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Pattaya: Desperate times mean desperate measures - heavily armed "proactive" police protecting businesses

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So are they going to leave tourist motorbike riders alone, wait a minuite where have they gone.

12 hours ago, canopus1969 said:

So the moron sends them out with assault rifles, just how dumb is he – sorry that was rhetorical

"Put down the cheese toasty !". Nothing like automatic weapons to stop panic buying on stationary and individually wrapped cakes..

  • Haha 1

Collateral damage:  It is ok to spray bullets around is a 7/11 with shoppers inside just to nail a thief take took 100 bahts of goods.  Collateral damage is just the price innocent people have to pay.  After all we think we got the right guy that was the thief!   Me thinks it is a good time to not leave the building until cooler heads prevail.  Oh wait, where am I at again!?!  

10 hours ago, phetchy said:

Four flights into U-Tapao and five out today and tomorrow. As the borders are closed I guess theses planes are coming in empty and taking the Russkies back home?

Direct flights from Wuhan?

18 hours ago, malibukid said:

yes and also the guys who restock the ATM's there.  they don't monkey around in KL

I remember once when i was in china when they were refilling an atm. They had 6 police with assault rifiles standing there and a baracade officially shutting down a 6 meter radious around the atm until they were done. And if anyone even tried to get beyond that theyd be shot instantly. I kmow be shot as when i tried to approach just to enter the bank 3 raised their guns amd said im mandarin something i i understood they meant i need to back up and wait till there done then can enter the bank. So i did. 

23 hours ago, petedk said:

It's the same group of people at the two locations.


All done for show. 


I saw some guys dress up in Hazmat suits. Did a little spraying on the pavement while someone took videos and photos. Five minutes later took off the suits, threw them into the back of the car and drove away (maybe to the next video shoot).

They are talking to the workers not guarding the businesses

23 hours ago, NoBrainer said:

In the Philippines Almost every security guard is packing at least a shotgun, and often much more.

When you got to convenience store there, you always see armed guard(s) in the front of the stores.


Seems to work well there, armed robberies are fairly rare.

Correct. The same in a lot of places in Spain......

28 minutes ago, overherebc said:

My opinion only.

If you want to pick a country where the gun violence is most likely to kick off go where they have the right to arm bears or something like that.


or you could call the police if you were being mugged because you were unarmed, and they MIGHT show up half an hour later with could care less looks on their faces.


or if in a really sideways situation (like if the grocery stores were getting shut down because of oh, a faux flu terror?) and the local gang decides your house looks good to invade and rob... yesoverherebc, you could always try to talk calmly with them and explain the situation... (rolling eyes emoticon here)


or if a fully corrupt oppressive government came into power and was threatening your livelihood, your home, you and your family, etc etc, you and a few million others might have a chance to resist by what means?


Well this isn't my country, but at in my least my country we have the inalienable right to bear arms!

  • Like 1
16 minutes ago, glennb6 said:


or you could call the police if you were being mugged because you were unarmed, and they MIGHT show up half an hour later with could care less looks on their faces.


or if in a really sideways situation (like if the grocery stores were getting shut down because of oh, a faux flu terror?) and the local gang decides your house looks good to invade and rob... yesoverherebc, you could always try to talk calmly with them and explain the situation... (rolling eyes emoticon here)


or if a fully corrupt oppressive government came into power and was threatening your livelihood, your home, you and your family, etc etc, you and a few million others might have a chance to resist by what means?


Well this isn't my country, but at in my least my country we have the inalienable right to bear arms!

Nice name.

Where I come from glennb6 would be on a map. ????????

On 3/27/2020 at 10:13 AM, webfact said:


Desperate economic times as the Covid-19 crisis widens means thieves might become increasingly desperate, reported the media.


The resort's force are particularly worried about increase in snatch theft and robbery.

Desperate economic times as the Covid-19 crisis widens means average citizens out of work and without money might become increasingly desperate, reported the media.


Congratulations to the ruling class everywhere.  You're about to make a whole new criminal class out of the citizens you've forced out of work and into a neo-Depression - coming to a country near you soon.  Break out the armed police and private para-military and armed rent a cops.  It will be open season on looters soon enough.

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Wonder how many of the comedians on this board are renting their property back home to help finance their high jinks and tomfoolery in Thailand.

They just might find their rent stops and if they get ill with this virus, well thats another story. Even the 'its only the flu' comments stopped a few weeks ago when the horror show in Italy got broadcast on TV everyday.

Back here in Blighty everyone seems to be taking it real serious. No exit strategy and a serious of waves forecast.

That doesn't concern the hard men on this forum. Keep smiling fellas because the jokes going to be on you real soon.

On 3/27/2020 at 1:08 PM, NoBrainer said:

In the Philippines Almost every security guard is packing at least a shotgun, and often much more.

When you got to convenience store there, you always see armed guard(s) in the front of the stores.


Seems to work well there, armed robberies are fairly rare.

Few if any have bullets, shells. Farce.

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On 3/27/2020 at 6:26 PM, Rudie k said:

I'll tell ya right now...you better watch yer back. As this gets worse...Falang will be the First to be robbed. Especially older guys alone. I grew up on the South Side of Chicago all my life. I've never had a problem here cause I brought my street smarts with me. I am no bad ass...but then again, i dont trust nobody here. Every Falang here should know Thai rak Thai...and we are just walking ATM machines. You better get that fixed between your ears boys. This WILL get worse before it gets bettere.

You are very right...it's time for us all to have a little something to protect ourselves and our family.....


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I was in Husong's Cantina in Ensenada, Mexico and saw an armed guard in fatigues with a side arm strapped to his belt and upper thigh. Also, carrying around a pistol grip shotgun. I did not faze me one bit. Stay safe, stay armed.

On 3/27/2020 at 8:37 AM, baansgr said:

I've talked to many guys over the years that were here 40 or so years ago....they all said the same, crime was rife then as nobody had any money...it's gonna be the same now with 10 million or more out of work with no social back up.

If the government don't take care of the people then the people will take care of the government. It's that simple.

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