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Lucky Phrases


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I will be posting using my own system of transliteration. Why? Because it is more exacting and distinguishes between similar sounding consonants, and between long and short vowels. This should facilitate reverse transliteration back to Thai. Infrequently used consonants are not included, and final consonants in words will be changed to indicate their actual sound. Here it is:

Tone marks: - low(l) - falling(f) - high(h) - rising®

*indicates I have modified/improved the translation/definition

**indicates my own original translation

SHORT - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - LONG

(a) knot, trot - - - - - - - - - - - - - (aa) father, bond

bat(l) (card), sat(l) animal - - - - - bplaa (fish)

(i) tip, bit - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (ee) see, tree

sit(l) (rights), jit(l)(mind, psyche) - - - - - - -meet(f) (knife)

(u) boot, sut(l) (end) - - - - - - - - -(oo) food, balloon

phut(h) (Buddha, Wednesday) - - - - - - - - - -noo® (mouse)

(eu!) suit, neuk(h)(think) - - - - - - - - - - - - (eu) meu (hand)

(e, eh) fed, pet, let - - - - - - - - - - - -(ay) pale, main, aim

phet(l) spicy - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -layk(f) (number)

(ae!) cat, trap, rap - - - - - - - - - - - - (ae) sad, ham

krae!(h) (midget, dwarf) - - - - - - - - - - dtaek(l) (shatter)

(o) boat, float - - - - -- - - - - - - (oh) grow, moan, toe

dto!(h) (table) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - groht(l) (angry)

(au) caught, bought - - - - - - - - - - - - (aw) saw, law, dawn

gau (island) - - - -- - - - - rawn(h)(hot), nawk(f)(outside)

(ua!) uak!(f) (vomit) - - - - - -(ua) dtua (body)

(iu) hiu® (hungry) - - - - - - - - - - - - - -(uai) ruai (wealthy)

niu(h) finger - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -suai® pretty

(ia!) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -(ia) mia (wife), rian (learn)

(eua!) - - - - - - - - - - - (eua) reua (boat) - seua® (tiger)

(ui) pui® (fertilizer) - - - - - - - - - - - - (euai) leuai(f) saw

kui (chat)

(er!) ler! (dirty) - - - - - - - - - - (er, oe) burn, dern (walk)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - ngoen (silver)

(ao) clout, trout - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -(aao) town, proud

ao (take), mao (drunk) - - - - -- saao® young girl

(ai) bite - - - - - - - - - - - - - (aai) fine, grind, line

bpai (go), bai (leaf, sheet) - - - - - - - - - - - -saai® (line)

(eo) reo (quickly) - - -(ayo) ayo (waist), layo (bad)

(aeo) maeo (cat) - - - - - - - - - (aaeo) laaeo(h) (already)

- - - - - - - - - - - - -LONG - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

(oai) doai (by), kha(l)-moai (steal)

(iao) niao® (sticky, tough)

tiao(f) (party, trip, visit)

(oei) noei (butter), koei (ever), gra(l)-toei (transvestite)

(awy) toy, lawy (to float), awy(f) (sugar)

g gaw gai

kh khaw khai(l)

k kaw kwaai

d daw dek(l)

dt dtaw dtao(l)

b baw bai maai)

bp bpaw bplaa

ph phaw paan

p paw peung(f), sam-pao

t taw ta(h)-haan®, tong

I will be emphasizing phrases rather than individual words, and in context whenever possible. Why? Because Thai translates much better on a phrase for phrase basis than when one attempts to translate word for word, which often comes out as meaningless gibberish. If you learn a word in context, then there is a much better chance that you will retain and use that word than if you learn a dictionary definition. Knowing the various usages of the word is far more important. And I will also be emphasizing phrases that I have translated myself from real life, books and movies which are not found in dictionaries and phrasebooks. Why? Because where else are you going to learn them?

Edited by luckyfarang
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give one's word, commit oneself* - - - - - - dtok(l) bpaak(l) dtok(l) kam

stuck in a rut** - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - dtok(l) rawng(f)

it takes two to tango* - - - - - - - - -dtop(l) meu khaang(f) diao mai(f) dang

he made his own bed, let him lie in it** - - - - - - - -tam dtua khao® ayng

let nature take it's course, let it go** - - - - - - - -bplawy(l) man bpai dtaam reuang(f)

down to earth - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -dteen dtit(l) din

double dealing, two faced, hypocritical - - - - - - - - - - dtee sawng® naa(f)

follow one around like a puppy dog*, to be clingy** - - - - - - - - - - -dtit(l) sawy® hawy(f) dtaam

travel separately to the same destination* - - - - - - - - - - -dtaang(l) kon dtaang(l) bpai

simple folk, common folk - - - - - - - - - - - - -dtaa see® dtaa saa®

grandparents, ancestors - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -bpoo(l) yaa(f) dtaa yaai

trophy girl**, trophy wife** - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -dtuk(h)-ga(l)-dtaa naa(f) rot(h)

jump around excitedly or agitatedly* - - - - - - - - - - -dten(f) raeng(h) dten(f) gaa

get enough sleep* - - - - - - - - - - - - - -nawn lap(l) dtem dtaa, nawn lap(l) dtem im(l)*

I can assure you that… - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -poot(f) dai(f) dtem bpaak(l)

blind leading the blind** (dwarf carry the hunchback) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -dtia(f) um(f) kawm(f)

day in day out, every single day - - - - - - - - - - - - mai(f) wayn(h) dtae(l) la(h) wan

pubescent, to reach puberty - - - - - - - - - - - -dtaek(l) neua(h) saao®, dtaek(l) num(l) dtaek(l) saao®

walk softly but carry a big stick**, hypocritical - - - - - - - meu theu® saak(l) bpaak(l) theu® sin®

not give a hoot**, not give a d-mn** - - - - - - mai(f) sai(l) jai, tam bpen tawng mai(f) roo(h) rawn(h)

all one has to one's name - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -tang(h) neua(h) tang(h) dtua

old geezer* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - dtaa tao(f)

you scumbag* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -ai(f) wayn nan(h)

cut the bull*, don't give me that sh-t* - - - - - - -yaa(l) maa yohk(f)-yoh(h), yaa(l) maa lee-laa

conceited - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -yok(h) dton khom(l) taan(f)

you psychopathic bitch* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - yaai jit(l) wi(h)-bpa(l)-rit(l)

no big deal, no biggy - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - mai(f) theu® saa®

boobs, tits - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -ang® nom อั๋ง นม

has no sense of time - - - - - - - - - - - -mai(f) roo(h) jak(l) way-lam(f) way-laa เวล่ำ

The last two contain words that I could not find in any dictionary, but seem to be recognized by some Thai people. I would appreciate any one's experiences with these words.

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Not too sure about your transliteration system there, but for all the native Thai speaking lurkers out there looking for a good new words in English, LuckyFarangs avatar can only be described in the too little used adjective "brobdingnagian". :o

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Can you also post the words in thai characters please? I find it easier than learning yet another transliteration system.

Second that request, in fact I would see no problem dispensing with the transliteration altogether. These phrases are ill-suited for use by beginning learners, whose motivation to learn the Thai script may be increased by these tantalizing phrases. Anyone who can actually read Thai will have a better sense of when/where to use these phrases (or not).

That said, thank you for a really great compendium of phrases, good job.

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Can you also post the words in thai characters please? I find it easier than learning yet another transliteration system.

Second that request, in fact I would see no problem dispensing with the transliteration altogether. These phrases are ill-suited for use by beginning learners, whose motivation to learn the Thai script may be increased by these tantalizing phrases. Anyone who can actually read Thai will have a better sense of when/where to use these phrases (or not).

That said, thank you for a really great compendium of phrases, good job.

อ่าน ออก เขียน ได้ แค้ ชัก ช้า ครับ

คุณ ขอ ร้อง สักต บาง คำ ได้ ก็ แล้ว กัน

It took me about ten minutes to type the above two lines. It took more than a minute just to locate the Law Ling key…. And I didn't spell check, so might contain mistakes.

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ตบ สลบ ไสล- - - - - - - slap you silly, (literally, slap you unconscious) - - - dtop(l) sa(l)-lop(l) sa(l)-lai®

หอก เสียบ ก้น - - - - - pain in the ass (arse) - - - - hawk(l) siap(l) gon(f)

คอย ดู ก็ แล้ว กัน - - - - just you wait, you'll get yours - - - kawy doo gaw(f) laeo(h) gan

เอว ให้ เข็ด - - - - teach you a lesson - - - ao hai(f) khet(l)

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Not too sure about your transliteration system there, but for all the native Thai speaking lurkers out there looking for a good new words in English, LuckyFarangs avatar can only be described in the too little used adjective "brobdingnagian". :D

Not too sure either, IPA is more 'exacting'.

Can you also post the words in thai characters please? I find it easier than learning yet another transliteration system.

Second that request, in fact I would see no problem dispensing with the transliteration altogether. These phrases are ill-suited for use by beginning learners, whose motivation to learn the Thai script may be increased by these tantalizing phrases. Anyone who can actually read Thai will have a better sense of when/where to use these phrases (or not).

That said, thank you for a really great compendium of phrases, good job.

อ่าน ออก เขียน ได้ แค้ ชัก ช้า ครับ

คุณ ขอ ร้อง สักต บาง คำ ได้ ก็ แล้ว กัน

It took me about ten minutes to type the above two lines. It took more than a minute just to locate the Law Ling key…. And I didn't spell check, so might contain mistakes.

สักต should be สะกด, and แค้้ should be แค่. No need to separate the words lucky. :o

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<<<อ่าน ออก เขียน ได้ แค้ ชัก ช้า ครับ

คุณ ขอ ร้อง สักต บาง คำ ได้ ก็ แล้ว กัน>>>

<<<สักต should be สะกด, and แค้้ should be แค่. No need to separate the words lucky. :o >>>

Yes, sabaijai, thanks for the correction. I have only been literate for several months, but am making rapid progress.

Do you live near Jinda Villa?

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chuai(f) song®-krau(h) tee na(h)- - - - - - do me a favor

tam-nawng diao gan - - - - - similarly, in the same vein, following the same pattern**

yaa(l) theu® saa® loei - - - - - - - - don't take it seriously

chuai(f) faak(l) ngaan hai(f) khao® - - - - - - got him a job

meu sang®-haan® - - - - - - - - - - assassin

nawp(f) nawm(h) - - - - - - - show respect for, be respectful to

yaa(l) woo®-waam - - - - - - - - don't be too hasty

gi(l)-ri(h)-yaa waa jaa - - - - - - - - - words and actions**

bpai pheung(f) yaat(f) - - - go to relatives for help, move back in with one's family

pheung(f) lom haai® jai khawng® kon eun(l)- - - depend on someone else for a living

lom(h) luk(h) kluk(h) klaan - - suffer many setbacks, to be full of frustration, a bumpy road

khawng® gay(h) - - - - - - - counterfeit, fake, phony

yua(f) hai(f) khao® heung!® - - - - - - make him/her jealous

kwaam jong rak(h) pak(h) dee - - - - - loyalty, allegiance**

kon mai(f) nae(f) jing - - - - - - - - - - - a wimp

gaao(f) raao(h) - - - - - - - - - aggressive, belligerent

bpen kun maak(f) gwaa(l) thoht(f) - - the pluses outweigh the minuses, more upside than down

gra(l)-taek(f) gra(l)-tan(h) - - - - - - put your foot down**

bpan(l) bpuan(l) - - - - - cause a commotion, catch them off guard**

kawy ngeuak(l) haeng(f) bplao(l) bplao(l) - - - - - - wait in vain**, you'll be waiting forever**, waiting 'til the cows come home**

bplae dtaam dtua, bplae dtrong dtua - - - - - literally translated

eua(f) feua(h) peua(f) pae(l) - - - - - - - - generosity

gaan chai(h) chee-wit(h) - - - - - - - - - lifestyle*

khat(l) son® ngern tawng - - - - - - - hard up, urgently in need of money

thang® khaao(f) saan® - - - - - - - sugar daddy, walking wallet**

dtok(l) thang® khaao(f) saan® - - - - - - - - hit the jackpot**

gaan gaeng(l) yaeng(f) ching dee - - - - - a free for all**, cutthroat competion**

kong yoo(l) dai(f) - - - - - - sustainable**, able to function**

kong yoo(l) dai(f) mai(f) lom(h) - - - - sustainable** in the long run, self sustaining**

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a non-issue**, mountain out of a molehill - - - reuang(f) mai(f) bpen reuang(f)

a perfect ten* (sports)- - - - - - ka-naen® dtem sip(l)

a real honor**, prestigious - - - - - - - chert(f) naa(f) choo dtaa

a real sport*, a real big spender* - - - - - - - jai sa-pawt(l)

ace in the hole**, hold a trump card, hold the winning hand** - - - - teu® phai(f) neua® gwaa(l)

alarmist**, boy who cried wolf - - - - - dek(l) liang(h) gae(l)

and the winner is**, namely - - - - - - - dai(f) gae(l)

anyone's guess**, still up in the air** - - - - - gam(f)-geung!(l)

at each others throats** - - - - - - - gat(l) gan, koo(f) gat(l)**

attending physician** - - - - - - - - jao(f) khawng® khai(f)

basic - - - - - - - - - peun(h)-peun(h)

bat one's eyes**, try to look innocent** - - - - - - - - tam dtaa bprip(l) bprip(l)

be a loner**, think outside the box**, unconventional - - - - dtaek(l) foong®

be in a rut**, never do anything new* - - - - - jam-jay, sam-saak(f), jam-jay sam-saak(f)

be suckered*, be taken in*, be deceived* - - - - - - - - long® cheua(f)

beat a confession out of a suspect** - - - -sawm(h) poo(f) dtawng(f) haa®

being mentored by**, take under one's wing** - - - - - - - yoo(l) nai saai® dtaa khawng®

bitchy* - - - - - - - - - khee(f) ngeuan

bleed someone dry**, overcharge - - khoot(l) leuat(f), khoot(l) leuat(f) khoot(l) neua(h)

blind as a bat**, poor eyesight, going blind - - - - - - - - - dtaa thua(l)

bodacious na-na's**, firm and ample breasts - - - - - nom dtayng(l) dteung!

bodacious ta-ta's* - - - - - nom ba-ler(f)

catch forty winks**, take a little nap, take a short nap - - - - - lap(l) ngeep(f) neung(l)

chomping at the bit** - - - - - - - gra(l)-hian(f)-gra(l)-heu®-reu

choosy - - - - - - - - - - - leuak(f) maak(f)

clean one's plate** - - - - - - - - - - - - gin gliang(f)

college prep** - - - - - - - - - - dtriam u(l)-dom

higher education** - - - - - - - - - - dtriam u(l)-dom seuk(l)-saa®

come on down!**, please welcome** - - - - - - - khaw® chern

commit atrocities**, do evil things - - - - - gaw(l) gaam tam khayn®

con man*, swindler* - - - - - - - - - poo(f) dtom(f), poo(f) dtom(f) dtun®

contagious laughter**, laugh together* - - - - - - hua®-rau(h) gan kak(h)-cheeo

couch potato**, one who overstays, lard butt** - - - - - - gon(f) nak(l), gon(f) dta(l)-gua(l)

crud**, residue, waste - - - - - - - - - gaak(l)

Curses!, D-mn! - - - - - - - - wayn-gaam

deep in thought** - - - - - - kit(h) leuk(h), kit(h) leuk(h) seung(h)

dinner is served* - - - - - - a-haan® sayt(l) riap(f)-rawy(h) laeo(h)

don't get cute**, don't try and pull anything** - - - - - - yaa(l) tam a(l)-rai dtuk(l) dtik(l)

down to posterity**, for succeeding generations - - - - - - chua(f) look(f) chua(f) laan®

drooling over**, to be drooling over** - - - - - tam taa(f) ga(l)-lim(h)-ga(l)-leeo®

dump a bike**, veer off course - - - - - - - cha(l)-laep(l)

easy prey**, lost little girl**, hooker - - - - - - gai(l) long®, gai(l) long® taang

end a losing streak**, get past a period of misfortune - - - - - - phon(h) krau(h)

enough to get by**, barely enough** - - - - - - phaw gin phaw chai(h)

feel out of place - - - - - - - - - roo(h)-seuk bplaek(l) dtaa

find a solution, work it out** - - - - - - - - - kit(h) dtok(l)

for the h-ll of it**, just a whim - - - - gaw(f) neuk!(h) kreum!(h) kheun!(f) maa

f-ck you** - - - - - - - - chaang(f) hua® meung! bpa(l)-rai

Edited by luckyfarang
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