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The revolution that wasn’t: Bernie Sanders' second presidential bid falls to earth

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A millionaire socialist that's never had a proper job in his life moaning and groaning about rich billionaire's? Not a bad return all thing's considered. Hang up the Hammer and Sickle and go live in your Cuban utopia. Good riddance. 

  • Sad 1
7 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

It's funny. On the one hand you are going to support Biden because you don't want another 4 years of Trump.

On the other you think he's going to need a lot of luck to do it.

Don't you think that most Sanders supporters will ultimately come around to supporting Biden because the alternative is just too awful to contemplate.

Or do you think your case is special?


I wasn't a Sanders supporter this year, but I think I have some insight to their thinking. I would guess many will not support Biden and many will refrain from voting. Some will support Biden and even some smaller amount will support Trump. They really don't see much difference between Trump and Biden.

  • Confused 1
5 minutes ago, watso63 said:

A millionaire socialist that's never had a proper job in his life moaning and groaning about rich billionaire's? Not a bad return all thing's considered. Hang up the Hammer and Sickle and go live in your Cuban utopia. Good riddance. 

He worked as a carpenter for awhile. Like Jesus Christ, also a Jew. Not good enough?

  • Haha 1
3 minutes ago, rhyddid said:

Sad, the only who had the chances to oust Trump!
Be ready for another 4 years of horrible wars, economics, disgrace, climate disasters and more worst pandemics! 

The overwhelming majority of the polls disagree with you. key swing states consistently show more support for Biden than for Sanders

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Bernie is the only guy presently available to make a REAL change in usa. Maybe, just very maybe, he will beat the current president and his criminal croonies, and make america indeed a better place. t and his republicans are the worst and america has lost a lot of respect and standing. I have never disrespected usa more and my biggest fear (for america) is the absence of common sense and/or intelligence of the average american.

  • Haha 1
1 hour ago, xylophone said:

The good thing is that trump also has these "attributes" and a whole load more!

But as much as I despise Trump: he (and his team) are excellent at making themselves look good and the opponent bad!

And they will go hard on every gaffe, every lie, every inconsistency...and there are plenty!

I doubt, Biden can do the same!

  • Like 1
1 hour ago, bristolboy said:

It's funny. On the one hand you are going to support Biden because you don't want another 4 years of Trump.

On the other you think he's going to need a lot of luck to do it.

Don't you think that most Sanders supporters will ultimately come around to supporting Biden because the alternative is just too awful to contemplate.

Or do you think your case is special?

Not really sure, what you mean?!

I think, there are a lot of "Bernie or bust"- voters, who might NOT come around!

Some sure will, because ...the lesser of two evils.

But some might vote "principled" and some (like in 2016) will even vote Trump, because they DON"T want a corporate democrat.


My case is indeed special...since I am German and hav no say in this anyways!

I just don't want Trump...in the interest of "the rest of the world"


  • Confused 1
1 hour ago, watso63 said:

A millionaire socialist that's never had a proper job in his life moaning and groaning about rich billionaire's? Not a bad return all thing's considered. Hang up the Hammer and Sickle and go live in your Cuban utopia. Good riddance. 

Oh jesus...:coffee1:

1 hour ago, watso63 said:

A millionaire socialist that's never had a proper job in his life moaning and groaning about rich billionaire's? Not a bad return all thing's considered. Hang up the Hammer and Sickle and go live in your Cuban utopia. Good riddance. 

If you write 2 best selling books, you too can become a millionaire.

  • Haha 1
28 minutes ago, Saint Nick said:

But as much as I despise Trump: he (and his team) are excellent at making themselves look good and the opponent bad!

And they will go hard on every gaffe, every lie, every inconsistency...and there are plenty!

I doubt, Biden can do the same!

Jeez.........if the Biden camp were to do likewise to trump, then they would have a field day with the things you mention: gaffes, lies, inconsistencies, theft and so much more.


Perhaps the Biden camp don't want to sink as low as trump and his supporters??

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4 hours ago, phkauf said:

Let's see:

Biden gets smoked in the first two primaries and the DNC and media gets spooked it will be Bernie. So Biden wins SC (a solid Red State) with massive support from black voters. Immediately he is enthroned as the leader again and two of the promising competitors (Pete and Klobuchar) are forced out before Super Tuesday. At that point Pete had more delegates than Biden. If they stayed in, Biden's Super Tuesday would have been less impressive.

The media and DNC have been covering up Biden's slow descent into dementia. Sure he looks good at times, but there are far too many <deleted> episodes that serious questions need to be asked.

Bloomberg was just in it to prevent Bernie from becoming the nominee.

But just like 2016, the DNC got their preferred candidate and somehow I think they will get the same result of Trump winning. Trump will not hold his punches in a debate and I feel Biden will have a Stockdale moment (Why I am I here?).


Biden was expected to win South Carolina, a state where the majority of Democrats are African-American.  Buttigieg and Klobuchar chose to drop out.  Bloomberg ran for his own reasons and dropped out for his own reasons, though as he stated the numbers after Super Tuesday didn't look good.  If "Biden's slow descent into dementia" (more like the gaffes he's long been know for) were covered up you wouldn't know about them.


Clearly many people like to imagine evil conspiracies, but there was no conspiracy by the DNC to stop Sanders.

  • Thanks 1
  • Haha 1
4 hours ago, Saint Nick said:

I was always a strong Bernie - supporter, but would now urge all of "us" to vote for Biden, even if he is just the lesser of 2 evils!

Unfortunately (if the Corona- virus doesn't sink Trump), I think the orange facist will mop the floor with Biden!

He simply offer too many points that are worth (and possible) attacking!

And by that, I don't mean his obvious frail state of "mind", but all his lies, his record on wars, social security and and and...

Biden wants to go back to normal!

Remember: "normal" was what gave us Trump!


It is a bit annoying that "voting for the lesser evil" is all that is left!

Voting for the lesser evil is what I generally do.  There is never a perfect candidate.

  • Like 2
1 hour ago, rhyddid said:

Sad, the only who had the chances to oust Trump!
Be ready for another 4 years of horrible wars, economics, disgrace, climate disasters and more worst pandemics! 

Only a theory. Most democrats think Biden has the best chance to beat 45. Thus Biden will be nominated. Bye bye Bernie. It's the end of the road for his presidential ambitions. 

  • Like 2
31 minutes ago, heybruce said:

Sanders is a career politician who has always talked a good story but never accomplished anything of significance.  He will never bring about the "revolution", whatever is meant by that, that his supporters hoped for.

Trump only looks good to those who go way beyond willful ignorance into the realm of enthusiastic ignorance.  Unfortunately there are a lot of these people, people who actually believe Trump keeps his campaign promises and drains swamps.

"Enthusiastic ignorance". Brilliant!!:clap2:

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Never a bernie fan but He would have won it if Warren had dropped out before super tuesday...Funny how all of bidens competition dropped out but warren (bernies competition) waited till after super tuesday to drop out. DNC rigged the candidate again and they know all bernie supporters will still vote for their candidate anyways instead of a republican...corruption at it's finest. Bernie supporters should all vote republican and then maybe the DNC will let the will of the people be heard instead of always manipulating the elections to get who they want in!

  • Confused 1
  • Haha 2
1 hour ago, xylophone said:

Jeez.........if the Biden camp were to do likewise to trump, then they would have a field day with the things you mention: gaffes, lies, inconsistencies, theft and so much more.


Perhaps the Biden camp don't want to sink as low as trump and his supporters??

Oh yeah...fighting the good fight!

You are aware, that politics is dirty business and often times, they guy with the loudes voice (and the biggest lies) wins?!

That is exactly the Denocrats problem: the Repubs are playing every dirty trick in the book and the Democrats apologize for calling them "deplorables"!

  • Haha 1
1 hour ago, heybruce said:

Sanders is a career politician who has always talked a good story but never accomplished anything of significance.  He will never bring about the "revolution", whatever is meant by that, that his supporters hoped for.

Trump only looks good to those who go way beyond willful ignorance into the realm of enthusiastic ignorance.  Unfortunately there are a lot of these people, people who actually believe Trump keeps his campaign promises and drains swamps.


"carreer politician who has always talked a good story..."

Are you talking about Bernie Sanders or his cousin Bruce?

2 hours ago, heybruce said:

Trump only looks good to those who go way beyond willful ignorance into the realm of enthusiastic ignorance.  Unfortunately there are a lot of these people, people who actually believe Trump keeps his campaign promises and drains swamps.


Trump is a demagogue. It may make you feel better to call those who voted for him ignorant, but it does nothing to help understand the situation. Trump voters aren't ignorant. They are being influenced by a very powerful personality who has chosen a highly sensitive subject on which to divide the American public. If you want to beat him, you have to understand the emotion he has tapped into. Biden is simply incapable of doing this.  He represents exactly what those supporting Trump are rebelling against.


Once a demagogue emerges, you have to do something drastic. Wars and coups are not unusual. Ask the ancient Greeks who coined the word and basically concluded democracy was an ineffective form of government when confronted with an individual like this. It is possible to remove the demagogue democratically, but only by addressing the underlying issues the demagogue is exploiting. 


Biden is the kind of politician that caused people to vote for Trump in the first place. It is sad the Democrats learned nothing from Hillary.



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I admit this caught me unawares, although I never paid much attention to the polls. I thought Biden was appearing sufficiently incoherent enough to secure his failure. 


Surprisingly, he has done quite well, and even more surprisingly Bernie looked like he was the one in need of meds during the last debate.


The appearance of Obama at Democrat convention will send Biden off to battle on a huge high for sure. Off to the sunset soon for Bernie.

9 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

I find it almost funny when some people like to show off their ignorance regarding socialism and communism.

Did you watch too much right wing propaganda? Or are you in general uneducated and ignorant?




Thanks man, I've been searching the internet for months trying to find the answer to that often asked and ever puzzling question that often gets tossed out by the amazing intellectuals on the left. If only I had the wisdom to search wikipedia. 


Thankyou. I've got them written down and ready to use should someone dare question my knowledge of socialism or communism the next time I accuse some old half wit socialist of being a Trotskyite!

41 minutes ago, Monomial said:


Trump is a demagogue. It may make you feel better to call those who voted for him ignorant, but it does nothing to help understand the situation. Trump voters aren't ignorant. They are being influenced by a very powerful personality who has chosen a highly sensitive subject on which to divide the American public. If you want to beat him, you have to understand the emotion he has tapped into. Biden is simply incapable of doing this.  He represents exactly what those supporting Trump are rebelling against.


Once a demagogue emerges, you have to do something drastic. Wars and coups are not unusual. Ask the ancient Greeks who coined the word and basically concluded democracy was an ineffective form of government when confronted with an individual like this. It is possible to remove the demagogue democratically, but only by addressing the underlying issues the demagogue is exploiting. 


Biden is the kind of politician that caused people to vote for Trump in the first place. It is sad the Democrats learned nothing from Hillary.



Yeah Trump put a spell on me!


But..let me give you the truth. The policies of the democrat party, and their hideous twins the neoconservatives hiding in the GOP frighten me. 


I would vote for a mannequin with a name tag over any Democrat candidate, provided his VP was a real paleoconservative, espousing anti globalist, nationalist isolationist leaning policies!


The personality called Donald Trump just happens to be pushing a basket of policies that I support, that doesn't scare the living daylights out of me!



40 minutes ago, Magenta408 said:

Bernie was there, again, simply to show up, do as he was told and to lose. He has no shame. He is a ramrod.

That's ridiculous. Again the type of disinformation being actively promoted online by both 45 and Russian propaganda. 

  • Haha 1
55 minutes ago, Monomial said:


Trump is a demagogue. It may make you feel better to call those who voted for him ignorant, but it does nothing to help understand the situation. Trump voters aren't ignorant. They are being influenced by a very powerful personality who has chosen a highly sensitive subject on which to divide the American public. If you want to beat him, you have to understand the emotion he has tapped into. Biden is simply incapable of doing this.  He represents exactly what those supporting Trump are rebelling against.


Once a demagogue emerges, you have to do something drastic. Wars and coups are not unusual. Ask the ancient Greeks who coined the word and basically concluded democracy was an ineffective form of government when confronted with an individual like this. It is possible to remove the demagogue democratically, but only by addressing the underlying issues the demagogue is exploiting. 


Biden is the kind of politician that caused people to vote for Trump in the first place. It is sad the Democrats learned nothing from Hillary.



Your mistake is believing that 2020 is 2016 and that Biden is Hillary Clinton. 

  • Haha 1
5 hours ago, bristolboy said:

It's funny. On the one hand you are going to support Biden because you don't want another 4 years of Trump.

On the other you think he's going to need a lot of luck to do it.

Don't you think that most Sanders supporters will ultimately come around to supporting Biden because the alternative is just too awful to contemplate.

Or do you think your case is special?

That will be the unanswered question going in to November, can sleepy Joe bring out the vote. My guess, is that heading into the election we will see so much Barack Obama on the campaign trail it will look like he is the one running

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