for a procedure that wasn't done!!!

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"On December 31 last year, China alerted WHO to several cases of unusual pneumonia in Wuhan, a port city of 11 million people in the central Hubei province. The virus was unknown. Several of those infected worked at the city's Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market, which was shut down on January 1." 





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Just found more info that earlier/earliest cases may have been in November...


"A 55-year-old individual from Hubei province in China may have been the first person to have contracted COVID-19, the disease caused by the new coronavirus spreading across the globe. That case dates back to Nov. 17, 2019, according to the South Morning China Post."



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given that thailand was on track for 9 million chinese tourists in 2019 and then china shut off all outbound tours in what, January 2020 I think it was. And WuFlu came from Wuhan china... Shoot those buggers probably have a dozen or more kinds of flues, colds, viruses and bacteria they bring in with them.


CV19, given that it's killed only 1 or 2 in thailand since the tracking began a few months ago, and there are only 322 cases (counts active, and recovered) at present, so less when you were here - eh, maybe you got it, probably did not, it's a flu that's not as bad as some other seasonal influenza's in the past. Most serious cases and deaths have been in old people, people in poor heath already, bad immune systems.


Glad you got checked out an are OK.

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