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How virus is spreading in Thailand


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The panic and righteous indignation you people are experiencing is quite palpable.


And its the same folk with the same complaints in every thread.


Not enough done, too much done, should have closed borders earlier, shouldnt have closed borders at all, its the same thing over and over again. 


You all know better, you all know different.


I choose to ride it out here, and that is what ill do.


Fact of the matter is you are all scared <deleted>less and this is new to everyone.


Get a grip already.



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4 hours ago, Eibot said:

5000 ICU? 

80000 waited to be tested? All in the waiting room next to their ICU unit that has 5000 beds?


What you smoking? I could use some good stuff during these lockdowns.. LOL

Well how come there are infected people here but hardly any deaths ?

Look at how many deaths there are daily abroad due to corona.. Do they got miracle doctors here? 

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10 hours ago, alyx said:

Trust me, they are getting paranoid and some (?) start seeing caucasians as the gwáilóu (鬼佬) (white devil), bearer of all the afflictions in this world. 
I had an unpleasant experience today and it is the first time I have ever felt that way in decades in Thailand. I live in a popular area of Bangkok where foreigners are common sight. I went to the 7/11 next to my building and I was waiting near by the cashier when a maskless ( but that is not the point) 40/50 yoa Thai man entered to do some purchase. When he passed me by he told to go away ( in Thai) but I did not reply. I just decided to move around in the shop, approaching him, at a "social distance", in order to annoy him: it worked quite well. I then told him to go away (in a nicer way). I paid and left. As I counted this story to some friends later today, I was told that the same kind of things had happened to them. Bad memories rush to the surface....

Not good to experience, but provoking him isn't good either, best to avoid that

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On 3/25/2020 at 12:27 PM, ben2talk said:

And I was told today that the emergency measure to be taken tomorrow is.... a curfew!

That's really going to stop it once it hits the factories...

It’s already there according to a contact that I have in the Thesaban, who has said that there are 3 confirmed cases between Rong Po market and Takhiantia.  One of them apparently works for a certain Japanese giant that  not only makes aircon and other household electricals but also used to make rather successful rally cars. 

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13 hours ago, alyx said:

Trust me, they are getting paranoid and some (?) start seeing caucasians as the gwáilóu (鬼佬) (white devil), bearer of all the afflictions in this world. 
I had an unpleasant experience today and it is the first time I have ever felt that way in decades in Thailand. I live in a popular area of Bangkok where foreigners are common sight. I went to the 7/11 next to my building and I was waiting near by the cashier when a maskless ( but that is not the point) 40/50 yoa Thai man entered to do some purchase. When he passed me by he told to go away ( in Thai) but I did not reply. I just decided to move around in the shop, approaching him, at a "social distance", in order to annoy him: it worked quite well. I then told him to go away (in a nicer way). I paid and left. As I counted this story to some friends later today, I was told that the same kind of things had happened to them. Bad memories rush to the surface....

What an ignorant response,  you are acheiving nothing and doing none of us any favours.


Reading the artitudes of many on here, I find it no wonder that there may be tensions against foreigners.


I certainly would not allow such miserable guests in my home.

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