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Brits in Thailand wanting to return to UK should go NOW - expats urged to register with Embassy

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5 minutes ago, SupermarineS6B said:

Cheeky ........  Many "Farangs" have done a lot for Thailand, don't forget that........ 

Yeah, sure! They wouldn´t have managed without us. Really! You put yourself on a pillar, little guy.

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6 hours ago, Matzzon said:

No problem, but then there is no need to complain. Or maybe that is deep rooted in the culture?

Here you go again........ "Deep rooted in the culture" ?   I might remind you sunshine that most western countries have put up with a lot more than Thailand ever has..... Personally i had a lot of family in Kanchanaburi and Burma that put up with a lot more than a virus that might or might not harm you........ Not a Thai in sight by the way.......... Apart from the ones that shopped the escapees.......    

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monstrous virus ...
so monstrous that invisible on the chart 


25 minutes ago, Chiang Mai Bill said:

es, in Europe the figures are scary -- but few realise that the given numbers of those infected are based on the very few who have been tested! And the number of deaths are only those that have died in hospital -- not those that have died at home or in nursing homes


or fool's virus.

Edited by marqus12
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9 minutes ago, VBF said:

I'm similar. I AM a tourist - I was on an SETV with a 2-month planned trip as I do most years - I sometimes get 1 extension at Jomtien to stay up to 90 days.

I take vital meds that would have eventually run out despite me bringing a 2 week emergency supply.

My SETV expires on 4th April which was my original, scheduled return date.

I was staying in an hotel in an increasingly locking down Pattaya.


When the FCO first said "leave now while you can" on 23rd March, I did just that. Emirates weren't and at time of writing still aren't flying so my ticket wasn't any good.

I CHOSE to buy a direct BKK to LHR ticket on Thai. The only option available was Business Class at 85,000 Baht. I was on Emirates Business Class anyway so as far as THAT goes I was choosing like for like. I shall be claiming that ticket back through my Travel Insurance, who had previously emailed me to say that I was covered for Covid-related  problems as long as I had begun my trip before 18 March which was the case (I arrived 5th Feb.) On the flight there were at least 4 other "Emirates refugees" - when I booked there were 3 flights available - the guy behind me got the next one!


Since my return, Emirates have re-issued my ticket which is a better deal than a voucher - my new ticket is good for 2 years, apparently.

I've not yet been able to lodge an insurance claim as the call centre is overwhelmed.


Have been to the supermarket and stocked up with food to go in the freezer (I like cooking).

Despite having to queue, most things are available in my area; my daily walk sometimes takes me via Sainsburys, Waitrose, the Co-Op etc.

None of the small Asian stores are taking advantage - their prices are as ever - more expensive than big supermarkets by a small amount.


If not needing shopping I can walk to local beauty spots and do 5km walks whilst complying with the distancing requirements. I have hobbies which go some way to occupying me.


So am I better off in my own home than in Thailand? At present yes but when this is all over I shall be back. I quite understand that those who call Thailand home will not want to do what I have done so no flames please - this is MY experience.

Really nice to hear a positive story for a change.


Great that you made it back to your home.


Stay safe, and healthy - best of luck......

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2 hours ago, Liverpoolfan said:

oh great, so I will be stuck in Frankfurt for god knows how long whilst the whole of Europe is on lockdown.

Use your noggin mate.

U should start using yours, and actually do some research instead of spewing all your bile over this forum.

But i guess your mood is because of your choice of football club ????

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6 hours ago, nobodysfriend said:

 Today :



The UK government is facing growing pressure to ramp up coronavirus testing and restrictions on movement, as Britain reported its biggest daily increase in deaths. Some 2,352 virus patients died yesterday, up 563 in a day.

PM Boris Johnson, himself having tested positive and in isolation, says testing was “massively increasing” and it was “the way through” the pandemic.

Yesterday’s announcement marked the first time the UK has reported more than 500 deaths over 24 hours from Covid-19.

yes but $ is more important than lives -don't ya know?  therefore it's a matter of too little -too late..

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17 minutes ago, Johnnyy said:

That’s just not true, typical scaremongering nonsense.


Where does your sister live to have all those issues ? 

The supermarkets have now organised themselves properly and most items remain fully stocked. 


You stay there mate. 

I got back and your exactly right the only thing he said that was true is that a few corner shops are overpricing and have been shown up to be the scum they are. Supermarkets have got it sorted. Glad to be back


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What’s the point “ followed instructions blah blah blah 

received email from embassy as follows !

British Nationals in Phuket: spaces available on Swiss charter flight to Zurich

WK 2051. Departure: 23:35 on April 2nd (Thai time). Estimated time of arrival in Zurich: April 3rdat 07:40 (Swiss time).

You will need to meet the cost of this flight yourself. You do not need to pay before you travel. You will have to sign a commitment to pay before you board. The cost of the flight will be based on a normal price for a ticket and charged at a later stage after the flight.

You must also organise your own flight from Zurich to UK. You do not need to do this before you travel but you must remain in transit in Zurich until you organise one. There are several options for onward travel to London and Manchester. 

To register for this flight, please send this information to [email protected]  

1. Family name, first name(s)

2. Date of birth 

3. Passport number 

4. Validity date of the passport 

5. A phone number and email address where you can be reached at any time

Once registered the Embassy of Switzerland will send you confirmation and detailed information, plus a pass so you can get to the airport. Given the curfew in Phuket, you will need to be there before 20:00 on 2 April.

More information on the Embassy of Switzerland website:www.eda.admin.ch/bangkok


impossible get from ubon to Phuket by 20.00 hrs - will play it by ear until can get a flight from ubon to Bangkok. GL if your trying get back to the u.k  


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46 minutes ago, SupermarineS6B said:

Cheeky ........  Many "Farangs" have done a lot for Thailand, don't forget that........ 

Well how do the Thais see immigrants (The expat word is just a sad attempt at exceptionalism). In this case lets say Caucasian immigrants. I guess maybe like this.

1) Come here to do a job, contribute to the economy, pay local taxes............wellcome.

2) Come as tourists for a few weeks, spend their money, go home...........all welcome including Chinese and Russians.

3) Come here to retire, maybe marry locally, exploit the high relative value of our foreign pensions, and the exchange rate (When that was possible), get plenty of cheap totty, and sunshine, and largely contribute very little apart from renting condos and purchasing food and beer...................barely tolerated apart from the limited number of Thais selling their wares direct to them. 

How long does it take for the penny to drop that these are the people that most Thais - in government in particular - have no interest in. We are not God's gift to anyone. Thus the latest Covid rules regarding extensions are aimed at tourists, not immigrants. 


In assessing whether to go or stay you need to do a rather complicated calculation.

1) Do you have a preexisting condition, and does it effect your immunity.

2) Are you well insured. 

3) What are the relative chances of catching Covid here and at home. 

4) If you are more likely to catch it at home or on the flight home, how critical to you is the medical treatment you would (Hopefully given the idiocy of Trump and Johnson) be given at home.

5) How likely is it (See first para) that Thai authorities will use this opportunity to continue to turn the screw on their least welcome immigrants in the future.

6) Will the Covid situation improve world wide by the time you want to/have to go home, and how will that effect flight cost and availability.


Donald Rumsfelt was a crook of course, but his line about known unknowns, and unknown unknowns was a classic. The same applies here, there are too many variables, and it is impossible to give a simple answer whether to go or stay. People just have to make their own judgement I guess. 





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Yes much more risky to fly now than before with risk of catching it on plane and costly perhaps.


Stay in Thailand and if you catch it risk Thai hospital care. NO thanks! I've had plenty of Thai hospital experiences and no way would I stay in Thailand. Plus the cost would cripple me!

I flew back to uk couple of months ago due to coronavirus. Much happier bring here no matter what happens than risking it in Thailand and paying a high price if I got it there.

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3 minutes ago, Nigel Garvie said:

Well how do the Thais see immigrants (The expat word is just a sad attempt at exceptionalism). In this case lets say Caucasian immigrants. I guess maybe like this.

1) Come here to do a job, contribute to the economy, pay local taxes............wellcome.

2) Come as tourists for a few weeks, spend their money, go home...........all welcome including Chinese and Russians.

3) Come here to retire, maybe marry locally, exploit the high relative value of our foreign pensions, and the exchange rate (When that was possible), get plenty of cheap totty, and sunshine, and largely contribute very little apart from renting condos and purchasing food and beer...................barely tolerated apart from the limited number of Thais selling their wares direct to them. 

How long does it take for the penny to drop that these are the people that most Thais - in government in particular - have no interest in. We are not God's gift to anyone. Thus the latest Covid rules regarding extensions are aimed at tourists, not immigrants. 


In assessing whether to go or stay you need to do a rather complicated calculation.

1) Do you have a preexisting condition, and does it effect your immunity.

2) Are you well insured. 

3) What are the relative chances of catching Covid here and at home. 

4) If you are more likely to catch it at home or on the flight home, how critical to you is the medical treatment you would (Hopefully given the idiocy of Trump and Johnson) be given at home.

5) How likely is it (See first para) that Thai authorities will use this opportunity to continue to turn the screw on their least welcome immigrants in the future.

6) Will the Covid situation improve world wide by the time you want to/have to go home, and how will that effect flight cost and availability.


Donald Rumsfelt was a crook of course, but his line about known unknowns, and unknown unknowns was a classic. The same applies here, there are too many variables, and it is impossible to give a simple answer whether to go or stay. People just have to make their own judgement I guess. 





Well written....... No 5 looks like the ticket..... 

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6 hours ago, mstevens said:

Some real horror stories of the fares people are paying to get home....but best to pay them and get home because as fewer an fewer flights operate, one imagines fares are just going to get pricier and pricier!


not at all, if i can find low fares then anyone can... i have been monitoring prices and there have always been flights to the uk available around the 400GBP mark, for example yesterday... 360GBP





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10 minutes ago, samsensam said:


not at all, if i can find low fares then anyone can... i have been monitoring prices and there have always been flights to the uk available around the 400GBP mark, for example yesterday... 360GBP





Try booking those fares they dont exist 

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1 hour ago, SupermarineS6B said:

Worked on the biggest projects in the country, and you ? 

Just a normal guy, with a normal quote of intelligence. That tells me you have just been a person that could have been replaced.

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1 hour ago, SupermarineS6B said:

Here you go again........ "Deep rooted in the culture" ?   I might remind you sunshine that most western countries have put up with a lot more than Thailand ever has..... Personally i had a lot of family in Kanchanaburi and Burma that put up with a lot more than a virus that might or might not harm you........ Not a Thai in sight by the way.......... Apart from the ones that shopped the escapees.......    

Yep, there I go again. What I am saying is that it´s time to stop moaning and go home or be quiet. Nothing of that has to do with what you done for Thailand or how big family you have in Kanchanaburi or Myanmar. As you say, either you put up with it or shut up with it, right?

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4 minutes ago, Matzzon said:

Just a normal guy, with a normal quote of intelligence. That tells me you have just been a person that could have been replaced.

You said it....... "normal", unfortunately normal didn't build the underground, skytrain, airport, oil and gas projects..... My last project was on the extension to swampy......  As i said, "Some" farangs have helped Thailand and some are as you say, just normal........  Blown trumpet over..... 

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5 minutes ago, Matzzon said:

Yep, there I go again. What I am saying is that it´s time to stop moaning and go home or be quiet. Nothing of that has to do with what you done for Thailand or how big family you have in Kanchanaburi or Myanmar. As you say, either you put up with it or shut up with it, right?

I've put up with it for thirty years....... but that's not to say that i agree with some of the latest moves coming from the Powers that be...... 

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9 minutes ago, Matzzon said:

Yep, there I go again. What I am saying is that it´s time to stop moaning and go home or be quiet. Nothing of that has to do with what you done for Thailand or how big family you have in Kanchanaburi or Myanmar. As you say, either you put up with it or shut up with it, right?

If you don't know what happened in kanchanaburi or Burma then you must either be Thai or cerebraly challenged..... 

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21 minutes ago, SupermarineS6B said:

If you don't know what happened in kanchanaburi or Burma then you must either be Thai or cerebraly challenged..... 

Nah, that will probably stand all for you. The thing with the brain and difficulties, that will say.

What you have steered the discussion into has nothing to do with the topic. So, just keep on babbling.

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28 minutes ago, SupermarineS6B said:

I've put up with it for thirty years....... but that's not to say that i agree with some of the latest moves coming from the Powers that be...... 

Try another 30 years. Now, go play with somebody else that want to talk cerebral handicaps with you instead.

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33 minutes ago, SupermarineS6B said:

You said it....... "normal", unfortunately normal didn't build the underground, skytrain, airport, oil and gas projects..... My last project was on the extension to swampy......  As i said, "Some" farangs have helped Thailand and some are as you say, just normal........  Blown trumpet over..... 

You are my hero! 

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