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4 hours ago, utalkin2me said:

If you are going around speaking with others, you want them to have a mask on. 


In turn, it is best if you have a mask on while speaking with others. 


This stuff is not that difficult people. 

No, much  better to not speak with anyone or at some distance, something  Thais are  unable to do.

 I  have seen almost no signs Thais are taking this seriously at all, they all still huddle together and share eating drinking/ implements/bowls especially out of  town.

Most spread  will be due  to social interaction via TOUCH, the masks  are pointless, they will not change them frequently enough, they constantly touch them, just sit and watch any Thai with a mask for 15  minute

How do  Thais distance themselves when most use motorbikes, how many Thais do you see wearing gloves.

There are so  many holes in their protection regime, its 99% for  show, the "appearance"  of doing something whilst doing almost  nothing.

Most contamination will be via touch from droplets  landing on surfaces, how  many people  have coughed or sneezed next to you lately? I can't  think of one.

In my car yesterday outside a  DIY  shop I sat and watched for 20  minutes, people constantly  touching their face/mask, phone  calls with hand going up to the face regularly, masks being  pulled  down to  eat food, some with masks  only covering their  mouths, nose left free, mask being moved  around by touching the fabric  part, no eye  protection

All of this makes them useless, then ask  yourself are they changing these  masks regularly? every hour or  so.

Then you  have the people who wear a  mask on a bike with no  helmet  when the death rate  on the roads is 60 or so a day, I mean where's the  logic? they are way  more  likely to die on that  bike than  getting a  virus.

 if  they applied the same sense of panic to helmets they could  save  thousands of  lives, in fact they should  start  suggesting wearing a helmet  will stop you  getting the virus, this  alone would  save more people than the virus  will  kill.

You  know the answers.

For the general  public they simply don't have the  ability to use masks and as  such are a  waste of  time.

The best  policy would be to stay away from anyone and get them all to wear gloves and dispose of them  often , they are  more  likely to get a  virus off their  hands then spread it to their  face, masks encourage them to constantly fidget and touch their face even more.

5 hours ago, Chrysaora said:

I clicked on the last link.  You didn't read it.


The study was a comparison of surgical masks versus cloth masks.  It is not surprising they advise not to wear cloth masks.  They didn't say not to wear a surgical mask.  It would help if you are going to go cherry pick articles, that you read it. 


It makes look foolish indeed to make statement about "facts" not present in the article.

I simply posted the link because it's a real study and not a newspaper or bro source. It was to support the "mask don't work or are useless" point of view of my "opponent"  and not my personal opinion that they do work. I could have only posted the first couple links if I was cherry picking. If you read all the links you probably also say the study that say cloth mask are better than no protection. 

On 4/3/2020 at 3:38 PM, tropo said:

1:23:10 to 1:24:30  - a reporter asks Trump about their policy on mask-wearing.



The President issues an executive “do-as-I-say, not-as-I-do” order.

58 minutes ago, xylophone said:
On 4/3/2020 at 3:38 PM, tropo said:

1:23:10 to 1:24:30  - a reporter asks Trump about their policy on mask-wearing.



The President issues an executive “do-as-I-say, not-as-I-do” order.

There's no need to shout.


You've got the wrong press briefing. There is nothing about Trump choosing not to wear a mask in the time slot of my posted video. Don't be lazy - find your own source material.

4 hours ago, tropo said:

There's no need to shout.


You've got the wrong press briefing. There is nothing about Trump choosing not to wear a mask in the time slot of my posted video. Don't be lazy - find your own source material.

There you go......knock yourself out and plenty more out there. As for the other quotes about it will go away; can go back to work by Easter; it's like the flu, all quotes (and more) by this idiot, and documented for all to see. 


And the caps were a posting error on my part, not intended to shout.








Spoke with my sister in the UK last night. She said "most people don't wear a mask" - she was quite nonchalant about it too, which really did surprise me.


Then one just has to look at the numbers. Perhaps A'nut is not being truthful about the stats, I don't know. 


I've made one or two quick trips to Lotus in the last few days, & everyone wore a mask.






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