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Anytime I am caught short and need to empty my bladder outside the missus insists I wai and apologise to I dont know who for desecrating their -well- p?#$ing ground. Last night I went to the edge of a building site but it made no difference, I still had to apologise.

I have no problem in doing so to keep the peace but can anyone tell me:

1. Am I the only one?

2. To whom am I saying sorry?

Wash your hands before replying, please, and do try to keep this one lighthearted.

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Never had that problem (yet). The Issan Thais I have met all seem to have small bladders which they overfill with Leo and go when and where they like. Never seen one waiing either before or after doing Number Ones.


Anytime I am caught short and need to empty my bladder outside the missus insists I wai and apologise to I dont know who for desecrating their -well- p?#$ing ground. Last night I went to the edge of a building site but it made no difference, I still had to apologise.

Man, cant you find any nice toilet around rather than making the walls dirty. :D

As far as your missus is concerned, it depends on where does she belong to. If she is from Isaan than I am not surprised. :D

I have no problem in doing so to keep the peace but can anyone tell me:

1. Am I the only one?

You should be as very few people do such deeds.

2. To whom am I saying sorry?

Should not say to anyone. In fact should feel sorry for your manners. :o

Wash your hands before replying, please, and do try to keep this one lighthearted.


I've only had occasion to wee outside once and it was up against a tree at Lamphun Fair. My companions insisted that I wai the tree both before and after weeing on it - a pre-wee wai and a post-wee wai :o

Anytime I am caught short and need to empty my bladder outside the missus insists I wai and apologise to I dont know who for desecrating their -well- p?#$ing ground. Last night I went to the edge of a building site but it made no difference, I still had to apologise.

Man, cant you find any nice toilet around rather than making the walls dirty. :D

As far as your missus is concerned, it depends on where does she belong to. If she is from Isaan than I am not surprised. :D

I have no problem in doing so to keep the peace but can anyone tell me:

1. Am I the only one?

You should be as very few people do such deeds.

2. To whom am I saying sorry?

Should not say to anyone. In fact should feel sorry for your manners. :o

Wash your hands before replying, please, and do try to keep this one lighthearted.

when nature calls... better on the ground than in your pants.

shouldn't worry too much about manners, do as the locals do right? i've seen taxi drivers relieving themselves on Ratchadaphesik. they didn't say sorry.


This is hilarious - especially endure's answer! :o My BF was Thai, he used to pee outside when he felt the need, much to my chagrin. I never saw him wai. I wonder who you're wai-ing to?

Anytime I am caught short and need to empty my bladder outside the missus insists I wai and apologise to I dont know who for desecrating their -well- p?#$ing ground. Last night I went to the edge of a building site but it made no difference, I still had to apologise.

Man, cant you find any nice toilet around rather than making the walls dirty. :D

As far as your missus is concerned, it depends on where does she belong to. If she is from Isaan than I am not surprised. :D

I have no problem in doing so to keep the peace but can anyone tell me:

1. Am I the only one?

You should be as very few people do such deeds.

2. To whom am I saying sorry?

Should not say to anyone. In fact should feel sorry for your manners. :o

Wash your hands before replying, please, and do try to keep this one lighthearted.

Obviously the comments aof a 20 year old with a cast iron bladder. Pleased to see you took the chance to have a rascit dig at Issan, wow, funny stuff indeed. Perhaps it may dawn on this genius that there isn't the amout of public toilets in Thailand as the West. As to the original OP I am unaware of any Thai restraints on a leak.


For a man, there are few things more satisfying than peeing in nature. On mountaintops, in the forest, in the snow or alongside a 6 lane expressway. Never forget to thank the deities for this experience.

For a man, there are few things more satisfying than peeing in nature. On mountaintops, in the forest, in the snow or alongside a 6 lane expressway. Never forget to thank the deities for this experience.

I've always found that peeing into a large sonorous metal bucket is very satisfying. What a splash and a tinkle!

Hum... I always thought the shake at the end was done to apease the pee god... :o

But not more than 10 times: Otherwise................................ :D


Here's a suggestion: Don't take your GF with you when you are relieving yourself and don't let her dictate how you do it or you will end up squatting. It sounds like she's a bit of a control freak? Does she enjoy watching? (Yes, I am just having a bit of fun with you).

For those who think they can always go to a public toilet guess again. I was on my way to meet a friend and got stuck about 2 weeks ago on Sathorn road (going north). Never moved an inch for well over an hour. Eventually, I ended up relieving myself right there in the middle of traffic. I did wait until I had seen at least 3 taxi drivers go and one other motorist. None of them waied anybody or anything.


Sure, she is playing with you, or her peers are, have you heard the saying "by ying ga tai" maybe the spelling is way off, but it means to shoot the rabbit, or as we would say "to take a leak", men have always been able to stop pretty much anywhere and releave themselves, not long ago it was also made legal for woman to do the same (when on the road I am referring to).

Myself I join the rest of my family (the males anyway) by strolling into the back garden and admiring the flowers. :o


A little bit more of a serious note, I don't think that paying any kind of homage to dieties is a part of the bodily elimination cycle. I've been to a number of building blessing ceremonies and I've noticed that they sprinkle water in all the rooms, hallways etc., except the bathrooms which are left "unblessed."

There's only once that I've found myself uddering any kind of a prayer while relieving myself and both of those had to do with having bladder stones!!


I've heard of this. A number of Thais believe in saying sorry/asking permission before pissing IN THE WOODS/JUNGLE- don't know about on a football pitch, against a wall or anywhere else.

Peoples from other places do the equivalent in their own languages.

Wow. Usually I'm the fat, beer guzzling farang whose idea of culture is wearing Diamond Elephant brand rubber slippers as opposed to the no-name ones. Can't believe nobody's heard of this, if I didn't miss a piss...er post.


I can kinda see where it's coming from. The Thais believe the land to be occupied by spirits hence the spirit houses around most properties. Therefore if you p1ss on the spirits it's a good idea to ask first :o and say sorry after :D . But I've never heard of or seen anyone wai-ing a tree etc before or after taking a leak so either it's a local thing from her neck of the woods or she's taking the p1ss (Thai humour at it's best).


I've seen this in Kanchanaburi and Chantaburi. Think I've also seen it in Mahasarakham. Never really spent any real time in the rural areas outside those places.

Hard to believe it's limited to one place. Easy to believe it's an animist belief that's fast dribbling away in the modernizing world.


According to thai people, actually same for chinese, there are ghost everywhere! And you should apologize everytime just in case you peed on the ghost's face. :o


Mee- Finally somebody else knows about this. Was beginning to think I've been around some other country and not Thailand.

Are there maybe two Thailands? I'm hardly an erudite, cultural anthropologist type, but really, how have all these folks been in Thailand all these years and never pissed alongside a father in law, brother in law, friend, stranger off a bus, etc. and seen him wai at the edge of the jungle before pissing? Hey, do Thais ever wear sarongs?


Never had a problem with this, because when the "beer tap" is turned on i am safely in the vicinity of rest rooms. Alough i do remember one time i was out on my balcony in early morning, to witness our moo bans "little old lady who speaks to herself" gracefully hoik up her skirt and pee against a tree (i never thought this was a pissability) standing up. What disturbed and disgusted me was that this tree is in a childrens play area, and a communal gathering point for adults with younger ones. I've steered clear of that tree ever since.

No wai's were witnessed either. Wai oh wai ?

Mee- Finally somebody else knows about this. Was beginning to think I've been around some other country and not Thailand.

Are there maybe two Thailands? I'm hardly an erudite, cultural anthropologist type, but really, how have all these folks been in Thailand all these years and never pissed alongside a father in law, brother in law, friend, stranger off a bus, etc. and seen him wai at the edge of the jungle before pissing? Hey, do Thais ever wear sarongs?

I did not read all the posts. But if that is the case, I guess maybe they all spent 24 hours a day in Nana. There will be toilets then?

But yeah, for me I pee everywhere when I am in thailand. :o

Anytime I am caught short and need to empty my bladder outside the missus insists I wai and apologise to I dont know who for desecrating their -well- p?#$ing ground. Last night I went to the edge of a building site but it made no difference, I still had to apologise.

Man, cant you find any nice toilet around rather than making the walls dirty. :D

As far as your missus is concerned, it depends on where does she belong to. If she is from Isaan than I am not surprised. :D

I have no problem in doing so to keep the peace but can anyone tell me:

1. Am I the only one?

You should be as very few people do such deeds.

2. To whom am I saying sorry?

Should not say to anyone. In fact should feel sorry for your manners. :o

Wash your hands before replying, please, and do try to keep this one lighthearted.

I know a chemist that stocks chill pills, maybe I could get you some :D

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