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Face mask may not work with a beard or moustache

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3 minutes ago, gamesgplayemail said:

maybe time for them to realize how ugly they look ? And for women too ! How can they accept such ugly and dirty style that even my grandfather would not like.



Another sad, hairless beta.

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7 minutes ago, gamesgplayemail said:

maybe time for them to realize how ugly they look ? And for women too ! How can they accept such ugly and dirty style that even my grandfather would not like.



Smooth as a baby’s bottom

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22 minutes ago, gamesgplayemail said:

maybe time for them to realize how ugly they look ? And for women too ! How can they accept such ugly and dirty style that even my grandfather would not like.

Send this to your grandfather.

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Its the reason that many militaries dont allow their troop to grow beards, others at least in theaters with the risk of Nuclear, Biological or chemical warfare.


The rubber masks get a better seal against the skin. Common sense really.

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There are N95 respirator masks, and then there are loose fitting paper drugstore type masks that many Thais are wearing because they can't obtain anything else.


The N95 masks, like those worn by medical staff who treat COVID patients, can be very effective at preventing the wearer from being infected, IF worn and handled properly. That includes proper fitting on the face, hand hygiene, AND being CLEAN SHAVEN!!!!


If the wearer has a beard or just a lot of facial hair, the face hair prevents the mask from being able to have an airtight seal on the face. A modest mustache alone, though, probably wouldn't pose a problem, because that's not where the mask seals against the face.


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4 hours ago, Enzian said:

Actually I wear the mask as much for the pollution as the virus; the virus got me to wear the mask regularly for the pollution finally. And without testing none of us know if we have it already, and we certainly may ignore the early onset thinking that it is just something transitory. So masks still make sense.

I hope its nothing less than an N95 mask otherwise it's pointless as the surgical masks don't stop the PM2.5

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17 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:

I hope its nothing less than an N95 mask otherwise it's pointless as the surgical masks don't stop the PM2.5

There are several kinds.


Edited by rabas
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2 hours ago, mushroomdave said:

Actually the WHO still does not recommend wearing any kind of mask unless you are ill, someone near you is ill, or you are a medical professional.  Anybody hoarding these things should be donating them to the real heroes, the front-line workers in all this!!! 


This is the latest WHO video and take note:




Sorry, but the WHO that waited 2 whole months to call this a pandemic after its own determining criteria for what makes it a pandemic had been passed can take a number.


Their repeated contention that a mask is only effective if you encounter someone who coughs or sneezes is laughable considering that the symptoms of the flu, any flu, will make someone cough and/or sneeze. It's as if they think coughing and sneezing is such a low-incidence event it's irrelevant.

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Personally, I wear a face mask for the psychological benefit I derive from having a physical barrier between me and the outside, the same way I like to put papers around a public toilet seat before I sit on it.  It may not prevent anything at all, but I feel better for it.


UNICEF says the following about masks and Corona virus, and I quote: "Corona virus is large in size, where the cell diameter is 400-500 microns, and, for this reason, any mask prevents its entry (my itallics).

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2 hours ago, superal said:

I was told yesterday by my lady , that even if you are driving your car and alone you must wear a mask and is now a penalty of 200 baht for failing to do so . 

Fake news.


22 hours ago, webfact said:

Police also said that reports on social media that people are being fined 200 baht for not wearing a face mask is fake news.


While there is no mandatory requirement to wear a face mask, police once again asked people who go outside to try and ensure they wear one.


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I came across this, which may be the biggest protection against the virus of all:


People must not cough near you, they must cough far way.

If you hear someone coughing, you must tell them to Far Cough!


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37 minutes ago, allanos said:

Personally, I wear a face mask for the psychological benefit I derive from having a physical barrier between me and the outside, the same way I like to put papers around a public toilet seat before I sit on it.  It may not prevent anything at all, but I feel better for it.


UNICEF says the following about masks and Corona virus, and I quote: "Corona virus is large in size, where the cell diameter is 400-500 microns, and, for this reason, any mask prevents its entry (my itallics).

This has been reported as fake news, not from UNICEF Malaysia.



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The benefits of a mask, for those that do not work in areas full of infected people like in hospitals (or busy government offices like immigration ) or are infected themselves:


1. It tells others you are aware of the situation

2. It reminds others there is a situation

3. It stops you from picking your nose or touching your mouth 


It's fairly easy to see any sort of mask or bandana does that too. N95's are needed when in an environment where the virus could have aerosolized, like when taking care of an infected person in home isolation or hospital settings. Otherwise, be creative and do some fashiion, biaaaatches!




Edited by DrTuner
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On 3/27/2020 at 9:19 AM, mushroomdave said:

Adding to my previous post above, Taiwan is ahead of most countries and have been through this before.  When Sars was happening I was in Taiwan, and face masks were mandatory in almost every place you went.  Today, for Corona, I am here once again.....the difference???....there is no mandatory public places you "must" wear them at all!! 

They know the facts, and that it is not an airborne disease/virus, it lingers on surfaces.  So masks are not needed.  And you can check the #'s.....Taiwan is controlling it better than most......and when you consider the proximity to China, you would not expect that right???   I would look to them!! 


Health Experts Are Telling Healthy People Not to Wear Face Masks



Coronavirus: Face Masks Are Not An Effective Way To Protect Yourself




Your quotes are just selectively confirming your bias...  because its ‘out there’ (in the media) it doesn’t mean its correct. You will be able to find an equal amount of information that highlight how the virus can survive airborne for up to 3 hours, some papers are suggesting it can survive airborne for up to 8 hours. 







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On 3/27/2020 at 1:48 PM, hobz said:

Face masks are not 100% protection in any case.

Thats missing the whole point... this ‘do masks help’ debate has approached the issue from the wrong angle and is playing into the hands of the selfish and those lacking in any intelligent discretion.


Don’t consider a mask as protecting yourself. Consider it as protecting others... i.e. like a shield preventing your exhaled breath and aerosol from travelling far from your body... (especially if you cough or sneeze).


Of course, Masks alone are not the answer, the are an ingredient, contributing to an aggregate response which we hope will work. 


What we do know - those who ignore some or all of the recommended measures are contributing to the problem.

Edited by richard_smith237
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On 3/27/2020 at 8:32 AM, sometimewoodworker said:

Virtually no masks that are in common us do anything much to protect the wearer from becoming infected, day to day. They do have a roll in protecting others if you are infected. They are just to appear to be doing something.


Also the WHO saying that your are contagious during the incubatient period and before showing symptoms. Basically putting a mask on when showing symptoms, is already too late. 


Very odd advise. 

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