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Thailand must win the fight against Covid-19, says Prayut


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1 hour ago, tifino said:

this could be an early hint, of what hasn't been brought up I think?

 - the hidden from front line news, of the restrictions upon Ships, specifically  the Container/Freighter ships.

Need these ships to bring in just about everything. 

Everything, notably Medicines, which mostly come from? you guessed it - China! 


OZ news only started to pick this up during the past week; of Chinese crewed Container/Freighters coming in to Northern OZ - and the crews freely off loading and mingling freely unchecked in shops/malls etc 


Wuhan/Hubei is landlocked.

Edited by Traubert
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16 minutes ago, Jacobi Barnes said:

You can't win the fight against coronavirus if you allow this to happen. I took this photo in Patong Beach this weekend. Probably the most fun night I've ever had in Thailand due to everyone being extremely nice and friendly ( desperation for tourist dollars is kicking in ). Clubs were packed as usual and tourism appeared to be booming despite what people seem to be saying. I can only judge by what I saw in real life which was a lot of tourists for mid-March. Cafe Del Mar was also slammed. If you wanted to stop the spread of the virus, you would need to shut down all of Bangla Road. That said, I think Thailand is lucky in that the virus can't spread rapidly in hot / humid environments. 


<deleted> is that fella doing

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7 hours ago, Jingthing said:

This approach doesn't sound aggressive enough based on what the world knows already about what needs to be done to avoid becoming another Italy and Iran. 

With this guy in charge leading his troops from the front this virus will soon realise its bit of more than it can chew .


8 hours ago, Jingthing said:

This approach doesn't sound aggressive enough based on what the world knows already about what needs to be done to avoid becoming another Italy and Iran. 

With this guy in charge leading his troops from the front well anything is possible. Look out virus he is gunning for you 

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7 hours ago, Number 6 said:

I'm still absolutely unable to find facemasks or alcohol other than the initial amount I was able to scrounge up. Just asked yesterday at another ten pharmacy.


Conspiracy to sell (millions?) of TONS of facemasks (did I read that correctly???) to Communist China might be an issue. So too the death of Chinese in Huay Kwang related. Another huge amount reportedly bad masks, soiled sold to Chinese for 2m baht.


Western countries should really note this nation's alliegences and treat accordingly. Tariff on western food items is ridiculous. Virtually no western products in stores


Just have this horrible feeling it's gonna get ugly for us farang by govt edict. None of what comes out of it ever makes a bit of sense.




what has happen to all the N95 face mask?  these are made in Thailand at the 3M plant.  have they gone to China?

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1 hour ago, Jacobi Barnes said:

. That said, I think Thailand is lucky in that the virus can't spread rapidly in hot / humid environments. 

And you know this how?  Please share the link.  We can send it to the CDC and WHO. 

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How do you "win" a fight against a virus anyways? Just the kind of thing you'd hear from a military leader. It's about fighting yea!! More fighting, we must win!! lalalala blah blah blah.. sickens me to the point of nausea.


I mean, he sounds worse than Trump, well maybe not quite as bad as Trump. Trump was actually was caught saying, "why don't we just give everyone a strong flu vaccine".


Winning a fight against a virus... yea right. You don't "win" anything against a virus. You supply the medical community and scientists with all they need to come up with a vaccine and methods for minimizing the potential for death for people who contract it.


  Some of these politicians, they have the smarts enough to get into power, but not nearly the smarts enough to actually provide service to their people. There have been some really good politicians and then some really bad ones. Winning a fight against a virus. To anyone with half a decent education these kinds of statements like "winning a fight against a virus" just expose ones ignorance.

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Wants to close my favourite little bar down but refuses to stop people travelling from Hong Kong.

Can't somebody tell him, it has come into Thailand as a direct result of not stopping direct flights from China 6 weeks ago along with failure to apprehend idiot Thais returning from Korea who

as usual only want to look after themselves with no idea of the repercussions.

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5 hours ago, trainman34014 said:

We know they are all Crooks at every level of Officialdom from the very top to the very bottom and they will unashamedly take advantage of their own people in any situation that arises.

That system of "government" is called kleptocracy.  See Wikipedia for a great definition!

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Welcome to Capitalism. 

Supply and demand my friend.....the price of an item is determined by the money of people are willing to pay for it. 

It happened in all wars.....you don't have food to eat so some good "business man" sold you 10 kilos of rice for your gold chain. 

If government don't take control of all goods and control the "free market" many things will be very bad. 

It is the end of the Capitalism..... if governments in all world don't print free money and throw them from helicopters to the people......in about 1-2 months (perhaps more soon) thousands of people will not be able to buy food. 

And I am not talking only about Thailand....it will start from America. 

The top 1%......and especially the top 1% of the 1% of the world understands now that if they don't loose the lease to humanity and don't feed them it will be soon same what happened in the French revolution. 


P. S. Google why all flu virus are called Corona virus....and this is the '19....and you probably have to think before you named your product after a virus name (that exist from the 19th century).

Also there is no such thing as a bad publicity. 

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The Schengen Zone has just announced the closure of all borders inwards and outwards except for returning nationals and France has gone in to lockdown. So it seems has the UK.


What will Thailand do? Went in to local town this morning. Seemed normal. A few mask wearers.


Local gossip has it that there are now local Covid cases......and that I am one, presumably because I have a home in France ( although I am British)  and I came in to Thailand from there a few, actually 8, weeks ago. And presumably because I am a dirty Westerner, never been seen to wash!


I had planned to stay until 1 May when I have a booked flight back to Paris, not as yet cancelled by the airline.


I'm on a multiple  entry non O based on marriage from Savanakhet that has expired. I came in just before expiry and got the 90 day permission which expires on 10 April.


What to do?  It doesn't look as if I can get back in to France for at least 30 days now.


So, extend locally by 60 days or go to Savanakhet to get a new visa and re enter with 90 more days?. What if either or  both Thailand and Laos close that border? And will being a British passport holder affect things.


Also I don't believe a 60 day extension can be further extended, unless the Thais introduced a special Covid permission to stay.


Anyone any thoughts? It's not about the costs of each possibility, I'm aware of those, indeed that 60 day extending might still leave me needing a new visa in about 80 days from now if Europe is still closed, alternatively if I get the new visa now, a 60 day extension later!



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I've got a funny feeling that the powers that be might have to have a serious meeting very shortly, someplace like Bermuda or the Bahamas to give them clarity of thought......... I'm wondering how this will all be blamed on them "Dirty Westerners" shortly, probably within a message from the Bahamas....... "Fight on Thailand, the cocktails are great here".......

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7 hours ago, trainman34014 said:

i have noticed over the last six months that there has been a steady reduction of 'International Foods'

This is prolly wise and I don't fault the stores. Westerners disappearing and economy is shot so middle class Thai not buying the stuff.

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